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2004-  Alexander Haas - guitar
2004-  Christian Hadersdorfer - hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes
2004-2005  Stephan "Fenris" Zandt - vocals, drums
› 2005-  -//- vocals
2005-  Klaus Rosner - drums
2009-  Robert "Mugl" Ruidl - bass
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2006-2007  Baba - bass
2008-2009  Fuzzy - bass
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2007-2009  Robert "Mugl" Ruidl - bass
2017-2019  Shir-Ran Yinon - violin

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First of all yes, where reviewing is concerned I've been pretty inactive during the last couple months. I know you all really missed my exact and picturesque descriptions of albums and my witty verdicts, but fear not dear readers, your suffering...
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06.09.2010 1010:0909 Ingrimm - Böses Blut in Reviews 2