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2003-  Kirsten Jørgensen - vocals
2003-  Stein Sund - bass, guitars, keyboards, vocals
› 2011-  -//- bass, guitars, keyboards
› 2016-  -//- vocals, bass
2007-  Ruben Osnes - guitars
2010-  Arne Marton Tangjerd - guitars
2024-  Tom Enge - drums
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2003-2023  Harald Magne Revheim - drums
2008-2011  Oskar Naley - vocals
2011-2015  Thomas Ljosåk - vocals
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By the looks of it Evig Natt are a Norwegian gothic metal band and Darkland is their second full-length. They like combining the heaviest parts of gothic metal with the most melodic parts and the result is that at times they actually sound close to melodic...
Review by Bas ››

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