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Wind Rose - New Album Coming

Italian power metal outfit Wind Rose just posted an unconventional message on their Facebook page, confirming that the band will release a new album this year. So far, the release date and title are unknown but it seems like the record will feature 9 songs.

The band wrote: "So apparently 2017 means:
- new Wintersun album;
- new Ne Obliviscaris album;
- new Persefone album;
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild;
- ...and a new Wind Rose album of course.

"Are there some hypeful 2017 albums that I am missing?"

Band profile: Wind Rose
Posted: 23.01.2017 by Bad English


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Comments: 1   Visited by: 14 users
24.01.2017 - 17:55
This is hardly news, no new information was given with that fb-post. At least, not concerning Wind Rose.

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