Talbot - Discography
This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.
Showing 4 releases of 6 [ show all ]
01. 20K Years Underwater
02. Pick-Up Lane
03. Tundra
02. Pick-Up Lane
03. Tundra
01. Threshold
02. Cayenne
03. Observer X
04. EOS
05. Combat Zen Speech
06. The Van Of Pleasant Living
07. Coach
02. Cayenne
03. Observer X
04. EOS
05. Combat Zen Speech
06. The Van Of Pleasant Living
07. Coach
01. Spectral Express
02. EgoMine
03. Delta
04. Shadowbird
05. Scaled
06. Hallelucinogen
02. EgoMine
03. Delta
04. Shadowbird
05. Scaled
06. Hallelucinogen
01. Feral
02. Magnetism
03. Vanhalla
04. Icicle
05. Infra
06. Adrift
07. Blown
02. Magnetism
03. Vanhalla
04. Icicle
05. Infra
06. Adrift
07. Blown