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Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster


2008-2024  Drew Vernon - guitars
2008-2024  Tom Granica - bass
2008-2024  Dylan Foulcher - vocals, synthesizers
2016-2024  Ben Wilsker - drums
2016-2024  Andrea Longo - guitars
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2008-2015  Adam Paul - guitars
2008-2015  Alex Rainbow - drums
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Nearly a decade ago Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster contacted me, requesting I review Exegesis. Back in the day I was a slut and pretty much said "Yes!" to any review request that made its way to my inbox. Burnt out on Post-It bands at the time...
Review by BitterCOld ››
Sometimes life is full of surprises.

About a month ago, after a long three and a half year run, I deleted Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster's Exegesis off my space-deprived iPhone to make way for albums to be reviewed. Not one week passes when out...
Review by BitterCOld ››

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