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Name Bands Born on Died on
4101 Kyle Gamblin Titans Eve
4102 Kyle Ganger The White Tomb
4103 Kyle Gibson Blitzkrieg
4104 Kyle Gonzales Dawn Patrol 17.12.1999
4105 Kyle Guerra Infant Island
4106 Kyle Hagen Sinned
Opus Arise
4107 Kyle Hammer Bolero
4108 Kyle Hardy North (USA)
4109 Kyle Hasenstaab As Blood Runs Black
4110 Kyle Haws Vangough
4111 Kyle Healy Dreadeth
4112 Kyle Hebner Ice Giant
Mourn The Light
4113 Kyle Hertz Destroyed In Seconds
4114 Kyle Hite Crucified Mortals
4115 Kyle Honea Francesco Fareri
Theodore Ziras
Infinity Overture
4116 Kyle House Toledo Steel 07.03.1989
4117 Kyle Howard Martriden
4118 Kyle Huggins Drag The Dead
4119 Kyle Hughes Graham Bonnet Band
4120 Kyle Hupp Necropanther
4121 Kyle Jacob Wagner Among These Ashes
4122 Kyle James Blenkush
Udas Piest
Among The Serpents 18.02.1985
4123 Kyle Jensen The Odious
4124 Kyle Johnson 7 Angels 7 Plagues
Misery Signals
4125 Kyle Johnson (I) TriggerEffect
4126 Kyle Joliff Siren's Rain
4127 Kyle Joseph Armendariz
Xantam the Beholder
Seraphic Disgust
4128 Kyle Keener Rotting Kingdom
4129 Kyle Kennedy Realize
4130 Kyle Kiesler Nephrectomy 13.05.1992
4131 Kyle Kirby Logistic Slaughter
4132 Kyle Knight Dzö-nga
4133 Kyle Konkiel Bad Wolves
In This Moment
Scar The Martyr
Devin Townsend
4134 Kyle Kratzer Disfigured Dead
4135 Kyle Kreider Mäax
4136 Kyle Lam Existential Dissipation
4137 Kyle Lamb She Must Burn
4138 Kyle Lane False Prophet
4139 Kyle Lapointe Anna Pest
4140 Kyle Larkins Sonic Pulse
4141 Kyle Laven Oath Of Cruelty 29.11.2013
4142 Kyle Leary Pentakill
4143 Kyle Lecourt Shotgun Cure
4144 Kyle Lewis Book Of Wyrms
4145 Kyle Linderman Asystole
4146 Kyle Lissman Aseitas
4147 Kyle Longley Myopia
4148 Kyle Ludovice Monolith (USA-IN)
Idol Throne
4149 Kyle Lynn
Kyle House, Saigon Shakes
Serpents Of Dawn
4150 Kyle Mahar Last Call Chernobyl