This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.
2001- | Robertas Semeniukas - guitars |
2017- | Sigita Jonynaitė - vocals |
2021- | Viltė Ambrazaitytė - vocals |
NA-2005 | Ramūnas Pocius - vocals, bagpipe |
2001-2005 | Aurimas Lemežis - bass |
2001-2006 | Marius Būda - guitars |
2001-2010 | Eglė Pakšytė - vocals |
2001-2012 | Ilya Molodtsov - drums |
2001-2016 | Laurita Peleniūtė - vocals |
2001-2018 | Ineta Meduneckytė - vocals |
2005-2006 | Darjuš Loznikov - bass |
2006-2010 | Aidas Buivydas - guitars |
2007-2012 | Paulius Jaskūnas - bass |
2012-2013 | Simonas Gudelis - drums |
2022 | Justė Kraujelytė - vocals |
2002 | Ugnėlakis Su Kūlgrinda | 7.5 | |
2005 | Žalio Vario | 6 | |
2008 | Folk N' Rock | 6 | |
2016 | Teka | 7 | |
2018 | Einam Tolyn | ||
2022 | Cantabile |
2014 | Gyvas [Live] | 7 | |
2019 | Geriausios Dainos [Compilation] | ||
2019 | Švęskime Laisvę [Live] | ||
2020 | Demo & Remix (2008-2015) [Compilation] |
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Forum topics
06.07.2011 | Wrapped strings on band profiles in Bugs | 3 |
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