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Band - Video | Year | Style | Directed by | Rating | Votes | |
1 | Amorphis - Nightbird's Song Folk, Progressive, Melodic Death |
2013 | Folk Progressive Melodic Death |
Denis Goria | 8 (10) |
10 |
2 | Pain - Monkey Business Gothic Industrial |
2010 | Gothic Industrial | Denis Goria | 8.6 (9) |
9 |
3 | Hypocrisy - Weed Out The Weak Melodic Death |
2010 | Melodic Death | Denis Goria | 7.6 (7) |
7 |
4 | Scar Symmetry - The Iconoclast Melodic Death, Progressive Power |
2010 | Melodic Death Progressive Power |
Denis Goria | 8.6 (5) |
5 |
5 | Pain - Have A Drink On Me Gothic Industrial |
2010 | Gothic Industrial | Denis Goria | 7 (4) |
4 |
6 | Ensiferum - Twilight Tavern Extreme Folk |
2009 | Extreme Folk | Denis Goria | 8.5 (21) |
21 |