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Job For A Cowboy

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21.12.2007 - 20:53
Job For A Cowboy built up quite a large fanbase through MySpace alone, must be doing something right then, right? Nah not really.

I heard quite a lot about this band, and downloaded their recent album Genesis to see what the fuss was about. It turned out to be one of the most boring death metal albums I've ever listened to, it just doesn't go anywhere! I guess the fanbase consisting of hardcore-dancing shit-haired scene kids says a lot as well! Saw the band with Black Dahlia Murder last week, and their performance did no justice for me whatsoever (BDM were ace though).

So what's the big deal? Any fans here? What's your view on their music? Their deathcore stuff sounded pretty shit as well, yawn!
21.12.2007 - 20:56
I never hold a band's fans against them, except for JFAC. I've seen this band live twice. The first time they weren't bad. The 2nd time around I wanted to kill all of their fans. They were actually PULLING my hair and fucking climbing on me. I threw a lot of elbows, a lot of them. As for their albums, I've never liked deathcore, and these guys are no exception. Pretty bland IMO.
21.12.2007 - 21:18
I personally quite enjoy their first EP, both in studio and live. However, I agree their latest album was quite boring. I'm not sure if it was their decision, or Metal Blade, but I enjoyed them more when they were pig squealing, break downing, hardcore dancing musicians. They still pull off their EP songs well live, and they are actually fun as hell. But their Death Metal isn't my taste at all.
The force will be with you, always.
22.12.2007 - 01:19
Lactation Cnslt
I just don't understand the hype surrounding this terribly overrated band. I mean, the Doom EP isn't bad at all, and on a sound system it sounds pretty cool, but Genesis is without a doubt the worst album of 2007. Everything about that album is bad. I actually bought it thinking I would like it, but when I played it I couldn't believe how shitty they turned out. The production is gay, and the triggered drums just show how talentless their drummer is. They got rid of the pig squeels and changed their sound so that they could be accessible to a wider audience, and while their popularity is still growing, I think they failed. They're just death metal for emos. The instruments don't really match either; the drummer is trying to play regular death metal while the guitarists haven't quite learned how to not play death core, so everything is just all over the place.
22.12.2007 - 01:57
Yuck. Terrible band. Saw them live open up for Behemoth. They're just catering to the kids who are to afraid of traditional death metal but love screamo/metalcore bands and think they are bad ass. Almost as bad as Waking The Cadaver.
22.12.2007 - 02:14
Account deleted
Now, Job For A Cowboy for me is just meh. I though have only heard the Doom EP, so I probably can't make an absolutely fair judgment on them currently. Upon listening to the Doom EP I never thought it was good and defintely not something that was bad or terrible; they had some catchy riffs, and the CD had moments, I have to give them that. To me it was just a bit repetive, got old kinda quick, and sin short nothing overly special. Now I heard there full length is more traditional death metal than deathcore, but I'm still doubting that it will be worth my time, especially with what has said about it on various forms, sites, etc.
22.12.2007 - 12:50
I've heard one song, Embedded.

And I have to say, I did enjoy it. The drums were fucking cool, worked well with the guitars. Also, the quality of the bass made it awesome to listen to through headphones, and the vocals were pretty good. I must say, however, that after about one minute it did get pretty repeatetive..

I'd describe it as watered down death metal.
24.12.2007 - 00:37
Genesis is shitty DOOM EP was brilliant though, entombment of a machine is my fav song on it.. but all of em are good
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us."
26.12.2007 - 11:38
Fucked Upstairs.
Account deleted
the only good form of hardcore is hardcore punk, and old one. i'm not against metalcore in general, but when will people learn that mixing it with death metal does NOT work? opinions here, opinions there: job for a cowboy fucking suck in my opinion and they are seriously nothing special at all.
27.12.2007 - 22:39
I thought "Genesis" was a great Death Metal record. It seems like the new trend is to hate Job For A Cowboy but I say fuck that. I think they're a good band. The drummer and guitarists (including bass) work well together throughout the album because the drums accent the riff changes and really stand out. As for them still having "Metalcore" elements I'd like to ask where? Where on "Genesis" does it sound like they're a full fledge Metalcore band? Sure, there are a few breakdowns but guess who else plays breakdowns in Death Metal? Suffocation, Behemoth, Aborted, Dying Fetus etc. The breakdowns don't sound like "Let's mosh and ninja kick!" they sound like "I'm going to crush your skull". Basing an opinion on a band's music because of their previous effort or their fan base is unfair. So what if most of their fan base suck and listen to Waking The Cadaver and sport the shotgun blast hairstyle? Eventually, if JFAC keeps touring with bands like Behemoth, they will ditch their Metalcore and Deathcore and actually start listening to actual Metal. I mean, I got into Metal when I was 12 because of Slipknot and Mudvayne. Now I hate them and only listen to mass amounts of Death and Black Metal. People get older and learn better. The kids that don't learn usually end up abandoning the subculture because it was just "something I did when I was young". And those are the true trend followers. So, bottom line, I think JFAC is somewhat refreshing regardless of what all of you may think. I haven't really heard any bands in the Death Metal genre lately that sound that interesting or new. Sure, Nile and Behemoth's albums this year were good but they just ended up boring me where as I can pop in "Genesis" and rock out until the album is over. I guess it all comes down to taste when discussing a band like this.

Oh, and pyroleprechaun, I'd like to see you play anything drum related from "Genesis" (especially the last track with the constant fills and blast beats inbetween them). Just because a band trigs their drums doesn't mean their drummer is talentless. Nick Barker trigged his drums on Dimmu Borgir's "Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia", Vitek from Decapitated trigged his drums on "Nihility", Hellhammer trigged his drums on "Chimera" and I can name many, many more bands that have done so where the drummers are absolutely incredible.
28.12.2007 - 01:55
Lactation Cnslt
lol almost every metal drummer triggers their drums, and it doesn't always bother me. What the JFAC dude does isn't that technical, and really does not need to be triggered. The thing that pisses me off the most is how disgustingly flat they sound. I'm completely fine with people like Flo using triggers, because what he does really needs them. Like I said before, I bought Genesis thinking I would like it, and I even tried to like it, so it's not like I'm being biased or anything.

Death metal needs to stop being pretty.
28.12.2007 - 02:13
this band is highly overrated, and gets more credit than they deserve. they're music is okay, but it's nothing special or ground-breaking.

there may be a trend to hate these guys, but at the same time there's also a trend to fanaticize over them. it makes no sense to me because there are tons of death metal bands out there that are ten times better, yet they're overlooked because their albums aren't sold in hot topic.

and yes, i agree with most of you over the idea of mixing metalcore with death metal, it just plain sucks. and job for a cowboy take a great style of music (death metal) and completely wrecks it.
29.12.2007 - 13:13
Account deleted
I've heard couple songs from them and seems to me a quite similar case like Lamb Of God.
Nothing special, pretty boring and mostly teen based fanbase kind of music. The overdoing shrieking of the vocalist irritated me continuosly and the music itself wasn't nothing revolutionary neither, just basic kind of damping done by a million other bands.

And the name people, THE NAME ?! . 'Job For A Cowboy' MY GOD ! What kind of name is that for a band. I can't understand ?
31.12.2007 - 05:17
Written by [user id=24776] on 29.12.2007 at 13:13

I've heard couple songs from them and seems to me a quite similar case like Lamb Of God.
Nothing special, pretty boring and mostly teen based fanbase kind of music. The overdoing shrieking of the vocalist irritated me continuosly and the music itself wasn't nothing revolutionary neither, just basic kind of damping done by a million other bands.

And the name people, THE NAME ?! . 'Job For A Cowboy' MY GOD ! What kind of name is that for a band. I can't understand ?

lol, the name is definitely wierd, but there are plenty of other "death metal" (and i use that term VERY loosely) bands from the US with stupid names; "from a second story window", "the number twelve looks like you", etc...
01.01.2008 - 03:51
Written by [user id=24776] on 29.12.2007 at 13:13

I've heard couple songs from them and seems to me a quite similar case like Lamb Of God.
Nothing special, pretty boring and mostly teen based fanbase kind of music. The overdoing shrieking of the vocalist irritated me continuosly and the music itself wasn't nothing revolutionary neither, just basic kind of damping done by a million other bands.

And the name people, THE NAME ?! . 'Job For A Cowboy' MY GOD ! What kind of name is that for a band. I can't understand ?

agree, not to mention the name just asks to be poked fun of. I can already hear Death metallers saying "blowjob for a cowboy!"
01.01.2008 - 10:58
Metal Scientist
w00t? There's an Indian in the band? (Ravi Bhadriraju). I ought to check them out...
"You're all the same, the lot of you, with your long hair and faggot clothes. Drugs, sex, every sort of filth. And you hate the police, don't you? You make it easy."
01.01.2008 - 12:02
Account deleted
Written by VPeter on 01.01.2008 at 03:51

Written by [user id=24776] on 29.12.2007 at 13:13

I've heard couple songs from them and seems to me a quite similar case like Lamb Of God.
Nothing special, pretty boring and mostly teen based fanbase kind of music. The overdoing shrieking of the vocalist irritated me continuosly and the music itself wasn't nothing revolutionary neither, just basic kind of damping done by a million other bands.

And the name people, THE NAME ?! . 'Job For A Cowboy' MY GOD ! What kind of name is that for a band. I can't understand ?

agree, not to mention the name just asks to be poked fun of. I can already hear Death metallers saying "blowjob for a cowboy!"

Hey ! Blowjob for a Cowboy , there's a more deathish name for it.
Just the word 'job' alone doesn't tell you anything, you could almost consider it a bit abstract.
But when they really would add that extra 'blow' in the beginning . . . Well that would be something more death metal.

Maybe they considered the naming process less important, when names for death metal bands traditionally have been gory and, as harbinger commented, incomprehensible.
02.01.2008 - 00:19
Written by Dangerboner on 22.12.2007 at 01:19

I just don't understand the hype surrounding this terribly overrated band.

...terribly over-rated GENRE in itself... I agree with you, however.
The nectar ov Thy rage,
I taste from the cup ov fornication.
And woman by my side,
And scarlet is her skin.
She's eager to rise,
And so eager to please.
02.01.2008 - 07:55
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by ArcanaHereticae on 02.01.2008 at 00:19

Written by Dangerboner on 22.12.2007 at 01:19

I just don't understand the hype surrounding this terribly overrated band.

...terribly over-rated GENRE in itself...

Since when is death netal overrated?
Remeber that job Fr plays death metal nowaydayds and not totally not metalcore anymore.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.01.2008 - 18:18
I have heard only one song and it sucked.
02.01.2008 - 19:25
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.01.2008 at 07:55

Written by ArcanaHereticae on 02.01.2008 at 00:19

Written by Dangerboner on 22.12.2007 at 01:19

I just don't understand the hype surrounding this terribly overrated band.

...terribly over-rated GENRE in itself...

Since when is death netal overrated?
Remeber that job Fr plays death metal nowaydayds and not totally not metalcore anymore.

To me, that is hardly Death Metal. In that case, The Red Chord, Through The Eyes of The Dead, etc would all be classified as Death Metal. They all have Death Metal roots and influence, but doesn't necessarily mean they are a Death Metal band. They are more on the "core" side of things.
The nectar ov Thy rage,
I taste from the cup ov fornication.
And woman by my side,
And scarlet is her skin.
She's eager to rise,
And so eager to please.
03.01.2008 - 07:16
Written by ArcanaHereticae on 02.01.2008 at 19:25

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.01.2008 at 07:55

Written by ArcanaHereticae on 02.01.2008 at 00:19

Written by Dangerboner on 22.12.2007 at 01:19

I just don't understand the hype surrounding this terribly overrated band.

...terribly over-rated GENRE in itself...

Since when is death netal overrated?
Remeber that job Fr plays death metal nowaydayds and not totally not metalcore anymore.

To me, that is hardly Death Metal. In that case, The Red Chord, Through The Eyes of The Dead, etc would all be classified as Death Metal. They all have Death Metal roots and influence, but doesn't necessarily mean they are a Death Metal band. They are more on the "core" side of things.

the literal genre definition a lot of people use in the states (at least educated listeners) call it
"deathcore". bands like job for a cowboy, black dahlia murder, the red chord, etc. fall into that category.
03.01.2008 - 07:34
Written by b0000mst1ck on 03.01.2008 at 07:16

Written by ArcanaHereticae on 02.01.2008 at 19:25

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.01.2008 at 07:55

Written by ArcanaHereticae on 02.01.2008 at 00:19

Written by Dangerboner on 22.12.2007 at 01:19

I just don't understand the hype surrounding this terribly overrated band.

...terribly over-rated GENRE in itself...

Since when is death netal overrated?
Remeber that job Fr plays death metal nowaydayds and not totally not metalcore anymore.

To me, that is hardly Death Metal. In that case, The Red Chord, Through The Eyes of The Dead, etc would all be classified as Death Metal. They all have Death Metal roots and influence, but doesn't necessarily mean they are a Death Metal band. They are more on the "core" side of things.

the literal genre definition a lot of people use in the states (at least educated listeners) call it
"deathcore". bands like job for a cowboy, black dahlia murder, the red chord, etc. fall into that category.

Exactly. While I will admit that they are getting closer and closer to the Death Metal genre, they are merely nothing more than a Deathcore band.
The nectar ov Thy rage,
I taste from the cup ov fornication.
And woman by my side,
And scarlet is her skin.
She's eager to rise,
And so eager to please.
03.01.2008 - 22:56
Account deleted
The Band Job For A cowboy Are Really Good But their New Album aren't so good Like The Other albums
03.02.2008 - 07:55
Lactation Cnslt
03.02.2008 - 09:46
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Yeah, I don't really care much for this band.

Like, their riffs are okay sometimes, as a matter of fact, they can be kind of intresting, but they quickly stagnate for me. Not only that, but they are WAY blown out of proportion. Just one more thing to make the scene kids in my school think they're metal.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
03.02.2008 - 14:07
Account deleted
I'm currently listening some tracks from the Genesis album.. Not that bad, but not that special either. They remind me abit from Amoral, but well, Amoral is ten times better. Check them out here.
03.02.2008 - 16:44
Written by [user id=13894] on 03.02.2008 at 14:07

I'm currently listening some tracks from the Genesis album.. Not that bad, but not that special either. They remind me abit from Amoral, but well, Amoral is ten times better. Check them out here.

hell yeah they are. i'd like to see JFAC come up with a song half as decent as D drop bopo or snake skin saddle.
03.02.2008 - 18:52
Account deleted
Written by Dangerboner on 03.02.2008 at 07:55


Haha I've never heard that before! Did you make that up? From now on that's what I'm gonna call all those bands that are catering to the kiddies who are too scared of traditional DM but like to think they're bad arses (to use someone else description from earlier in this thread). Or maybe I'll say "Shitspacecore" instead, because I hate myspace.

Anyway, about the band... I listened to Entombment Of A Machine on youtube ages ago and I actually really liked up to about 1:20, it flowed pretty well and was kind of technical but still really heavy. Then after that they just ran out of good riffs and didn't seem to know where to go. In other words: it was crap.
04.02.2008 - 00:07
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Written by [user id=2943] on 03.02.2008 at 18:52

Written by Dangerboner on 03.02.2008 at 07:55


Anyway, about the band... I listened to Entombment Of A Machine on youtube ages ago and I actually really liked up to about 1:20.....

It was that statement right there that reminded me of the first time I ever heard them. It was like "yeah, this is pretty heavy.....okay, still pretty good.....WHEN WILL THE FUCKING RIFF CHANGE?!?!?11"? So yeah, I definitly sympathize.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.