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1989-2004  Adrie "Aad" Kloosterwaard - drums, vocals
› 2005-  -//- vocals
2016-2020  Ghislain Van Der Stel - bass
› 2020-  -//- guitars
2019-  Walter Tjwa - guitars
2020-  Bram Willems - bass
2022-  Simon Škrlec - drums
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1989-1991  Corzas - bass
1989-1992  Ron Van De Polder - bass, guitars
› 2003  -//-
1989-1996  Mike van Mastrigt - vocals
1991  Frank Faaze - guitars
1991-1994  Andre Tolhuizen - guitars
1992-2002  Bart Van Wallenburg - bass, guitars
1996  Michel Alderliefsten - bass
1997-1999  Eric De Windt - vocals
1998-2003  Alex Paul - bass
› 2005-2011  -//- guitars
2000  Joost Silvrants - vocals
2001-2003  Rachel Van Mastrigt-Heyzer - vocals
2003  Pascal Grevinga - guitars
2005-2008  Paul Beltman - drums
2005-2010  Bas van den Bogaard - bass
2008-2011  Edwin Van Den Eeden - drums
2010-2011  Joost van der Graaf - bass
2011-2015  Mathijs Brussaard - bass
2011-2017  Bastiaan Brussaard - guitars
2011-2019  Dennis Hartog - bass, guitars
2011-2022  Toep Duin - drums
2016-2018  Ricardo Falcon - guitars
2018-2020  Michal Grall - guitars
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1992  Alexander Krull - backing vocals
2015  Jörg Uken - keyboards
2017  Carsten Altena - keyboards


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Sinister is one of the cult Death Metal bands from the Netherlands. Active since 1986 (with however only a first official album only released in 1992) and with three really good albums (their three first ones actually) this band is considered by a lot...
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