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Aborym - Update, Starts Recording

The band posted the following updates on their official website:

"Aborym entered the Temple of Noise studio on May, 18th. In the first 5 days all the drums-tempos and its relative guides and cue points was fixed.
Bard G.Eithun joined the band in studio on the 26th of April and he was able to record eight tracks behind his battery in four days.
No need to say he did an excellent work. Eight cool days in Rome. Apart for the recording session in the spare time the band spent lots of time in visiting the city of Rome with Faust and his girlfriend. Cool times, relax, good wine and drinks, excellent food and music all the time. Bard G.Eithun - "Faust" - also recorded a video interview in front of the Colosseum, in which he talked about the new album of Aborym, his motivations and feelings, his musical past, his present and his imminent future plans in life and music."

"Fabban and Nysrok entered the studio again on June, 17th. In six days all the drums-parts was edited and pre-mixed. The result is simply destructive and intense. The album is an awe-inspiring and breathtaking heart-stirring embryo.
Now Aborym is going to record the guitars and bass guitar and after that they will have a break of 20 days, in order to listen and "test" the material carefully. When everything will sound perfect, Aborym will enter the studio again in order to fix industrial scenarios and partitures, keyboards and synths."

"Prime Evil should join the band in Rome in July, 4th. The same for Attila Csihar, who should enter the studio around 7-8 July."

"Seth (actually involved in Dissection) will not appear in this album as guitar player. He's definitely out of the band. Of course Aborym are proud of all they did in those years with Seth and they totally stand up for it, but things changes.

The cover-artwork of the forthcoming new Aborym album, yet utitled, will be the result of a 4hands cooperation between Lorenzo Mariani ( and M:Fabban."

Posted: 31.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Billy Gould Talks About His Label

In an article by Will York on the San Francisco Bay Guardian, Goulds talks about his label Koolarrow:

'BEING AN INDEPENDENT label now is kind of like volunteering your services driving retarded kids to the dentist," Koolarrow label head Bill Gould says. "It's like, 'What a good guy! That's nice, and I'm really glad you're doing it. But I wouldn't do it.'

"People who do the right thing are stupid."

Hey, wait a second.

"No, I'm stupid," Gould freely admits. "Absolutely, I'm totally stupid. I'm gonna do it anyway because I like to do it, and luckily, with Faith No More, I made some money where I can afford to be stupid."

To read the whole article go

Source: ;
Band profile: Faith No More
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Nasum - The Now And The Future

Anders Jakobson the fouding member remaining in the band had posted the following message:

"Welcome back to! After more than three months we're finally back with a brand new version of, completely re-designed and re-programmed (we've moved from a Windows based server with asp/access to a Unix based server with php/mysql, for you webnerds out there!). I hope it's not too buggy, but get in touch if it is.

Many things have happened since the identification of Mieszko's body on February 17 2005, the day we closed down I wrote "You know why" on the page that met the visitors. Truth is that you don't know the whole truth. We closed the webpage down to pay respect to the memory of Mieszko, but we also closed it down to escape the fans.

Between the day of the tsunami and the day of the identification we were virtually overwhelmed by support and comfort to the point that it suffocated us. At least I felt that I hadn't space to breathe and think and cry and feel, something that I needed to do. Everytime I looked in the guestbook there were 10-15 new posts with wonderful words from people who cared, and as time went by it became harder and harder to read these posts, especially since we were quite assure that Mieszko was dead as early as mid January.

At one point I was at a local concert and people wanted to pay their respects and one completely unknown guy came to me and said "He's coming back, don't worry!" and even though I said "Thanks" in return I just wanted to grab the guy and scream "Don't you get it? He's not coming back! Mieszko is fucking dead!" in his face. Not a nice thing to do, and not a nice thing to feel like doing.

So I was prepared to close one or two weeks before the identification. I even wrote the family to get their permission to declare Mieszko dead, just so we all could go on with our mourning (at this point we were not sure that the body would be identified at all). As I was waiting for a reply the word came and it became natural to close the site.

I don't want this to sound like I'm whining, because I am very thankful for all the support and care we got during the dark months that started of 2005. As I've said numerous times, the huge fanbase helped us to get through the worst shit we've faced in our lives, a help that other people related to the victims of the tsunami didn't have. There were over 100 000 hits on during a very short period and the guestbook - as I mentioned earlier - was flooded with supporting posts from people we know, bands we know, bands we don't know, people who are fans, people who aren't fans - all sorts of people that just wanted to pay respect. And apart from a few fucking scums of the Internet who disrespected our situation and Mieszko's family just because they didn't like Nasum, we got only love and support. Again: Thanks for everything!


Band profile: Nasum
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

New Project With Dream Evil & At Vance Members

Drummer Snowy Shaw (DREAM EVIL, MEMENTO MORI, NOTRE DAME, KING DIAMOND, MERCYFUL FATE) has released more information about his upcoming project with singer Mats Levén (AT VANCE, ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, TREAT). As previously reported, Shaw and Levén will begin demoing material at the end of May.

In an e-mail to BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Shaw commented, "Mats and I really clicked and it turned out we very much shared the same musical preferences. After he turned down the offer to replace the singer in another band I'm in, the two of us decided to form something new on our own. We've been writing a lot of material and will start demoing some stuff shortly."

Shaw's video for the track "XXX - Le Masochiste" has been posted online in the "Downloads" section of his official web site,

Directed by Snowy, Rob Nasty and Dixxie for White Trash Inc., "XXX - Le Masochiste" is described by Shaw as "a little glimpse of what's to come" from his forthcoming solo project.

Band profile: Dream Evil
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Bolt Thrower - Studio Report

The following is a studio report posted by drummer Martin Kearns on the band's official site:

"The time has finally come - recording the new album! Can't wait to get on my kit and knock out some new tunes!! It's a real pleasure recording at Sable Rose - the studio's killer, but dead relaxed, Andy is a great engineer (and comic genius), so I know the next couple of months are definitely gonna be memorable!! Ok, here goes..

Get picked up by Phil (the drum tech), and we spend the day setting up the kit on the new rack, and re-skinning it all. I went for old-style pinstripe heads on the toms, and they're sounding really cool. The new snare I'd bought for the recording sounded ok, but it wasn't blowing me (or anyone else) away, but thought I'd see how it's sounding when it was miked up.. A hour or so later and the kit's got all the (13!) mics on - we start soundchecking the kit: everything is sounding killer, except the new snare. Back to the drum shop?

Next day, Vic (from lends us 3 snares to try out in the studio! The Premier brass was no good, the Ludwig wood had a really nice tone, but was lacking on the attack, so we tried number 3, the Noble and Cooley. It looked cool, matt black shell, rims and fittings, and the attack was immense, ok, we're rolling again? Start running through some of the new songs to loosen up and relax and I break my favourite China! Well pissed off! Back to the

Day 3 - Cymbals! Vic saves the day yet again, and lends us a few cymbals to try out, amongst them I found my new favourite China, the Istanbul. We run through a couple of tracks and sort out the headphone mix, which I apparently have at an inhumanly loud volume! The mix tears everyone else's face off, but I'm still struggling to hear what I'm playing! OK, we're finally ready to record...

Take 1, everything seems ok, get a bit rushy, blow a section or two, and it's over...

Take 2, going good, but I tried a couple of new things, didn't execute them very well and lost the flow. Tea, chat, try some of Gav's 'relaxation techniques' and listen to takes 1 and 2...

Take 3, nailed it! Well happy. Everything I wanted to do was there. Song 1 down. I run through song 2...

Right, ready for song 2. Re-soundchecked the kit and it's all sounding great, so we go for a take straight away. This particular song has a few drastic tempo changes, so with that and me struggling to hear Baz's guide guitar, it takes a couple of runs through for me to get it to flow. We record 3 takes, and pick the best, another song down.. Rehearse the next song for tomorrow amongst general piss-taking, movie talk, tea, sandwiches, etc?


Band profile: Bolt Thrower
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Cemetary - Mathias Leaves The Band & Scene

Mathias Lodmalm, Cemetary's mainman, posted the following message explaining his decision of retire from the band and the scene:

"Thank you for tuning in !

I'm leaving Cemetary and the "scene" for good (insert applause).

I've had enough of the people I do business with and the relationship with them has basically killed off the little inspiration I had left to do anything more connected with this whole thing. Pyrotechnics can cause quite alot of trouble in a sewer so best get out before it blows ! That sums up how I feel pretty good. At times I really don't know if I'm the spark, sewage or maybe both nuking my own ass !

Life moves on and so do I. I'm not a nostalgic person and maybe that's why I don't fit in with these folks. I'm not a retro kinda guy. I'm a futurist. I'm happy to move along, for my sake and for the sake of music. Making music to uphold some dumb ego or bank statement has never been for me (guess I never had the chance either so fuck it, lol). I embrace and produce whatever comes to me and what feels good in the heart.

Scenes and genres sooner or later turn into protective walls for positions of power, money and comfort. Not grounds for creativity.

The metal scene reached that point ages ago and today we see another re-"cycle" of old dinosaurs hunting down their last wad of cash for the pension fund. Another world tour, another reunion, another retro sound brought back for a quick exposure and cash in. This is not the fuckin' 80's. Is it ?

Sorry, but a man can only take so much Dungeons & Dragons bullshit.

Music has always been my 1st and only love. I've devoted my whole existence to it. At most times this has been really dumb, really fucking hard. I've put myself and others through hell and all it's suburbs, but hey, in love and war, all is fair. I have no regrets, only great love and a razor sharp vision for future adventures.

Alot of bad things can be said about me, most of it will be true. I don't care about none of it besides one thing. My love and honesty in what I do. I've never been a fake, this has all been real. Love it or hate it but I've always followed my heart. Until the fucking end, I intend to do just that. Chances are that if you are reading this you're in on it. Hyper space jumps between wave, dub, death, techno and grime will probably not be so hard on you as the world in general.

Anyway, time to go and just one last thing...


Band profile: Cemetary
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (1)

Avian - Former Megadeth Bassist As Guest

The band, consisting of Lance King on vocals (Pyramaze, Shining Star, ex-Balance Of Power, ex-Defyance, ex-Kings Machine, ex-Empire, ex-Gemini, ex-Mattson), Jonah Weingarten on keyboards (Pyramaze, Lilitu, ex-Infernal Method, ex-Shallow Grave) and Yan Leviathan on guitars, have David Ellefson as guest on their debut album "From The Depths of Time" the tracklist of the album is a follows:

1) Through The Past and Into Forever (Instrumental)
2) As The World Burns
3) Black Masquerade
4) The Fear
5) Final Frontier
6) Across The Millions (Instrumental)
7) Time And Space Part I: City of Peace
8) Single Blade of Vengeance
9) Two Sides Collide
10) Blinding Force
11) Time Is All We Need
12) Queen of the Insane
13) Last Moon (Instrumental)
14) The Depths of Time

A couple of song from their debut album can be found on their website.

Band profile: Megadeth
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Cadaveria - Start Working On New Album

In a short note on their website the band announced that they "started composing new material for its 3rd album" to be release on 2006.

They also announced a new date, that will be:

16th July 2005 @ Marquee, Leicester Square - London (UK) with Daemonia and Electric Wizard (event in conjunction with Terrorizer magazine).


Band profile: Cadaveria
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Nocturnal Arts & Osmose Join Forces

Nocturnal Art Productions is now entering into full time collaboration with Candlelight Records on a worldwide basis. The two labels have already been cooperating for several years with Candlelight licensing various Nocturnal Art titles for the North American territory. This new collaboration sees a full on worldwide cooperation with all coming Nocturnal Art titles being marketed through the Candlelight Records network.

Candlelight label manager Edward Christie had the following comment about the collaboration "We are delighted to be working with Samoth and N.A.P. and look forward to building a successful partnership. It was a natural step for both companies as Candlelight look after the N.A.P. releases in the USA and of course we have been working together for a number of years with EMPEROR and ZYKLON."

With this new collaboration, Nocturnal Art has already signed Norwegian extreme metal thrashers SHE SAID DESTROY? a name that has been on many people's tongues recently. They have been an active live unit and have made many impressive live appearances. Vampire Magazine (Holland) quoted the band as "One of the highlights at this years Inferno I would say!!!" on their appearance at the Inferno Festival 2005. Their latest demo Armageddon Anyone? has also made strong impressions on fans and media alike. Metal Hammer Germany declared it demo of the month, and Metal Hammer UK gave it 8 out of 10 points and quoted it as "This is heavy fucking metal, not Paris Fashion Week!". The band is currently in writing mode for their debut album and expects to be recording in the fall.
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Runemagick - Working On New Material

The band posted the following message on their website:

"we are working on new material that will be recorded some day...
some new working titles of finished songs are: preludium apocalypsis, invocation of doom runes, black magick sorceres, fisher of souls, the devils (imperium magnum infernalis)."

Band profile: Runemagick
Posted: 28.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Raismesfest - Lineup Almost Complete!

Raismes, north of France, will welcome the 8th edition of Raismesfest, heavy & melodic metal festival on the 10th and 11th of September.

Here's the official flyer:
<p align=center]<img src=""]</p]

Saturday 10:

- (local band to be chosen after the contest that will take place in Raismes on June 4th*)
- Edenbridge
- Dragonforce
- Nightmare
- Manigance
- Loudness
- Sonata Arctica

Sunday 11:

- Conscience
- Wild West
- The Old Dead Tree
- Anyone's Daughter
- Deadsoul Tribe
- Anathema

One day ticket: ? 15 (? 20 without reservation)
Two days ticket: ? 25 (? 30 without reservation)
Camping: ? 5

*Local contest, June 4th:
<p align=center]<img src=""]</p]

Air guitar contest
Metal party all night long!

Posted: 28.05.2005 by wrathchild | Comments (0)

Eduardo Navarrete (Picoroco Records) Found Dead

One of the most emblematic figures of the South American Metal music scene, Eduardo "Picoroco" Navarrete was found dead in the evening of May 23rd in the bathroom of his mother's apartment.

The cause of death is still not clear but it is presumedly a heart attack.

Picoroco was active in the Metal scene from the beginning of the '80s and by the beginning of the '90s had started his own record label, Picoroco Records.


Picoroco was in the process of releasing the debut album from LETAL SOLARIS, a mini CD from Witchblade, the second album from KINTRAL and the DVD release of Pentagram's Reborn 2001,
already available on VHS.

Everyone interested on sending condolences can do so by sending an e-mail to Chilean label Negative Entertainment at the following address . Negative Entertainment label manager Francisco will pass the messages on to Eduardo's family.

From MS Staff we send our condolences for friends, family and everyone who knew him.
Posted: 26.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Furia - Guitarist Leaves The Band

French death metallers FURIA have parted ways with lead guitarist Sébastien Lobut who has decided to left the band for personal reasons. According to a band update, "He will be with us until July 15thy. Of course, this departure won't change the band's objectives for this year. (new MCD, new album, new musical orientation, new logo). The band is now searching for a new guitarist. People interested can contact us here, ."

Furia's upcoming MCD, Re-Birth, featuring artwork by Chris Saiyan, will be issued by Adipocere Records on June 11.

Upcoming Furia live dates are as follows:


18 - Chaulnes, France at Salle Municipale

26 - Le Mans, France at Fury Fest


8 - Champagnole, France at Festival

15 - Macon, France at Parc des Expos


9 - Grande Synthe, France at TBA


28 - Olivet, France at Salle Yvremont - Metalloween Festival

29 - Attignat, France at Beast In Bresse

More shows will be announced soon to coincide with the release of their full length album in October.

Band profile: Furia (FRA)
Posted: 26.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Opeth - Officially with Roadrunner Records

The band posted the following message on their website:

"We can now officially announce that Opeth has signed a worldwide contract with Roadrunner records. The rumours were true! The new album is set to be released sometime in the late August or early September of 2005.

Opeth has cancelled their Vienna/Austria Aerodromme festival appearance (May 27) due to the recording taking longer time than expected. We are very sorry for the fans who expected to see Opeth there, but we hope to return to Austria as soon as humanly possible!

The recording process is going well. One song is mixed and done, another one in the process of being mixed. Solos are being recorded as well as death screams. Some songtitles? "Ghost of perdition", "The baying of the hounds", "Isolation years" and "Harlequin forest" The record plan to be done by June 1.

Opeth are most likely to appear at Bergen/Norway´s Hole in the sky festival (August 24-27) as well as the semi legendary Summerbreeze (August 18-20) fest in Germany. We will confirm this as soon as it´s....confirmed!"

Band profile: Opeth
Posted: 26.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Negura Bunget - New Album Delayed, Limited MCD

The band posted the following message concerning the delay of their upcoming album "OM";

"We decided to postpone the release of the new album "OM" for autumn 2005 due to delays with the composition and recording. The album will be initially released by code666 Records in a limited edition with a very special packaging, containing beside the CD with the album a full DVD, featuring a brand new clip for a track of the album, live footages from Negurã Bunget gigs, a detailed media gallery, interviews, presentation, making-off, and lots of other extras... Everything will be recorded and mixed again by us in our own studio (more details about the studio soon!)."

and, this message about the "Inarborat Kosmos" MCD:

"The Inarborat Kosmos MCD will be officially released by code666 Records on May 31!
It will be released in a strictly limited digipak edition of 734 copies, which will never be re-printed. This is the first material we recorede and mixed on our own, in our studio, and we're quite happy with the final resutl. Grab your copy now if you're interested! Pre-orders area already accepted(, the price is 10 EU (postage included). A Inarborat Kosmos T-shirt will also be available soon, in a 100 copies limited edition."

Posted: 26.05.2005 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)