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Paradise Lost new drummer

From the Paradise Lost site:
"We are pleased to announce that the new drummer who will be working with the band on their forthcoming album is Jeff Singer".

For more info on Jeff Singer visit his website:

Band profile: Paradise Lost
Posted: 03.06.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Falconer is up for a line-up change

Once again Falconer is up for a line-up change.
Second guitarist Anders Johansson and
bass player Peder Johansson are out.

A big discussion took place after the gig in Motala (Swe)
as we started to talk about the future of Falconer.
Two camps quickly formed about the issue.
The talk started to get more and more aggressive
until it took an ugly turn as Peder started
to let his hands do the talking, but luckily Kristoffer
stepped in and stopped it from getting really bad.

Although our intoxicated state of mind probably made
the argument worse, it has left deep scars.
After this incident the contacts has been very chilly
with especially Peder but also Anders.

Karsten, Kristoffer and I believe that the tension will undermine
the future atmosphere of the band if they were to stay.
It's better to go our separate ways and let them follow their
ideas with their other band Guineapigs.

We don't think nor hope that Peder and Anders have a different
opinion about the decision we have taken.

Stefan, Kristoffer and Karsten.

Band profile: Falconer
Posted: 02.06.2004 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Steel Prophet: New Album On It's Way

STEEL PROPHET guitarist Steve Kachinsky has posted the following update at the band's official website:

"Hey All Steelheads, the album (Beware) is finally finished! Begun on March 5th, and completed May 18th, 2004. Cover art should be posted soon on our web site ( It's going to be interesting to us to hear the criticism for this record as it's the first with Nadir (D'Priest - vocals) and also my first engineering job for the band. Of note; all my solos and a bunch of rhythm tracks were recorded with a broken middle finger on my fretting hand. The finger may need surgery in the future and I'll hear more about that later, so for the time being no gigs are planned. Hopefully everything can be worked out soon and we can hit the road. From first listens people have said the album has maybe our catchiest collection of songs ever; hope they're not lying! The album will be out June 28th in Europe, Canada and Australia through Massacre Records. We'll announce very soon more details on the different versions of the album, as well as our newly signed licensing deals for USA and South America."

Band profile: Steel Prophet
Posted: 02.06.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Eidolon: Change singer, Pagan's Mind singer joins

Toronto, Canada's EIDOLON have parted ways with their singer, Pat Mulock, "for reasons of both a musical and personal nature," according to an official press release. "I express no interest in giving any childish, gory details or go into any specifics as to why we have decided to take this path," said drummer Shawn Drover. "It simply wasn't working for us anymore on a musical level mostly, so in all fairness to the band, a change is necessary at this point in time - we do wish Pat luck on his future musical endeavors.

With regards to the task of replacing Pat, Shawn says, "Once again we are left with the arduous position of trying to find a new 'family' member, as it were - a task (and I think I speak for Glen and Adrian here as well) that we are not fond of. At this juncture of the game, finding the 'right guy for the job' who expresses the same musical goals as well as sharing the same outlook on this retarded business and NOT be delusional about it is not an easy thing - we certainly don't do this for money - if we did, we certainly are playing the wrong type of music!!! We do this for completely selfish reasons, which to me, is the ONLY reason to play music - to express ourselves in a genuine fashion and not bow to any pathetic trends - in the end, we do this for ourselves first and hope to expand our fan base with each release.

"As well, the 'right' vocalist has to be great in all facets - melodic, wide range of vocal styles, great frontman and one who can rip your face off in a live setting - in other words, a complete pro!!!!!! Unfortunately, this type of vocalist does not grow on trees here in North America. Europe however, is a different story, so we decided to try a different approach in finding who we were looking for.......

"It didn't take too long to figure out who we wanted to fill this position. Since late December, Glen and myself have been working on a record called 'Dimension Infinte' which also features 3 members of a band called PAGANS MIND, who, in my opinion, are a fantastic metal-progish style band from Norway (great guys as well, actually) their singer - Nils.K.Rue is lending his talents for this record, in which he, Ronni and Steinar (bass and keyboards, respectively) are currently working on as I write this. After seeing PAGANS MIND last fall at 'Progpower' festival, I was blown away on how great of a live performer Nils was - something that now has played a part on us approaching him to become the new singer for EIDOLON. In my opinion, Nils has all the elements of we want in a great singer, so after contacting him and offering him the 'job', I am happy to say that Nils.K.Rue is now the new vocalist for EIDOLON!!!!!!


Band profile: Eidolon
Posted: 02.06.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Theater of Tragedy: Introduce new singer, June 19

Norway's THEATRE OF TRAGEDY will play an exclusive show at the Checkpoint Charlie rock club in Stavanger, Norway on Saturday, June 19. This will be the group's first show in two years and will mark the live debut of THEATRE OF TRAGEDY's as-yet-undisclosed new singer. The band are expected to perform both old material as well as new, unreleased songs.

Band profile: Theatre Of Tragedy
Posted: 02.06.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Neurosis new album in June this year

From the Neurosis web site:

- Neurosis new album "The Eye Of Every Storm" will be released on Neurot Recordings (North America) and Relapse Records (world) on June 29, 2004. Neurot Recordings will also release the album on 180-gram vinyl with a gatefold sleeve and a poster insert.

- Neurosis will make a special live appearance in San Francisco, CA, on July 21, 2004, at the Great American Music Hall.
Posted: 01.06.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Dimmu Borgir - a new interview with Silenoz

Jared Gardner recently interviewed DIMMU BORGIR guitarist Silenoz. Here are the highlights:

Death Cult Armageddon was released approximately eight months ago in September of last year. How have the fans been on tour? Have you seen a lot of new faces coming to shows since DCA was released?

"Yeah, there are loads of new fans of course. After every new release there seems to be more and more. But it's all good since most of the fans that have supported us since the beginning are still there as well. A good mix of young and old blood I'd say. We're lucky that way."

What's happening with Dimmu Borgir between now and the first Ozzfest show in July?

"We'll be doing a couple of festival shows in Europe first, before the first show on Ozzfest, so that's good. We have to get used to those freekin' tall stages again... I hate that. I get dizzy very easily. Other than that we're just rehearshing to get the set tight. We'll be doing Off-fest shows as well with LACUNA COIL I believe. We only get 30 minutes on Ozzfest, so it's cool to headline a few in between."

The new drummer Reno is reportedly working out really well. Do you think he will be the permanent replacement for Nick Barker? Or is Reno only going to fill in as a session drummer?

"He'll be considered as a session player for the time being. We have no rush in getting a new full time member at this point. But it's working out nicely with Reno so far. Of course it's a bit different. He's got a different style, so it takes more than a few shows to adapt to the songs in a live situation."

Dimmu Borgir will be performing on the main stage at Ozzfest this year. A great achievement for the band and a great opportunity to gain new fans in the USA. Dimmu is also the only black metal band on the bill thereby giving you the opportunity to expose enormous amounts of people to a new style of music. Was that your motivation for joning Ozzfest?

"Well, if you're in a band, growing up listening to SABBATH, PRIEST and SLAYER, and you get the offer to participate on mainstage Ozzfest with those bands, the answer is clearly in front of you. I personally don't need any other reasons. But of course it's also a great opportunity for us to show what we're about, to an audience that still seems to be a bit lost in what they call 'nu-metal'. Personally I don't understand that term. Either it's metal or it's not."


Band profile: Dimmu Borgir
Posted: 29.05.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Winds: "The Imaginary Direction of Time"

"The Imaginary Direction of Time" has been out in the US for almost a month. It is doing really well and it has hosted some spectacular reviews.

In true tradition, at the time of this release we are already far into the writing process of our next album. We are about half way done with the basic compositions so far, and the material we're working on is without doubt the most different from anything we've ever done.

Lastly, we would like to offer to our European fans our sincere apologies for the fact that the album is still not available in Europe. We do have in place a distribution agreement with Plastic Head Records and they are working dilligently on getting the album ready for a European release very soon. We appreciate your patience and promise that it will be worth the wait.

Band profile: Winds
Posted: 28.05.2004 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

new Threshold album - Subsurface

Threshold's forthcoming studio album Subsurface has now been mixed at Thin Ice Studios and is due for release through Inside Out Music in July. The track listing will be:

1. Mission Profile
2. Ground Control
3. Opium
4. Stop Dead
5. The Art of Reason
6. Pressure
7. Flags and Footprints
8. Static
9. The Destruction of Words
10. What about me (bonus track)

Band profile: Threshold
Posted: 28.05.2004 by janhuss | Comments (0)

Carnal Forge- DVD details and release dates

CARNAL FORGE have posted pictures and artwork from their upcoming DVD, Destroy Live at this location. The DVD, which is due to be released on June 14th, will feature a 20 song live set filmed in Krakow, Poland earlier this year. As a bonus the package will also include seven songs recorded live in New York and 10 songs from Tokyo, Japan, all filmed last year.

The band's scheduled release and live dates are as follows:

29 - Release party with special guests GRAVE and CONSTRUCDEAD


11 - Sweden Rock Festival

14 - European release date for Destroy Live DVD

21 - European release date for Aren't You Dead Yet?

23 - Japan release date for Aren't You Dead Yet?

27 - Fury Fest, Le Mans (France)

28 - USA release date for Destroy Live DVD

The Stateside release date for Aren't You Dead Yet hasn't been confirmed, but tentative plans are to have it out in August.

Band profile: Carnal Forge
Posted: 28.05.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Zyklon news update

Soooo...Trym has just completed a month long US tour with Satyricon as a replacement for Frost. Zyklon actually performed one show in north of Norway with Frost while he was away. During this time Samoth has actively been working on pre-production for some new material and now that Trym is back home the band can get started on rehearsing new ideas.

Zyklon will be playing at the Party San Open Air festival in Germany on the 13th of August, and as of now this is the only confirmed show this summer. The band will focus on the new material in the next months, so there will be less activity on the live front for a while. It is, of course, very unfortunate that the band was never able to secure a US tour in connection with "Aeon", but hopefully next time! However, the "Psyklon Aeon" video should be hitting the US airways anytime now!

There might be some DVD material available soon too. The band was filmed at this year's Inferno Festival and it looks like there might be a festival DVD. More news to follow! Ok folks, that's it for now. Enjoy the summer!

Band profile: Zyklon
Posted: 27.05.2004 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Saviour Machine: Legend Part III:II finally!

Hello friends....I know this LONG overdue....I thank you for your patience!

So, here's an attempt to update you on the progress of Legend Part III:II....

After 3 years of a grueling "pre-production" process and a 6 month sabbatical to produce "LID2002," the principal recording of Legend Part III:II finally began last October here in California! The past 6 months have been "interesting" to say the least! ; ) Joshua and I began the process of recording all midi based material on October 15th....our production schedule was based on a 60 day recording plan....ALL orchestral-percussion programming/FX/samples/segues would be recorded over a 60 day production
schedule ("phase 1" of recording). 60 days = 2 months....right? Well, not
really....not if you are only able to work together on the weekends due to
numerous "other" responsibilities and work schedules during the week....
60 days now = 6 months....just do the math! ; )

After our first weekend of production in mid October, our second weekend had
to be canceled abruptly due to the California fires which broke out that week!
The enormous Waterman Canyon fire which devastated and consumed over
1000 homes, burned within less than 200 yards of the studio....the entire area
was evacuated....needles to say, we nearly lost the production before it ever
really got started....fortunately, that was NOT the case and we were able to
resume production a few weeks's that for "dodging an arrow?" ; )

As scheduled, after six months we have completed "phase 1" of recording and
we're gearing up for "phase 2" which begins next Saturday (May 1st) in Sweden!
Providing that my plane does not plummet into the Atlantic Ocean, ; ) I will arrive
in Sweden next Friday (April 30th). That evening, I will perform a few songs on
stage with Narnia, return with CJG to his home and most likely, drop dead from
from exhaustion due to the fact that I will have probably been awake for nearly
36 hours at that point! ; ) "Phase 2" of recording will begin the following day....

"Phase 2" will be the most intense, the most elaborate and most crucial part of
the recording for this album....your prayers are VERY welcome! ; ) During my
3 1/2 weeks in Sweden, we will be recording drums, guitars and lead vocals!
On May 27th, I will fly from Sweden to Germany in order to record the choral
arrangements in Wurzburg before returning home to California on May 31st!


Band profile: Saviour Machine
Posted: 27.05.2004 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Iced Earth - Best Of on its way

Century Media is releasing a 2CD best of collection from ICED EARTH called The Blessed And The Damned on July 27th.

The album features 23 remastered tracks (over two hours of material) with two different album covers. IE leader Jon Schaffer talks about each song in the 20 page booklet that's included in the package.

Band profile: Iced Earth
Posted: 27.05.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Entombed - US release of Inferno

ENTOMBED's latest CD, "Inferno", will receive its long-awaited U.S. release on August 10 through Candlelight Records. The special U.S. edition of "Inferno" will include a bonus disc, "Averno", featuring two previously unreleased songs from the "Inferno" sessions as well as the song "When Humanity's Gone" that was previously released on the "Inferno" vinyl. In addition, "Averno" will include the promo videos for "Retaliation" and "Albino Flogged In Black". The album comes as a double-disc jewelcase with slipcase. The complete track listing is as follows:

CD 1 - "Inferno" Album:

01. Retaliation
02. The Fix Is On
03. Incinerator
04. Children Of The Underworld
05. That's When I Became A Satanist
06. Nobodaddy
07. Intermission
08. Young & Dead
09. Descent Into Inferno
10. Public Burning
11. Flexing Muscles
12. Skeleton Of Steel
13. Night For Day

CD 2 - "Averno":

01. When Humanity's Gone
02. There are Horrors of 1000 Nightmares
03. Random Guitar
04. Retaliation (video edit)
05. Albino Flogged in Black (video edit)
06. Retaliation (enhanced video)
07. Albino Flogged in Black (enhanced video)

Upcoming ENTOMBED tour dates:

Jun. 09 - Copenhagen, DEN @ Stengade (w/ THE HAUNTED)
Jun. 10 - Sölvesborg, SWE @ Sweden Rock

Band profile: Entombed
Posted: 27.05.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)

Therion announcing World Tour 2004

Hello everyone!

As you can see in the tour section, we're now in the process of the scheduling of the next world tour. At the moment only the Latin American shows are booked and have a date. This part of the world is the only one were we will tour as a headline act though. We are at this moment looking what options there are for us to go together with other bands in Europe and USA/Canada. In Europe we could tour headline like the last two times, but we feel like we want to get on to something bigger. It's great to play only in front of our own fans, but it is also cool to have a bit of a challange and play in front of crowds that only partly consist of people that know our albums. We're looking for some cool band that plays music we like and a band that we respect. At the moment we have a suggestion that I perticulary like and hope is going to happen. If we can get that to happen it would be a total killer package for you guys in Europe - I'll be telling you as soon as we know (if it happens and then of course with which band it is, it's still a secret).

In USA/Canada will still have some way to go before it would be a successful idea to play headline, so as this will be our first time over there we simply have to do the same work, as we once did in Europe many years ago and open up for other bigger bands. This is something we look forward a lot to though. Therion is a band that never had anything for free and the success we have always tastes better if we know that we have earned it by hard work and that we are a band that really deserves it.

We also have a new drummer that's gonna do the touring with us. His name is Petter and he's a pretty unknown talent (except for those well initiated in the Stockholm music life) that used to play in a band called Master Massive. We'll give you more news on this topic as time goes by.

Christofer Johnsson, Fri, 19. March 2004

Band profile: Therion
Posted: 26.05.2004 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)