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Taake - New York Show Cancelled Over Nazism Allegations

Taake is about to embark on a North American tour this March and the first show was to take place at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City. However, it seems that accusations of Nazism and hate imagery prompted the venue to cancel the show. New York City Antifa is one of the organizations that pressured the venue to cancel the show with other venues also being pressured to do the same. Taake frontman Hoest has issued a statement regarding the cancellation.

The allegations stem from certain lyrics and the band's Hoest performing in Germany with a swastika painted on his chest in 2007. He has apologized for the incident in the past and claimed it was meant to "incite a reaction."

He said: "I have clearly explained many times throughout the years that me wearing a swastika once at a German concert was not at all meant to show support for the nazi ideology. It was all about doing something extreme for the sake of it, which certainly backfired. But it has now been 11 years and the band has even performed in Israel (!)

"Anyway, similar incidents have not happened in Taake's 25 year long career and will obviously not happen again. But certain parties seem to find this cold case unforgivable nevertheless, insisting on willful misunderstanding. So, once and for all, Taake is not a racist band. Never has been, never will be. Still claiming so is as ridiculous and unfounded as are the attempts at sabotaging our highly anticipated shows."

The venue Le Poisson Rouge issued via Twitter: "Please note that the Taake show scheduled for March 24th has been cancelled. We are providing full refunds to all ticket holders. Please email with any questions you may have."

Band profile: Taake
Posted: 17.02.2018 by BloodTears


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Comments: 34   [ 2 ignored ]   Visited by: 259 users
17.02.2018 - 12:27
Black Knight
Antifa... it is always Antifa, the biggest nazis protest against other alleged nazis.
17.02.2018 - 12:52
The worst part is that he is trying to explain it, instead of just telling them to fuck off. Pathetic
17.02.2018 - 13:56
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Norvegian band and trump said he likes norway. He shoud fix this. I never liked antifa and ss, but this bulshit makes me think that maybe donald is not such asshole afer all
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
17.02.2018 - 14:39
I'm glad our benevolent antifa overlords have taken it upon themselves to decide what we can and can't listen to. Cunts.
17.02.2018 - 14:45
From an insider..

The Taake show is still on at the same venue.
The event page got deleted earlier but it did not get cancelled after further research that Taake is not an nsbm band.
"The best violence against one is the violence no one ever forgets.."
17.02.2018 - 16:25
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
First and last post here. I hope everyone reads the following from an open perspective, even though I know some won't... this is coming from a leftist, and someone who's been deeply involved in leftist politics and activism over the past few years. It is not necessary for me to go into the details of that activism, who I'm involved with, etc. for the sake of this conversation. Do not ask me.

Allow me to first say that actions like this from Antifa and other so called "leftist" groups these days are despicable, and I condemn them to the highest degree. Moves like this are not "antifascism," they are an overbloated witch hunt aimed at scrutinizing artists who may have such views. Certain segments of the movement have become protective to a fault in this regard, perhaps having genuine, good natured views about individual liberty and wanting to stomp out what they see as a major threat to it, but going way overboard with perceived threats that they start seeing everywhere as a result. It becomes almost like McCarthyism in America in the 50s, only instead of conservatives seeing communism everywhere and going bananas about it, now it's leftists doing the same about Nazism and fascism. The tables have turned with this shit.

This is a byproduct of modern leftism in both America and the Western world in general, which has shifted to much more of a "leaderless collective" type angle in this new century than anything else. Think of Occupy, think of Anonymous, think of Black Lives Matter, think of Antifa. These are all movements that are decentralized, have a non-hierarchical structure, and that virtually anyone can be a member of simply by saying so. There are both benefits and costs to going at activism from this approach, but a major cost is that it allows the crazies to enter the picture, do stupid things like this, claim affiliation with the movement in question, and then everyone comes under fire. More people need to understand this, that with large, mass grassroots movements such as these, there is going to be much greater variation among members and the angles they take, to the point that no one angle is really going to be demonstrative of the nature of the group as a whole.

With that said, allow me to say that while I do highly disagree with actions such as this from so called "antifascists," blowing up this behavior to the point of saying "they're the real Nazis," "they're worse than the fascists," etc. is simply ridiculous. There is no comparison whatsoever between the damage done in history at the hands of fascists vs that done by antifascists. I know some people reading this now will want to fly down on me with all these examples of communist and socialist states throughout history and how they're "just as bad if not worse," and really guys, don't waste your time, because if you do I won't respond. More often than not, movements like Antifa, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, etc., emerge as a reaction to the heinous nature of existing social conditions caused by fascism, white supremacy, income inequality, modern imperialism, and so forth. If you really have such a problem with them making so much noise and the way in which they sometimes go about their activism, instead of criticizing and just rallying to your tribe as usual, you might really want to stop and think about what that says about the disgusting nature of many of the things they're reacting to in the first place.

Actions like this from any leftists are not indicative of true "leftism" or "antifascism," because such ideologies are founded upon personal freedom brought through group cooperation above all else, and bullshit like this flies right in the face of that. At the same time, however, it should be more than understandable why some react to things in this extreme given the devastating nature of things like what I listed above over the course of history (fascism, white supremacy, wealth hoarding, etc). They are sick and fed up with it, and sometimes that leads them into very counterproductive moves like this, but ultimately them being so frustrated is not a fault of their own as much as the fault of the political and economic establishments around them that continue to spew that bullshit forth and keep it going by any means necessary to protect their own asses. Again: if you have a problem with these movements, truly ask yourself what the fuck it is that's creating them in the first place. The socio-economic conditions in our contemporary world that continue to do so are 1000 times worse than what any BLM, Antifa, Occupy, or Anonymous member could summon on their best days.

~ Peace, and I hope some people actually get something out of the above. If you disagree and think you can actually debate civilly and respectfully without idiotic attacks on me for what I've said here or my beliefs, private message me and I'll continue the conversation at my own convenience.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

17.02.2018 - 16:37
Pvt Funderground
Written by Taravilyaion on 17.02.2018 at 14:45

From an insider..

The Taake show is still on at the same venue.
The event page got deleted earlier but it did not get cancelled after further research that Taake is not an nsbm band.

Nice, fuck antifa
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
17.02.2018 - 16:50
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by @gent_-_orange on 17.02.2018 at 14:39

I'm glad our benevolent antifa overlords have taken it upon themselves to decide what we can and can't listen to. Cunts.

Those can be define as terrorist group as well , even Taake music is vioenmt, agresive, provocative, but I stand whit metal, its equal shit as Stripper Gore in 80's aganst ''we are sexual pervs'' and ''satanistic'' bands what is biggest evil in the world. Redicilous.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
17.02.2018 - 17:08
Black Knight
Movement like Antifa, Occupy or Black Lives Matter, aside from the fact that they are moronic, have nothing to do with being born out of fascism (in America? come on), white supremacy (this stuff is only present marginally in Western society, however due to the rise of these extreme leftist groups, they are growing and becoming more visible), income inequality (most of the people part of these groups are useless to the society overall, they do not add up value, they only seek to overturn what is valuable to societies) or modern imperialism (while being tools to a form of imperialism, a reddish one). They originate mostly from a cozy background and thus they rebel. I am cozy, therefore I rebel. This is the main principle on which they function. Western democracies are so devoid of fascists that these leftist groups even scrutinize rightist or center-right stances as well. Everything that is move farther to the right than the center for them has become fascism. What's even worse, a huge portion of the mainstream kiss-ass leftist media do support them and encourage them. This was the case in Charlottesville or whatever, when mostly the white supremacists got all the criticism while extreme leftist groups such as Antifa were praised (even by some fucking Republicans!).

How come I only see such movements like Antifa mostly in countries that never experienced a totalitarian regime? Why don't I see it in Poland, in Hungary or in my country? You have to ask yourself this before we come with 'income inequality' bullshit. You can't find more income inequality than in a former communist country today. In my opinion, groups such as BLM, Antifa, Occupy are born out of ignorance and cozyness of a comfortable, western, capitalist system. The one that brought the necessary wealth to which people now pretend to rebel... rebels without a cause. Plus, the fascination for totalitarian regime is just annoying and fascinating in the West. What the fuck is so fascinating about countries ruled with an iron fist by tyrannical misfits?

A short trip to a North Korean gulag would cure every BLM, Antifa, Occupy activist of his/her leftism for life. Or to Venezuela, to see how leftism equals famine.
17.02.2018 - 17:10
Written by Taravilyaion on 17.02.2018 at 14:45

From an insider..

The Taake show is still on at the same venue.
The event page got deleted earlier but it did not get cancelled after further research that Taake is not an nsbm band.

What? Then why is the band talking about the cancellation and the venue confirmed it as well?
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
17.02.2018 - 18:11
Black Knight
Written by Irritable Ted on 17.02.2018 at 17:49

In the UK we have a fairly cosy lifestyle. Little hardship or poverty compared to some countries. Yet we have the growth of Momentum, a hard left party who attack everything that is not hard left. The UK has never been that left or right politically, but this growing group, supported by Corbyn Labour Party is trying to stop all free speech. They have infiltrated universities and have stopped speakers addressing students if they do not have the same left wing policies. This is being made worse by the increasing movement of the snowflakes. Students are insulted by parts of history so refuse to study it and claim bigotry if a tutor challenges their left wing views. People will become unable to argue a case or take criticism without claiming discrimination. They will fail when they reach the real working world.

Heard of this. Although I tend to digress in regards to the UK never being left or right politically, it has leaned towards left since Thatcher, Thatcher being the last authentic conservative right-winger. The current Conservative Party is full of progressive leftists, and it is conservative in name only. True conservatism can be found in Poland's PiS, but that's a story for another time.

In Romania we have a state sponsored university called SNSPA, which is our own institution that produces SJWs and extreme leftist state officials as well as 'intellectuals' but as we are speaking they have not yet taken over. Romania is instinctively more conservative and religious, and this kind of bullshit works in the big cities mostly, not in rural areas in in small towns/cities, where the majority of the population resides (Romania is still very rural). Still, we are far away from having a political movement like Antifa today. We had the old commie activists, but even those people were not as extreme as these groups, if you could believe it or not.

People do not realize that it is groups such as the aforementioned that rejuvenate he extreme right in the first place. It is groups such as Antifa that makes white supremacists, racists, nazis become suddenly popular and cool. And this is in line with what progressive politicians have been shitting around lately, blaming every country that does not accept 'refugees', that does not comply with the leftist policies from EU as being Hitler itself. This is how you make Hitler popular. Because when you are bombarded with directives such as 'you must take refugees', 'you must adopt this policy', 'you most do this, you must do that' otherwise you are a nazi, you are making one of the nemeses of the Western civilization, of the European civilization itself popular, again.
17.02.2018 - 19:35
Here we go again...
Their old stuff is better.
17.02.2018 - 21:30
We should thank them from sparing New Yorkers from having to sit through a Taake performance
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
17.02.2018 - 22:08
Written by Irritable Ted on 17.02.2018 at 17:49

In the UK we have a fairly cosy lifestyle. Little hardship or poverty compared to some countries. Yet we have the growth of Momentum, a hard left party who attack everything that is not hard left. The UK has never been that left or right politically, but this growing group, supported by Corbyn Labour Party is trying to stop all free speech. They have infiltrated universities and have stopped speakers addressing students if they do not have the same left wing policies. This is being made worse by the increasing movement of the snowflakes. Students are insulted by parts of history so refuse to study it and claim bigotry if a tutor challenges their left wing views. People will become unable to argue a case or take criticism without claiming discrimination. They will fail when they reach the real working world.

Apart from the thousands of disabled people that are being driven to extreme hardship or death from the welfare crackdown (, the growing dysfunction in the NHS from chronic underfunding, or the increase in food bank use from 40000 uses in 2010 to over 1 million in 2016, or substantially increased homelessness (a 60% increase in temporary accommodation and over 100% increase in rough sleeping this decade), or the UK being the only European economy where wages against inflation went down whilst GDP went up, there no reason for anyone in the UK to be discontent. It's not a third world poverty-stricken nation, but there are a lot of people suffering from Conservative austerity and the reaction against it is more than just incompetent snowflakes deliberately getting offended for the sake of it, which is such a lazy statement. I don't know if Labour and Corbyn are the right answer, but there are plenty of reasons for people to justifiably think that the Conservative approach from this decade has been the wrong one.

And I don't know how the other guy can claim that the current Conservative party is merely a nominally right-wing party packed with leftists considering its consistent fiscal policy of cuts to government spending, welfare, and top end tax rates along with substantial privatisation.
18.02.2018 - 00:19
The Ancient One
Yeah anitfa being fascistic cunts themselves again. can't wait until they piss in the wrong wheaties and incite violence against them... or get taken down in the same fashion the Klan was in the 1960s,where member actions result in law suits against the entire organization and all within.

And yes, given my right of center stance (Conservative-leaning Libertarian) might be enough to make me a Nazi in their eyes, and thus an acceptable target for violence, makes their members and supporter an acceptable target for violence in my eyes.

White robes or black Ninja-larp outfits make no difference to me, smash them both.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
18.02.2018 - 01:10
Subjective thought, as a skill, is being gradually removed from society. Thus, we end up with 'organizations' such as Antifa, speared headed by young adults (a generalization, I know) who champion their selected issue, approaching it in a manner that is riddled with tunnel vision.
18.02.2018 - 02:16
Written by RaduP on 17.02.2018 at 21:30

We should thank them from sparing New Yorkers from having to sit through a Taake performance

Are they that bad live? I like a couple of their albums. Some bands don't function well live, maybe that is what you are trying to say?

I suspect that the clubs will soon start ignoring antifa threats.
18.02.2018 - 06:21
Stamp Tramp
Written by Malignar on 18.02.2018 at 02:16

Written by RaduP on 17.02.2018 at 21:30

We should thank them from sparing New Yorkers from having to sit through a Taake performance

Are they that bad live? I like a couple of their albums. Some bands don't function well live, maybe that is what you are trying to say?

I suspect that the clubs will soon start ignoring antifa threats.

Don't listen to him. I saw them in Portland last year and they were amazing. Better than on the record and Hoest is quite the showman.

And for the record, throwing in with the lot here with another f#$k Antifa. It's extra funny to me in this case, because in effect they are protesting a guy who was engaging in another form of satirical antifascist protest at the show in Germany. They're just too dense and self righteous to get it.
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18.02.2018 - 08:56
I refuse to get upset when a band intent upon being provocative and getting a reaction out of people actually provokes a reaction. Is it, or is it not what they wanted? If you want to be provocative, then get on with it, but don't bitch when you actually achieve your aim.
Hopepunk living on a grimdark timeline
18.02.2018 - 13:12
Written by ManiacBlasphemer on 17.02.2018 at 17:08

Movement like Antifa, Occupy or Black Lives Matter, aside from the fact that they are moronic, have nothing to do with being born out of fascism (in America? come on), white supremacy (this stuff is only present marginally in Western society, however due to the rise of these extreme leftist groups, they are growing and becoming more visible), income inequality (most of the people part of these groups are useless to the society overall, they do not add up value, they only seek to overturn what is valuable to societies) or modern imperialism (while being tools to a form of imperialism, a reddish one). They originate mostly from a cozy background and thus they rebel. I am cozy, therefore I rebel. This is the main principle on which they function. Western democracies are so devoid of fascists that these leftist groups even scrutinize rightist or center-right stances as well. Everything that is move farther to the right than the center for them has become fascism. What's even worse, a huge portion of the mainstream kiss-ass leftist media do support them and encourage them. This was the case in Charlottesville or whatever, when mostly the white supremacists got all the criticism while extreme leftist groups such as Antifa were praised (even by some fucking Republicans!).

How come I only see such movements like Antifa mostly in countries that never experienced a totalitarian regime? Why don't I see it in Poland, in Hungary or in my country? You have to ask yourself this before we come with 'income inequality' bullshit. You can't find more income inequality than in a former communist country today. In my opinion, groups such as BLM, Antifa, Occupy are born out of ignorance and cozyness of a comfortable, western, capitalist system. The one that brought the necessary wealth to which people now pretend to rebel... rebels without a cause. Plus, the fascination for totalitarian regime is just annoying and fascinating in the West. What the fuck is so fascinating about countries ruled with an iron fist by tyrannical misfits?

A short trip to a North Korean gulag would cure every BLM, Antifa, Occupy activist of his/her leftism for life. Or to Venezuela, to see how leftism equals famine.

Yeah you are a very uninformed moron.
18.02.2018 - 14:01
Antifa are doing this just out of homophobia.

Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
18.02.2018 - 15:47
Black Knight
Written by Tuonelan on 18.02.2018 at 08:56

I refuse to get upset when a band intent upon being provocative and getting a reaction out of people actually provokes a reaction. Is it, or is it not what they wanted? If you want to be provocative, then get on with it, but don't bitch when you actually achieve your aim.

I wouldn't either. If the people who were upset were normal people. Not when it comes to Antifa. The Antifa morons should be the last ones to complain or be upset about this. As a wise man said, a concentration camp is no different than a gulag. Same analogy can be applied with this whole Nazi witch hunt that Antifa has been leading for a while.
18.02.2018 - 15:49
Black Knight
Written by Lanthros on 18.02.2018 at 13:12

Yeah you are a very uninformed moron.

I'm quite sure it is the opposite.
18.02.2018 - 17:19
Meat and Potatos
Written by Tuonelan on 18.02.2018 at 08:56

If you want to be provocative, then get on with it, but don't bitch when you actually achieve your aim.

Well it's not like they are bitching about it. Their line is just a statement to explain to antifa why they had nazi imagery in the past.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
18.02.2018 - 21:47
So many people are offended by everything these days... I believe George Carlin had a number on that. Pathetic.
18.02.2018 - 22:36
Written by Irritable Ted on 18.02.2018 at 15:04

I respect everyone's right to free speech, whether I agree with it or not. Your comments are put across in a very aggressive manner and clearly with a political leaning to the left. You are entitled to your views, just less of the attitude.

I currently believe that no political party in the UK is up to the job. Labour will take us back to the union led 70s, Conservatives seem to be inept at everything having been strong under Cameron, Liberals have totally lost their way and UKIP are in self destruct mode.

We could have a long argument about why we are in austerity and who really put us there, or why the NHS has been overloaded, but that will go farther off topic.

Can't remember saying snowflakes were complaining about Conservative austerity, or did you just say that for more impact? Lazy!

Apologies if I came across as aggressive, as is probably clear I have some strong opinions on these matters but I was trying to state them without coming across as attacking yours, if I misjudged that then I'm sorry, it can be difficult for the right tone to come across in writing. The snowflake comment was me clearly misreading that you were insinuating that any vocal opposition in the UK to the 'cosy' status quo was from spoiled students seeking out outrage, rather than legitimate concerns about seriously damaging social/economic issues; again, if I misjudged that then sorry. I do agree that in cases such as this and in some University campuses (seemingly more in the US/Canada, although I know there have been incidents in the UK) amongst other places, there are counterproductive steps being taken to try and mute discrimatory opinions that are either directed at the wrong people or seemingly discrimatory in and of themselves, and in this situation and similar ones I'm on the side of the band. I just don't think it's fair to assume that public discontent in this country is fuelled by weathly, privileged, attention-seekers seeking out drama, rather than genuine issues of inequality that one could easily assert as being worthy of being addressed, which was the tone that I got from your original post.
19.02.2018 - 09:35
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by Kais on 18.02.2018 at 21:47

So many people are offended by everything these days... I believe George Carlin had a number on that. Pathetic.

One of his famous quote,

"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of 'em are stupider than that."
22.02.2018 - 05:16
Written by Irritable Ted on 17.02.2018 at 17:49

Written by ManiacBlasphemer on 17.02.2018 at 17:08

Movement like Antifa, Occupy or Black Lives Matter, aside from the fact that they are moronic, have nothing to do with being born out of fascism (in America? come on), white supremacy (this stuff is only present marginally in Western society, however due to the rise of these extreme leftist groups, they are growing and becoming more visible), income inequality (most of the people part of these groups are useless to the society overall, they do not add up value, they only seek to overturn what is valuable to societies) or modern imperialism (while being tools to a form of imperialism, a reddish one). They originate mostly from a cozy background and thus they rebel. I am cozy, therefore I rebel. This is the main principle on which they function. Western democracies are so devoid of fascists that these leftist groups even scrutinize rightist or center-right stances as well. Everything that is move farther to the right than the center for them has become fascism. What's even worse, a huge portion of the mainstream kiss-ass leftist media do support them and encourage them. This was the case in Charlottesville or whatever, when mostly the white supremacists got all the criticism while extreme leftist groups such as Antifa were praised (even by some fucking Republicans!).

In the UK we have a fairly cosy lifestyle. Little hardship or poverty compared to some countries. Yet we have the growth of Momentum, a hard left party who attack everything that is not hard left. The UK has never been that left or right politically, but this growing group, supported by Corbyn Labour Party is trying to stop all free speech. They have infiltrated universities and have stopped speakers addressing students if they do not have the same left wing policies. This is being made worse by the increasing movement of the snowflakes. Students are insulted by parts of history so refuse to study it and claim bigotry if a tutor challenges their left wing views. People will become unable to argue a case or take criticism without claiming discrimination. They will fail when they reach the real working world.

Couldn't have put that any better myself. Our country (US) is full of idiots with a maniacal obsession to change everything. Funny thing is that they demand everyone else to expel the effort to change, but unwilling to do anything but bitch - let alone make any changes themselves. Everybody's pussy hurts these days....
23.02.2018 - 03:31
Taake is awesome. Antifa sucks balls. Enough said.
23.02.2018 - 03:38
Hate imagery from a black metal band...nobody would of guessed that could happen.

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