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Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper


NA-  Mark Pullin - drums
2013-  Ian Nash - guitars
2016-  Martin Trail - bass
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2006-2022  Steve Grimmett - vocals
2010-2016  Chaz Grimaldi - bass
2013-2015  Mark Rumble - drums
2015-NA  Paul White - drums
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2006-2008  Richard Walker - bass
2006-2010  Pete Newdeck - drums
2006-2013  Ian Nash - guitars
2010-2013  Mark Rumble - drums
2014  Nick Bowcott - guitars
› 2016  -//-
2019  Chaz Grimaldi - vocals
2022  Olof Wikstrand - vocals
2022  Harry Conklin - vocals

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I've had just about enough of these once-great NWOBHM bands wheeling out from the crypt to cast a pall on their own legacies. Bootless, biteless, baseless, and, most importantly, Bowcott-less, vocalist Steve Grimmett's self-titled incarnation...
Review by ScreamingSteelUS ››

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