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Trivium - Split With Drummer

Nick Augusto's time with Trivium has come to an end. Paolo Gregoletto took to the band's Facebook page to announce that Nick and the band have parted ways. Nick Augusto came in to replace former drummer Travis Smith and now departs after a decision of the band in the middle of their US tour with Volbeat. The band's drum tech Mat Madiro has been filling in for him.

Paolo Gregoletto explained the drummer's departure: "To Trivium Fans, Friends and Family: I had asked everyone to make this statement regarding Nick, personally and on behalf of the band because of the history we both have had together as friends and bandmates. There is no easy way to go about parting ways with someone; whether it's in a band or not, but if it is coming directly from one of us, I hope that it will be perceived out of our respect for him.

"This past Sunday, Matt, Corey, and I decided that it was best to part ways with Nick and to move forward as soon as possible. This decision was not one that we took lightly, given the fact that we are in the midst of a tour, and more importantly, that Nick has been with us for almost 3 and half years.

"We spoke face to face for about an hour on the bus - first informing him of our decision to move forward, both discussing the situation and how to precede with announcing it, as well as personally thanking him for being there when we needed him as a tech, and then as drummer. I made both those calls to Nick - I asked him if he would be willing to drop everything and come out and be a part of Trivium at a moments notice and he did without hesitation. On stage we all fit well together - I believe we became a tighter and more unified band because of him. There was not a dramatic ending to this, honestly it was quite muted and I am happy to have been able to speak directly and calmly to one another.

"I believe we all agreed that what started out great 'off stage' in the beginning, over time began to fray. It became obvious that things were not going to work out in the long run. We did not want to reach the point where the differences between us became apparent on stage. Being in a band is privilege afforded to us by all of you, and as much as we owe you guys the best show we can possibly give you, we also realize that being out here has to be enjoyable enough for us to continue to do so.

"We truly wish nothing but the best for Nick and whatever projects he becomes involved in. We will be rooting for him to succeed. I would like to add that as the one who championed Nick to become our drummer 3 and half years ago, I will be the first person to vouch for him as an incredible drummer and as an immense force and presence on stage. The last show together at Carolina Rebellion was a powerful one, and I am happy to say that we ended our time together on such a high and positive note.

"Lastly, I would like to thank our drum tech Mat Madiro for stepping up to the plate and learning our entire set in 24 hours, allowing us to continue this tour without a hitch. We have always tried to treat both band and crew as family, and the support for Mat from our other crew guys has been amazing, thank you all - Eric, Joey, Sam, Jeremy, and Mike! Another HUGE thank you to Volbeat and their crew for giving us their entire sound check at the Niagara Falls show to allow us to run through the set with Mat. They have been a great band to tour with and this act only further solidified to us what stand up guys they are on and off stage.

"Nick, thank you once again for the hard work with us, we will always be grateful for the time we spent together with you on the road and in the studio. Thank you all for your support and understanding. Sincerely, Paolo Gregoletto."

Band profile: Trivium
Posted: 08.05.2014 by BloodTears


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Comments: 20   Visited by: 126 users
08.05.2014 - 14:42
Account deleted
tl;dr version: he was disruptive and / or a dick to work with / not a good drummer.
08.05.2014 - 14:46
Alex F
Written by [user id=4365] on 08.05.2014 at 14:42

tl;dr version: he was disruptive and / or a dick to work with / not a good drummer.

I actually appreciate the fact that the band made a well thought out and informative announcement. All too often bands are unnecessarily ambiguous with the personal relationships of the band (which they have every right to do), and that frustrates me. Too bad I hate this band and haven't listened to them in like 3 years.
08.05.2014 - 14:48
Account deleted
Written by Alex F on 08.05.2014 at 14:46

I actually appreciate the fact that the band made a well thought out and informative announcement. All too often bands are unnecessarily ambiguous with the personal relationships of the band (which they have every right to do), and that frustrates me. Too bad I hate this band and haven't listened to them in like 3 years.

I would have preferred it wasn't 95% pandering to the public that they did everything possible to make him feel ok about getting booted out. Again maybe if I cared about the band I would have been more appreciative about it *shrugs*
08.05.2014 - 14:50
Alex F
Written by [user id=4365] on 08.05.2014 at 14:48

I would have preferred it wasn't 95% pandering to the public that they did everything possible to make him feel ok about getting booted out. Again maybe if I cared about the band I would have been more appreciative about it *shrugs*

>implying i give two shits about Trivium
I guess I can see where you're coming from, but I still think it's better than when a band says something like "joe was a dick so we kicked him to the curb... fuck joe"
08.05.2014 - 14:52
Account deleted
Written by Alex F on 08.05.2014 at 14:50

>implying i give two shits about Trivium
I guess I can see where you're coming from, but I still think it's better than when a band says something like "joe was a dick so we kicked him to the curb... fuck joe"

Well that's my other issue with this, there's a whole lot of build-up and good "feels" about this post but there's nothing close to a decent explanation of why he was kicked out. Granted, if he wasn't able to technically keep up with the music then that's cool, but if he was letting the band down through laziness or being a dick then I say say it like it is. After all he's letting the fans down too

I believe we all agreed that what started out great 'off stage' in the beginning, over time began to fray. It became obvious that things were not going to work out in the long run

Could mean:
A) He was republican and the rest of the band were democrats and the political arguments became a little heated


B) He would frequently come into the studio fucked off his nut with hyperdermic needles sticking out of his face and wearing a Barney the Dinosaur suit, and would proceed to try and piss on the guitarist's leg

Just sayin' =P Obviously bands can say whatever they want though. Personally I prefer a bit more transparency over sugar-coating.
08.05.2014 - 15:55
Well, this "sugar coated" tl;dr stuff suggested that their relationship with Nick isn't that bad like ex-ex-drummer Travis.
08.05.2014 - 16:04
Account deleted
Written by Xyanade on 08.05.2014 at 15:55

Well, this "sugar coated" tl;dr stuff suggested that their relationship with Nick isn't that bad like ex-ex-drummer Travis.

If you make a group decision to kick someone out a band I doubt you could really consider their relationship "not that bad."
08.05.2014 - 16:58
High Fist Prog
Very sad, I hope Trivium's quality isn't affected!
08.05.2014 - 17:41
Troy Killjoy
Trivium's... quality...?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
08.05.2014 - 19:16
High Fist Prog
Written by Troy Killjoy on 08.05.2014 at 17:41

Trivium's... quality...?

I'm feeling masochistic today

Edit: or sardonic...rather...too bad it's so hard to convey tone over text...
08.05.2014 - 19:59
Written by [user id=4365] on 08.05.2014 at 14:52

there's a whole lot of build-up and good "feels" about this post but there's nothing close to a decent explanation of why he was kicked out.

100%... It seems like one of those things where the band members would say in their announcement "yeah we love him, wish him the best, happy times, everything is good in magic friendship candyland", then while they are sitting around on the tour bus or whatever the day after he is gone, talking to each other say "so glad we decided to kick that stupid piece of shit out of the band". I guess you really never know though.
08.05.2014 - 20:02
Account deleted
Written by Mattybu on 08.05.2014 at 19:59

100%... It seems like one of those things where the band members would say in their announcement "yeah we love him, wish him the best, happy times, everything is good in magic friendship candyland", then while they are sitting around on the tour bus or whatever the day after he is gone, talking to each other say "so glad we decided to kick that stupid piece of shit out of the band". I guess you really never know though.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this whole post a bit... veiled. I thought I was just being a dick for a moment.
08.05.2014 - 20:08
Written by [user id=4365] on 08.05.2014 at 20:02

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this whole post a bit... veiled. I thought I was just being a dick for a moment.

It's really just that sentence about things "off-stage starting to fray" that is the tip off to some sort of shenanigans behind the scenes. If they are going to be that vague in the statement then it hardly seems dickish to me to assume/guess the guy who got kicked out was a bad egg, and that the rest of the guys didn't like him.
08.05.2014 - 20:22
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
Written by [user id=4365] on 08.05.2014 at 20:02

Written by Mattybu on 08.05.2014 at 19:59

100%... It seems like one of those things where the band members would say in their announcement "yeah we love him, wish him the best, happy times, everything is good in magic friendship candyland", then while they are sitting around on the tour bus or whatever the day after he is gone, talking to each other say "so glad we decided to kick that stupid piece of shit out of the band". I guess you really never know though.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who found this whole post a bit... veiled. I thought I was just being a dick for a moment.

You were being a bit of a dick. I mean, these are people's lives and futures we are talking about, so it's only natural (to me) that they would try and be as diplomatic and as tactful as possible about these sorts of things. They have future music careers to think about, so airing all their dirty laundry - whilst it might satisfy you and other punters - isn't always going to be in their best interests. Having seen Trivium perform live with Nick twice, I certainly don't think there was any issue with his playing ability. He was always spot on, from what I could tell.
The sun shines over The Fool...
08.05.2014 - 20:31
Account deleted
Written by Ace Frawley on 08.05.2014 at 20:22

You were being a bit of a dick. I mean, these are people's lives and futures we are talking about, so it's only natural (to me) that they would try and be as diplomatic and as tactful as possible about these sorts of things. They have future music careers to think about, so airing all their dirty laundry - whilst it might satisfy you and other punters - isn't always going to be in their best interests. Having seen Trivium perform live with Nick twice, I certainly don't think there was any issue with his playing ability. He was always spot on, from what I could tell.

well I guess I just react badly to what I consider a mostly BS-ridden post. If you're kicking a band member out because he's causing serious issues then I'd rather not have bands try to fob me off with fakery and nonsense. At least not this much nonsense anyway. Short and sweet would be better I think. Everyone who reads this will know that the situation is nothing like they're painting it be. So why pretend it is? I don't think it makes me a dick to say outright that I don't believe the tone of this post is remotely genuine.
08.05.2014 - 21:32
Account deleted
If Trivium would make a badass record like Shogun minus the craptacular choruses I would give a shit.
09.05.2014 - 00:53
I wonder who the new drummer will be... return to Travis Smith maybe? Joey Jordison? Mike Portnoy?
09.05.2014 - 07:30
I don't listen to the radio. Is Volbeat that big that Trivium is opening dates for them? At least it isn't 5FDP.......
11.05.2014 - 01:59
I think if there was legitimately a lot of tension in the band and they hated Nick, then Paolo wouldn't be trying to praise him as a drummer. There was probably just some major differences that made working together as a band difficult. That doesn't mean there has to be any ill feelings between them.
20.06.2014 - 21:00
Oh well, I'm going to miss Nick.

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