Wolfgate - Biography
This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.
Wolfgate was established originally in the mids of 2005 after Dommiel, Perkunas and Sloarch got sick of playing with different bands and decided to start Wolfgate with their own personal sounds. After our second song was written Perkunas moved out of state and was forced to leave Wolfgate, despite the abscence of our drummer, wolfgate continued on writting music until Dommiel contacted (Trooper)Lord Mattias to try drumming for wolfgate and eventually he become part of wolfgate. after several vocal auditions with no luck, we decided to keep the vocals within the band thats when Sloarch and lord mattias took over the vocals There After, Mike joined Wolfgate for bass but unfortunately he decided to leave the band due to personal circumstances. When Wolfgate finished writting the songs and got ready to record "Howling Lament", Magus Demericus joined the band as bassist. Wolfgate is working on new songs for the second album, to be announced.