Rank: 5982 3 fans |
2005- | Pierre Ithilien - guitars, vocals, bouzouki |
2011- | Benjamin Delbar - bass |
2012- | Jerry Winkelmans - drums |
2014- | Sabrina Gelin - hurdy gurdy, nyckelharpa |
2014- | Hugo Bailly - bagpipe |
2016- | Tuur Soete - guitars |
2016- | Myrna Mens - violin |
2005-2007 | Thomas De Moor - bass |
2005-2008 | Benoit Loffet - guitars |
2005-2009 | Jonathan Lelubre - drums |
2006-2008 | François "Frans" Dambois - keyboards |
2007-2008 | François "Fys" Arnould - bass |
2007-2008 | Déhà - vocals |
2008-2009 | Dave Conlon - bass |
2008-2009 | Anthony JG - guitars |
2010-2011 | Charly Flemal - guitars |
2010-2011 | Michel Debecq - drums |
2010-2011 | Sébastien Dupont - bass |
2011-2012 | Thomas "Tommy" Froes - drums |
2011-2012 | Thibault Lenclud - guitars |
2012-2016 | Geoffroy Dell'Aria - bagpipe, whistles |
2012-2016 | Olivier Bogaert - keyboards |
2015-2016 | Maxime Parmentier - guitars |
2011 | Tribute To The Fallen [EP] |
2011 | Endless Horizons [Single] | ||
2013 | Wacken Battle Single [Single] |
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