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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


NA-  Jonhie - vocals
NA-  Nuno (II) - guitars
NA-  Luis - drums
2009-  Tiago - guitars
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NA-2018  Bifes - bass
2010-2013  André Matias - vocals
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2007  João Gordo - vocals

Latest reviews

Who the hell ever complains about grindcore songs being too long?
Review by Ilham ››
You ever get those albums that aren't bad, but just want to make you listen to other albums? Yeah, that's kind of the feeling Simbiose gives off. Economical Terrorism isn't a bad album at all, in fact, a lot of parts are actually damn-near...
Review by Doc G. ››


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