New Song Premieres
New Song Premieres
Feb 15
Drop 'Grýla' Single
Drop 'Grýla' Single
Feb 15
Page: 1
Their first full length is scheduled for release in two days and it's one of the albums I'm looking forward to the most because their style is quite common in my opinion.
13:51 - Ch'ti
Have you heard about the band name "Antlers"? Their track "Cry Of The Last Mammoth" appeared one day in my recommandations and since then I'm really intrigued by them.
12:34 - Chidder
Most of the musicians are cool. I ran into Bleed from Within musicians when they were buying some beers, I got wet with former Ingested vocalist, needed to explain my t-shirt to Destroyer 666... They're all cool.
12:00 - Cynic Metalhead
Most musicians are cordial. If you keep it civil, they come across a fine individual like everyone else.
10:43 - corrupt
So far people have always responded positively. And it's a good conversation starter. There are several musicians I ended up having a few beers with and just talking for a few hours.
10:41 - corrupt
And I usually just tell them exactly that. "Hey, can I just shake your hand and tell you I appreciate your work? You've had a lot of influence on my life and I want you to know that". Stuff like that.
10:40 - corrupt
I have a list of people in life whose hand I want to shake at least once. Dan was on that list. I don't go out of my way to make that happen, but if an opportunity presents itself, I will try.
Guests: 1512