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1999-2008  Shatraug - bass, guitars
› 2008-  -//- guitars
2014-  VJS - guitars
2016-  Profundus - vocals
2016-  Gruft - drums
2016-  Abysmal - bass
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2000  Lord Volos - drums
2001  Makha Karn - unknown
2001  Gorsedd Marter - unknown
2001-2016  Hoath Torog - vocals
2001-2016  Horns - drums
2009-2016  Vainaja - bass
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Latest reviews

Black metal
Moribund Records

Line-up on the CD:
Hoath Torog - vocals
Shatraug - guitar
Vainaja - bass
Horns - drums

Refreshing no-frills black metal isn't dead!

Sargeist, best known for their contribution to the scene with the almighty...
Review by Troy Killjoy ››

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