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1996-2015  Syriak - guitars, vocals
1996-2015  Artagoth - guitars, vocals
2001-2015  Chaoth - bass
2001-2015  Leïlindel - vocals
2004-2015  Landryx - drums
2007-2015  Borboën - violins
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1996-2001  Mathieu Phaneuf - bass
1996-2002  Exod - drums
› 2002-2010  -//- keyboards, piano, sampling
1996-2006  Le Bateleur - violins
1997-2001  Olivier Genest - keyboards
1997-2001  Véronique Michaud - vocals
2002  Antony Trujillo - drums
2003  Dasnos - drums
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2006  Stephanie Colerette - violins, cellos
2006  Nathalie Duchesne - violins, cellos
2006  Amélie Blanchette - clarinets
2006  Benjamin Proulx-Mathers - saxophones

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The Montreal-based asylum known as Unexpect broke a 5-year silence after with their new opus Fables From The Sleepless Empire. And the least I can say is that it is a demanding listen. Absolutely insane actually! This is the toughest review I had to write...
Review by Dream Taster ››
Montreal has one of the most bizarre Metal scenes on the face of the planet, and a band like Unexpect is there to prove my point. Those Canadians are blowing away every musical concept known to mankind with their second album In a Flesh Aquarium. From...
Review by Dream Taster ››

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