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My Diligence - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (4)
EP (1)
Single (2)

Showing 5 releases of 7 [ show all ]

01. Girls Of The Fight
02. The Escapist

01. From Light Till Black
02. Electric Woman
03. BKK
04. Hurricane
05. Fussy Eaters
06. Free Vacation
07. 666 Speed Highway
08. Long Time Hero
09. Trust In Death
10. Stay From Burial

Sun Rose
7 | 1 vote |
01. Resentful
02. Hunt The Hunter
03. Backstabber
04. An Asteroidal Arrow
05. Flying Poney
06. Lecter's Song
07. So Pretty So Cruel
08. Serpentine
09. Unreal

7.5 | 14 votes |
01. The Matter, Form And Power
02. On The Wire
03. Sail To The Red Light
04. Celestial Kingdom
05. Multiversal Tree
06. Embers
07. Elasmotherium

7.5 | 14 votes |
01. Death
02. Horses
03. Black
04. Auspicious
05. Interlude (The Bridle And The Bit) [bonus]
06. Allodiplogaster Sudhausi
07. Lucid Alley
08. Sacred Anchor