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Posted by Etaín, 25.05.2007 - 18:17

New recent discovery i made Delain is a dutch band started by ex-Within Temptation keyboardist Martijn Westerholt. Their debut album Lucidity is pretty impressive imo. A lot of guest artist like Marco Hietala (Nightwish), Liv Kristine (Leaves' Eyes), Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation), Ad Sluyter (Epica) and some more. Their own vocalist is pretty good too. She doesnt seem too special at first, but the more you listen the more you notice that there actually is something special about it (thats what i thought atleast). So wondering if anyone else knows them, and if you dont, check em out

Edit: Btw, you can listen to 3 songs on the site. Some of the best imo
17.03.2008 - 18:33
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 17.03.2008 at 16:32

I like Delain as a whole, let me get that straight first of all. But IMO George's growls are the strongest part vocally of the album.
I haven't seen Delain live though, which only has oa couple of the people in it from the album. So I wonder what it will be like in a live situation.

As for me being mean... Not really, but I saw A New Dawn live about two-three months ago and although I liked them musically I HATED those dime a dozen wanna sound like Sharon, SImone, Floor type of vocals and 90% of the time those were off-key as well. IMO if you want to use vocals like that you should at least be able to sing in-key lie.

ok, fair enough, thanks for your comment. I'm always interested in what you have to say.

Delain make do cleverly without the guest stars during live concerts. I don't remember properly how, but they sing some of the guets parts on their own and I think I heard some samples as well .. anyway I liked them live when they came to Germany. They have a lot of charisma. And for the big show in Zwolle last November they simply could persuade most of the guest musicians to come for an appearance.

And I'd still like to comment a little on A New Dawn. I'm sorry I can't open a new thread yet and they aren't featured anyway.
Yes, you're right, sometimes the two clear voices are off-key, mainly in the high regions. But in my opinion no more than Simone on a normal day.
Therefore there's still hope for the band. Also I think today they are better live than in the studios on their early promos and I'm very curious, but I think this band has the potential to step out of the shadow of the big names. I clearly remember when After Forever came to Germany 4 years ago and every second reviewer of a German webzine said about them basically "oh, nice try, but too much a Nightwish clone and voicewise Floor is ages from Tarja" . None of them ever saw the talent and creativity in this band.

But now I can see where you come from and it's probably a matter of taste wether or not you can tolerate the weaknesses of their performance.
01.03.2009 - 22:36
I'm really looking forward to the album; April Rain !
01.03.2009 - 23:17
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Written by face_your_demons on 01.03.2009 at 22:36

I'm really looking forward to the album; April Rain !

Ditto. Although I've just recently discovered this band. And I've been listening to "Lucidity" for days now.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
02.03.2009 - 00:22
Written by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk on 01.03.2009 at 23:17

Written by face_your_demons on 01.03.2009 at 22:36

I'm really looking forward to the album; April Rain !

Ditto. Although I've just recently discovered this band. And I've been listening to "Lucidity" for days now.

Lucidity is also a great album! Really excited about ho´w this new one will be
02.03.2009 - 08:14
Jason W.
Yes this new one seems like it will be a very good one - they appear really focused on creating a great album as a band Certainly on my watch/buy list!
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
02.03.2009 - 21:10
Written by Jason W. on 02.03.2009 at 08:14

Yes this new one seems like it will be a very good one - they appear really focused on creating a great album as a band Certainly on my watch/buy list!

I think they've been working extremely hard on it. I really love the Cover Art
02.03.2009 - 21:11
03.03.2009 - 02:40
Jason W.
Written by face_your_demons on 02.03.2009 at 21:10

I think they've been working extremely hard on it. I really love the Cover Art

Ya the cover art is great! And they just put up a few more samples of the new disc online, both of those songs sound great as well Adding it to my "purchase" list now, yes.
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
24.04.2009 - 14:55
I saw them play yesterday in a small underground hole in Ingolstadt facing 40 or so people. Nevertheless I enjoyed their show. The sugar sweet vocals are bolted to fairly heavy symphonic metal. I like their live performance a lot better than the recorded stuff. Like Within Temptation they are relying on the show element as well.
I just want to encourage those, who happen to like such things and have a chance to see them on the remainder of their tour in Muenchen, Wien, Milano, Zuerich and Paris. They are well worth to travel a bit.
27.04.2009 - 09:13
Jason W.
Written by albatros on 24.04.2009 at 14:55

I saw them play yesterday in a small underground hole in Ingolstadt facing 40 or so people. Nevertheless I enjoyed their show. The sugar sweet vocals are bolted to fairly heavy symphonic metal. I like their live performance a lot better than the recorded stuff. Like Within Temptation they are relying on the show element as well.
I just want to encourage those, who happen to like such things and have a chance to see them on the remainder of their tour in Muenchen, Wien, Milano, Zuerich and Paris. They are well worth to travel a bit.

Well I will be getting a chance to see them, but of course not on this current tour! I'll be heading to Belgium for their Metal Female Voices performance, and they are yet another band that I'm thrilled to see as I doubt a full US tour is coming any time soon. The new album to me is a much better listen than their debut, and the production is huge, and accessible. The male vocals this time around belong properly with Charlotte's singing, so I have no real complaints. Most of the songs are metal oriented, and while the ballads are quite good, they are not my taste. "April Rain" is a strong album for me and for symphonic metal I'm sure it will be one of the favorites for this year for fans of the subgenre

And that is great news that they are even better live
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
27.04.2009 - 14:25
Ag Fox
Angel No More
I think it's just that they've found their own ground and are able to express themselves freely, as opposed to Lucidity where there's a bit too much guests and sidetracking things a tad bit (not saying it's a bad album, I like it)
loves 小巫
28.04.2009 - 02:26
Written by Jason W. on 27.04.2009 at 09:13

Well I will be getting a chance to see them, but of course not on this current tour! I'll be heading to Belgium for their Metal Female Voices performance, ...

After you said that, I had a closer look and it dawned to me that the 2009 MFVF line up is quite strong. I just saw Deadlock and found them surprisingly good, if a bit heavy on the ideologic side. Then there are Coronatus, Doro, Tarja the old hide, Trail Of Tears, Kivimetsan Druidi, Midnattsol ... wow, and there are some names, that I still don't know at all.
17.06.2009 - 10:50
Pop rock with a sweety vocal..but not bad..i didn't say bad..
24.07.2009 - 09:13
Heaven Knight
Hm...seems this band is only nice for a couple of listenings...then it easily gets least in my ears
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

24.07.2009 - 23:25
Au Pays Natal
Lacuna Coil knockoffs IMO., but that's not a bad thing
13.08.2009 - 03:36
Dark Cornatus
The first album really surprised me, i found it similar to other female fronted stuff, but with a touch of originality. I really loved No Compliance with Marco from Nightwish.

The second album however, is not as good, its far more poppy and Lacuna Coil-ish and unoriginal. The songs are fine if you havent heard much symphonic or atmospheric metal before, but its becoming tedious now for me.
13.08.2009 - 03:57
Written by Ellrohir on 24.07.2009 at 09:13

Hm...seems this band is only nice for a couple of listenings...then it easily gets least in my ears

First album - yes, second - no. I thought they're boring at first. Then "April Rain" reached my ears and I changed my thoughts. Pretty cool stuff I gotta admit. :>
05.09.2009 - 23:23
Hmm, I don't know about Delain.
I enjoy symphonic metal but Delain just doesn't cut it for me.
The only album I've heard is April Rain and to be honest, I don't like it.
It kind of lacks epicness in my opinion. No offense to all the fans of course.
I just think this band has so much more potential.
I don't know.
And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil
06.09.2009 - 00:04
Heaven Knight
Well i at first place have problem with excess of "cliche"
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

06.09.2009 - 08:29
Written by Ellrohir on 06.09.2009 at 00:04

Well i at first place have problem with excess of "cliche"

as do I
And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil
06.09.2009 - 21:35
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Written by Irritable Ted on 06.09.2009 at 16:15

It's September 2009 and this is still my favourite album of the year so far (April Rain), closely followed by DGM Frame.

See what happens when Whyzdom's album comes out in a few days, that sounds a bit more complex than Delain, worth a look for female fronted Goth fans.

for female fronted acts, I agree that Delain is the best so far for this year, though Sirenia and Lunatica are fairly good too... Though I do intend to check out Whyzdom and Manic Movement
loves 小巫
06.09.2009 - 21:50
Ag Fox
Angel No More
I wasn't convinced of the live recordings of the made in HK ep tbh. I've heard way better (and worse of course) on youtube, but the studio tracks are very good.
loves 小巫
06.09.2009 - 22:53
Heaven Knight
Some people simply cannot live with Anette being vocalist of matter what she will do, she would be bad for those...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

07.09.2009 - 15:23
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Written by Irritable Ted on 06.09.2009 at 21:57

Written by Ag Fox on 06.09.2009 at 21:50

I wasn't convinced of the live recordings of the made in HK ep tbh. I've heard way better (and worse of course) on youtube, but the studio tracks are very good.

I thought that Annette actually sounded quite good, I was worried after hearing some of the Youtube efforts, it was Marco that sounded a bit ropey instead.

you should check out the "Lowland 2008 live" performances of NW on youtube. way better. "made in HK" is annoying in the bit where she makes that "yoddle" voice if you know what I mean
loves 小巫