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2010-2015  Illugi Kristinsson - vocals, guitars, bass
› 2015-  -//- vocals
2015-  Örlygur Sigurðarson - guitars
2018-2021  Óskar Þór Guðjónsson - bass
› 2023-  -//-
2023-  Hilmar Gylfi Guðjónsson - drums
2023-  Oddur Blöndal - guitars
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2015-2018  Axel Franz Jóhannsson - bass
2015-2021  Jón Arnar Kristjánsson - drums
› 2021-2023  -//- bass
2015-2023  Sindri Stefánsson - guitars
2021-2023  Sigurður Jakobsson - drums
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2014  Sigurður Jakobsson - drums

Latest reviews

If I can confidently say anything about the 2010s, it is that it was the decade of Icelandic black metal. Mannveira have spent a significant portion of that decade cooking up Vitahríngur.
Review by RaduP ››


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