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2002-  Th0rn - drums, percussion
2014-  Xan - guitars
2020-  Ufo - bass
2020-  Visnia - vocals
2021-  Paweł Sitnicki - guitars
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2002-2013  Analripper - vocals
2012-2013  Burning - bass
2012-2013  Vivi - guitars
2012-2016  Diego - guitars
2013-2014  Iron - guitars
2013-2020  Beton - bass
2014-2016  Dawid "Dawidek" Wolañski - vocals
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2013-  Maciej Proficz - vocals
2015  Jacek Hiro - guitars
2015  Michał Staczkun - samples
2022  Dave Suzuki - guitars

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Another Polish death metal album in 2012? Chopin's not good enough for you guys anymore or what?
Review by Troy Killjoy ››
Every New Year comes with its new version of the Metal Mania festival DVD! 2008 will not be different and yes my friends, you'll be able to watch one more time the recording of the Polish Festival! This "Metal Mania 2007" version is one...
Review by Jeff ››

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