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Fall Of Serenity


1998-  Eddy Langner - guitars
2000-2006  John Gahlert - bass
› 2006-  -//- vocals
2006-  Ferdinand Rewicki - guitars
2019-  Eik Halle - bass
2019-  Werner Riedl - drums
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1998-2000  Andreas Ferge - bass
1998-2002  Lars Ostermann - vocals
1998-2003  Ulli Walther - drums
1998-2006  Alexander Fischer - guitars
› 2006-2009  -//- bass
1999-2006  René Betzold - vocals
2005  Mirko Dreier - drums
2005-2011  Lutz Einenkel - drums
2006  Simon Brach - bass
2008-2009  Linus Klausenitzer - bass
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2003  Tom (XVI) - drums
2004  Patrick W. Engel - drums
2004  Nick Putzmann - drums
2004-2005  Christian Förster - drums
2006  Leif Jensen - additional vocals
2006  Ralf Muller - piano
2007  Sabina Classen - vocals

Latest reviews

It never fails to amaze me how much a band can improve in only one year. Last time I heard of Fall Of Serenity was in 2006 when they released Bloodred Salvation. In my review for that album I kind of dismissed them for being too similar to the masses...
Review by Deadsoulman ››
Fall Of Serenity, German band, started in 1998 and recorded a split LP with countrymates metalcore stalwarts Heaven Shall Burn, Bloodred Salvation is their fourth album, they toured with such major acts as Vader, Dismember, Marduk, Kataklysm, Behemoth...
Review by Deadsoulman ››

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