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General metal forum

Discuss The Last Album You Acquired 993
Albums coming out in 2025 3
Cancer Christ is God!!! 7
Decline the Fall 1
Worst metal album you've ever heard 11
Second Album = Best Album? 10
Name an album that you will never get tired of 78
Best Albums of the Decade 11
How much money do you spend on CDs? 51
Great White Best Albums 9
Bands you only like one or a couple of albums by. 28
Why we (metal heads) cant enjoy new albums by old bands nowadays? 66
Discuss about your favorite debut albums. 121
What is your favorite length generally for a metal album? 53
What was your first album? 139
Where Do You Store Your CD's? 121
What Albums Do You Savor (as in- try not to over-play) 26
Did i buy a fake album?! ~~ Ulver - Blood Inside 1
Considerations When Buying New Music 31
Most surprisingly good album(s) 6
Top 20 of 2011 recalculated without '1' votes 87
Recommend music that sounds like Ulver's Shadows Of The Sun 23
Albums that start strong, and then fade away 32
Support Devildriver's Beast Album 2
A Good Place To Buy Albums 46
Load of free and legal links on metal albums on one place 20