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Warrel Dane - New Documentary Online

Recently, we lost singer and lyricist Warrel Dane. On December 13th, 2017, Warrel Dane passed away in São Paulo, Brazil while recording the follow-up to 2008's Praises To The War Machine. In essence, a tribute release, Shadow Work contains over 40 minutes of music with Warrel's voice tracked during pre-production, demo and recording sessions. While recording the album, photographer Renan Facciolo visited the group in the studio to capture footage documenting the creation of the record. You can watch the documentary now below.

The band explains: "This documentary was shot mostly during Warrel's final days, in late 2017. Although he was frail and his body was showing signs that it would eventually fade, at that time, he was still putting his heart and soul in every part of Shadow Work. We hope this stays as a testament to his artistic commitment and good will, when it came to producing an album in the studio."

Ultimately, his band members completed the documentary in 2018. Jens Prueter (Head of A&R, Europe) and Stefan Franke (Product Manager) add: "It is nearly impossible to watch this documentary with probably the last footage recorded of Warrel without getting emotional since at some point in our lives, we and his fans were witnesses to his grandeur and failure, his strength and his frailty. The latter is obviously present in this moving video and we are grateful Warrel's family agreed on its public release. There is no glamour, no stardom in this video, it just depicts the shadow of a man passionately and endearingly being busy with Shadow Work, and a band being torn apart between ambition and tragedy. So, while we are glad to share it with you all, it is almost a relief to not have to watch it again."

Shadow Work will be released on October 26th. The album's booklet was completed with Travis Smith providing artwork based upon concepts he had previously discussed with Warrel, thorough reconstructions of all lyrics from Warrel's notebook, personal testimonies by his Brazilian band, and very moving photos.

Band profile: Warrel Dane
Posted: 25.10.2018 by Bad English


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Comments: 1   Visited by: 38 users
26.10.2018 - 04:05
I wish this was longer. But cool none the less.

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