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Blliigghhtted - Release Split With Red Bible Black

Blliigghhtted has just released a new split with Red Bible Black. You can listen to the entire thing as of now via Bandcamp. The first half of the album belongs to Red Bible Black's own brand of Italian brutal black metal. Blliigghhtted's part of the album "is a nightmare carved out of the pits of theological poetry. Three epic songs truly melt the brain."

This release in particular is truly hand-made as each tape and CD is hand painted like the shirts and patches, and stamped with an acausal pentacle by Chaoscunt (Yayla, Viraneisr, Blliigghhtted).

Band profile: Blliigghhtted
Posted: 06.11.2015 by kezzapgurbuz


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Comments: 3   Visited by: 21 users
06.11.2015 - 15:51
Supreme being
Wow, that bandname makes me not want to check it out.
06.11.2015 - 16:17
X-Ray Rod
Written by toxx on 06.11.2015 at 15:51
Wow, that bandname makes me not want to check it out.

It was just a was of mixing the words blighted and light. Which they though was a nice way of mixing darkness with...well...light! xD
If you dig ambient black metal you could check them out. Points of reference: Abruptum and Reverorum Ib Malacht.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

06.11.2015 - 19:30
Doit Like Bernie
A weird mix of chaos and ambience, enough to turn me off to it (though I wanted to like it). Some good pure ambience moments once the drums are out of the mix

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