Rank: 2996 15 fans |
2006- | Amine Benotmane - vocals, guitars, oud, bendir, derbouka, karkabou |
2006- | Reda Ourdani - guitars, bendir, karkabou, backing vocals |
2006- | Salah Boutamine - bass, bendir, karkabou, backing vocals |
2007- | Michael "Mickey" Varas - drums, backing vocals |
2012- | Abderrahmane Abdallahoum - guitars |
Latest reviews
Mathematics was never a keen interest of mine. You place anything beyond the most rudimentary of equations in front of me and my eyes glaze over like a gutted fish. This little piece of Algebra has helpfully been calculated for me by the French band Acyl....
Review by R'Vannith ›› |
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Forum topics
28.03.2013 | Acyl - Algebra in Albums | 2 |
26.12.2012 | Acyl - Algebra in Reviews | 6 |
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