Rank: 4642 6 fans |
2004- | Alexander Haas - guitars |
2004- | Christian Hadersdorfer - hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes |
2004-2005 | Stephan "Fenris" Zandt - vocals, drums |
› 2005- | -//- vocals |
2005- | Klaus Rosner - drums |
2009- | Robert "Mugl" Ruidl - bass |
2007-2009 | Robert "Mugl" Ruidl - bass |
2017-2019 | Shir-Ran Yinon - violin |
2007 | Ihr sollt brennen | 7.8 | |
2008 | Todgeweiht | 7 | |
2010 | Böses Blut | 6.7 | |
2014 | Henkt ihn! | 5 | |
2019 | Auf Gedeih Und Verderb |
2015 | Ungeständig [EP] |
2006 | Feuertaufe [Demo] | ||
2011 | Live [Live] |
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Böses Blut
First of all yes, where reviewing is concerned I've been pretty inactive during the last couple months. I know you all really missed my exact and picturesque descriptions of albums and my witty verdicts, but fear not dear readers, your suffering...
Review by Bas ›› |
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06.09.2010 | Ingrimm - Böses Blut in Reviews | 2 |
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