Jörg Michael
Live musician
Guest musician
Personal information
Also known as: Jörg Musilak, Gordon Perkins
Born on: 27.03.1963
Official Website
Used the pseudonym Gordon Perkins in Mekong Delta
Most of the bands Michael has played with are in the power metal genre. He is one of the most notable drummers of that style and has played an important part in shaping the drumming characteristics of this genre. The first album he recorded was "Prayers of Steel" with Avenger (the band would later change their name to Rage). By the mid-80s he was no longer attached to a single band but concentrated on working as a studio session drummer; hence the long list of bands and albums he has been involved with.
Born on: 27.03.1963
Official Website
Used the pseudonym Gordon Perkins in Mekong Delta
Most of the bands Michael has played with are in the power metal genre. He is one of the most notable drummers of that style and has played an important part in shaping the drumming characteristics of this genre. The first album he recorded was "Prayers of Steel" with Avenger (the band would later change their name to Rage). By the mid-80s he was no longer attached to a single band but concentrated on working as a studio session drummer; hence the long list of bands and albums he has been involved with.