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"Heavy Music - A Cancer For Society"

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02.09.2006 - 12:15
This was originally posted in Metal-Archives- Link

Posted: 31 Aug 2006 10:01 Post subject: Heavy-Rock, a Cancer for Society


Well, I found this opinion of a Jehova's Witness in a blog. It was written in Spanish so I've translated it. My English isn't excellent, so be a little patient, OK?

Misspelling in band line-ups and band names are not mine, they're from this terrorist. Here it goes:

"Heavy-Rock", a Cancer for the Society (Opinion of a Jehova's Terrorist)

Brothers, it's true that there are things the Devil has created to catch young people and suffered brain damage heads, things that separate them from the Way of Salvation. Sex, drugs, TV... and specially music. I want to talk about a very poor musical genre, "heavy-rock", music that corrupts the soul when it's just listened. That's the reason for wich rockers are despicable beings, beings who enjoy the dirt and the vital hedonism, demonic freaks without manners that don't have any emotion. It can seem they are alive beings, but under my point of view, they're not human. They have our appearance, but evil covers their souls. They are not of ours. They are bastard dreg that does not deserve any compassion. They are that rotten apple that corrput to the rest of apples of the basket. A cancer that has to be exterminated. For that reason, our immediate obligation is to free our civilized society of such individuals by means of discrimination and violence. Be calm, to use evil to fight evil is a service to the good, it's not something that we must regret of. It's not a sin. Is to kill a killer a bad act? No way! Rather it's a service to the Community. Those devils with human appearance, with their mocking and disrespectful character, are putting in danger to the coming generations, and Catholic Church remains impassible over this situation. Catholic priests have even recorded rock discs! They would have to be shamed. This is another symptom of which Catholicism is in the heat of declivity, whereas our impetuous community continues taking terrain. Therefore there's only a solution, to separate them of our way with a punch, to burn all related to hateful rock (discs, T-shirts, magazines, and even some musicians...). The lesson is the only viable solution for this satanic communist and sexual perverted group. Follow me and, united, we'll be able to pull out so devastating and evil disease of our planet. United, brothers, all against Rock.


If a Heavy Rock fan is already a despicable being, all of those who plays that music are still more despicable, whatever their lyrical message was. It is said on Holy Bible that Satan knows all the ways to touch human. So, although rock bands preach the words of the Highest One, as it is the case of the american band Striper, they don't deserve neither credibility nor any respect. There am a series of facts here that induce to think to all of ours, we, that have the right in our power, that Rock is a dark, demonic and dangerous thing. Rock is a negation of life, so it must be banned and exterminated. Rock bands as Judas Priest (this name shows a clear sign of religious disrespect) extorted by telephone calls, letter threats and surprise visits two neglected followers of this american group, that demanded to both young boys they took off their lifes. Both boys, pressed by the band, commited suicide with a pistol, a gun that had been bought by the own members of this band and left near the home of both suicidal. Another band of orchestrated psychopaths are Kiss. They have publicly boasted of its deplorable satanic attitude many times. What their suffered brain damage fans don't know is that they're not human. What public thinks that's facial make-up it's not more than their real skins. I know that because I was studying that lots of years, and old jewish and christian books describe "leather demons with black and white skin", such this depraved guys. In case outside little, the singer Gene Simón likes to enter orphanges by night to violate children and teenagers, as well as drink human blood whenever he wakes up. While another member Ace Stanley spent five years in a reformatory because he killed his grandmother with a rifle when he was sixteen. Peter Criss, another member of Kiss, has three reports in the USA for violent conduct. Does this delinquent trash deserve to be admired? They deserve a slow and painful death by all that evil they have caused, to have corrupted our youth.

But, if there is somebody who deserves to be hated more than no other band is the gang of dangerous mental unbalanced that meets under the letters W.A.S.P., that has two meanings "We are sexual Perverts" and "We are Satan Prayers". They sing songs with as explicit titles as "Fuck like a Beast" or "The Headless Children". W.A.S.P. is the demon in pure essence. To this idiot and crude songs it's necessary to add their deplorable attitude as well as their concerts, where only lobotomized animals and heroin addict whores would go to. In their concerts the band throw rotten meat, worms and stuffed human lee condoms to the crowd... and to the top it all, their leader, that cheeky devil of "Blackie Lawles" has the brazeness of sodomize a nun-dressed dummy. But this group is still able to commit worse acts. Those readers who are too young, please, abstain to read the following lines. It seems that the band, when they have finished their concert, they meet in the dressing room. There they begin to masturbate each other, and they ejaculate in a container similar to a wood barrel. They have been years doing it, and the worse thing of everything is that they don't drain the bucket. Imagine what a scent! But the worse thing of the case is that they take some fan to the dressing room and here, they are put under diverse sexual humiliations, between which it emphasizes the game of the bucket of the laughter. Members of W.A.S.P. force their victims to end of pistol to drink part of the fluids, or still worse, to put the head into the barrel. Comentaries exceed to define a conduct so twisted. Black Sabath, Pantera and Led Zeppelin introduce satanic subliminal messages in their repulsive discs. Marilin Manson, a syndrome of Down affected hermafrodite is dedicated to induce children to kill their friends. The Beatles forced their fans to inject themselves drugs with a ball point pen. Slayer, Sepultura and Nine Inch Nails give advice to you of how to commit a murder and undoing the corpse. Members of Metalica and Van Halen likes to fornicate each others to unload tensions during the tours. Iron Maiden introduces in their lyrics clearly satanic elements. AC/DC put poison in the drink of their singer... They are not all those that are evil... there are hundreds of them. Believe me, they are the Enemy. We must finish them. United we'll win this war against Evil, against that demon called "Rock", against its music, against its musicians and against their followers. Believe me, my Word will save you of the new epidemic: "Rock".


My son Daniel was a normal boy. He had been bred in a good atmosphere and he was conscious of dangers of Rock. All was good until he was 16. He had become rebellious and disrespectful. Anthough I prohibited him to listen to Heavy music, he disobeyed me. I don't know how, but he bought some CDs of bands of this style, that he listened to while I was reunited with the Community, with my wife. But a day we arrived more soon as usual at home, and there we found him, with the CD Player at high volume, sounding rock discs and laying on the bed. I became infuriated, and I whipped him. Immediately afterwards, I took those repulsive discs of Iron Maiden, Acept and Judas Priest and destroy them with wrath. I gathered that trash and I burnt it in the Garden in front of Daniel. I saw he cried. He was crying because of his demonic discs. Then I understood that his soul was in danger, like a honeycomb watched by a bear. I didn't have another option, I whipped him there in the garden, watched by the passers-by. They had done just like I. In spite of the continuous reproaches of my son, I thought that the problem was neat. I thought the Devil of Rock had been expelled from my son, but I was mistaken... I had a dream. My son Daniel was listening to rock music. From the music player flames and flames arose. Immediately afterwards a Rock musician with horns and tail appeared. He was Satan. My son knelt down and was undressing in front of him. Immediately afterwards, the demon began to sodomize him violently, and the worst thing of everything was that my son enjoyed it. My son emitted gestures and moaneds of pleasure. It was Hell. I woke up wet of sweat and tears. I reflected about that vision and I arrived to a conclusion. It was a warning of my Father Jevovah. I went towards my son's room and I woke him up. Unconciously I looked under his bed, and there I found the demon again: an old walkman, some heavy-rock cassettes and some magazines about this nauseous music. I could not be contained. I beat him so hard that I doubt he'll listen to that music again. He had betrayed me; the demon returned to be within him. I didn't have another option that give him a lesson by means of physical punishment. Don't look at me as a villain, I did what all good father would do in my place. Do you think that it's easy to hit your own son with the wood of the broom during half an hour? Do you think it's easy for a decent father like me to chain on my first-born son in a dark room during a month? It was as I expelled evil of my home, and to all fathers that were in my situation I recommend.


In case anyone thinks this is fake, here's the orginal text in Spanish-

NOTE TO MODS- PLease feel free to move this if you feel it would be more appropriate elsewhere.
"I got 1,000 years of power! Come and get me!" Robert McLain- Royal Oak, MI
02.09.2006 - 12:40
Account deleted
Hilarious stuff xD
But I still have my doubts if this was actually written by Jehova's Witness and not some rocker, who wanted to crack some laughs.
02.09.2006 - 17:51
hanna of steel
Poison Girl
If it's true it is quite scary that someone could think like that.

But I found myself laughing at it too.

religious people have been writing things like this (how the wholeworld was going to the devil etc) since Elvis Presley first started singing - and no one has taken any notice.

If we're all going to hell - at least we'll all go together.
Hell is other people - Jean-Paul Sartre
02.09.2006 - 20:30
Account deleted
When will people learn that heavy metal will not make tumors grow on your brain? : In fact, just to get even with them, and just for the fun of it, I will point out their "quotes of stupidity".

"a very poor musical genre, "heavy-rock", music that corrupts the soul when it's just listened."


"If a Heavy Rock fan is already a despicable being, all of those who plays that music are still more despicable"

"Rock is a dark, demonic and dangerous thing. Rock is a negation of life, so it must be banned and exterminated. Rock bands as Judas Priest (this name shows a clear sign of religious disrespect) extorted by telephone calls, letter threats and surprise visits two neglected followers of this american group, that demanded to both young boys they took off their lifes. Both boys, pressed by the band, commited suicide with a pistol, a gun that had been bought by the own members of this band and left near the home of both suicidal. Another band of orchestrated psychopaths are Kiss. They have publicly boasted of its deplorable satanic attitude many times. What their suffered brain damage fans don't know is that they're not human. What public thinks that's facial make-up it's not more than their real skins. I know that because I was studying that lots of years, and old jewish and christian books describe "leather demons with black and white skin", such this depraved guys. In case outside little, the singer Gene Simón likes to enter orphanges by night to violate children and teenagers, as well as drink human blood whenever he wakes up. While another member Ace Stanley spent five years in a reformatory because he killed his grandmother with a rifle when he was sixteen. Peter Criss, another member of Kiss, has three reports in the USA for violent conduct. Does this delinquent trash deserve to be admired? They deserve a slow and painful death by all that evil they have caused, to have corrupted our youth."

"But, if there is somebody who deserves to be hated more than no other band is the gang of dangerous mental unbalanced that meets under the letters W.A.S.P., that has two meanings "We are sexual Perverts" and "We are Satan Prayers"

"It seems that the band, when they have finished their concert, they meet in the dressing room. There they begin to masturbate each other, and they ejaculate in a container similar to a wood barrel. They have been years doing it, and the worse thing of everything is that they don't drain the bucket. Imagine what a scent! But the worse thing of the case is that they take some fan to the dressing room and here, they are put under diverse sexual humiliations, between which it emphasizes the game of the bucket of the laughter. Members of W.A.S.P. force their victims to end of pistol to drink part of the fluids, or still worse, to put the head into the barrel. Comentaries exceed to define a conduct so twisted. Black Sabath, Pantera and Led Zeppelin introduce satanic subliminal messages in their repulsive discs. Marilin Manson, a syndrome of Down affected hermafrodite is dedicated to induce children to kill their friends. The Beatles forced their fans to inject themselves drugs with a ball point pen. Slayer, Sepultura and Nine Inch Nails give advice to you of how to commit a murder and undoing the corpse. Members of Metalica and Van Halen likes to fornicate each others to unload tensions during the tours. Iron Maiden introduces in their lyrics clearly satanic elements. AC/DC put poison in the drink of their singer... They are not all those that are evil... there are hundreds of them. Believe me, they are the Enemy. We must finish them. United we'll win this war against Evil, against that demon called "Rock", against its music, against its musicians and against their followers. Believe me, my Word will save you of the new epidemic: "Rock".

"My son Daniel was a normal boy. He had been bred in a good atmosphere and he was conscious of dangers of Rock. All was good until he was 16. He had become rebellious and disrespectful. Anthough I prohibited him to listen to Heavy music, he disobeyed me. I don't know how, but he bought some CDs of bands of this style, that he listened to while I was reunited with the Community, with my wife. But a day we arrived more soon as usual at home, and there we found him, with the CD Player at high volume, sounding rock discs and laying on the bed. I became infuriated, and I whipped him. Immediately afterwards, I took those repulsive discs of Iron Maiden, Acept and Judas Priest and destroy them with wrath. I gathered that trash and I burnt it in the Garden in front of Daniel. I saw he cried. He was crying because of his demonic discs. Then I understood that his soul was in danger, like a honeycomb watched by a bear. I didn't have another option, I whipped him there in the garden, watched by the passers-by. They had done just like I. In spite of the continuous reproaches of my son, I thought that the problem was neat. I thought the Devil of Rock had been expelled from my son, but I was mistaken... I had a dream. My son Daniel was listening to rock music. From the music player flames and flames arose. Immediately afterwards a Rock musician with horns and tail appeared. He was Satan. My son knelt down and was undressing in front of him. Immediately afterwards, the demon began to sodomize him violently, and the worst thing of everything was that my son enjoyed it. My son emitted gestures and moaneds of pleasure. It was Hell. I woke up wet of sweat and tears. I reflected about that vision and I arrived to a conclusion. It was a warning of my Father Jevovah. I went towards my son's room and I woke him up. Unconciously I looked under his bed, and there I found the demon again: an old walkman, some heavy-rock cassettes and some magazines about this nauseous music. I could not be contained. I beat him so hard that I doubt he'll listen to that music again. He had betrayed me; the demon returned to be within him. I didn't have another option that give him a lesson by means of physical punishment. Don't look at me as a villain, I did what all good father would do in my place. Do you think that it's easy to hit your own son with the wood of the broom during half an hour? Do you think it's easy for a decent father like me to chain on my first-born son in a dark room during a month? It was as I expelled evil of my home, and to all fathers that were in my situation I recommend."

The entire piece was retarded, but those were the parts that stood out the most.
02.09.2006 - 20:58
el parcero
A friend form spain showed that to me, it was on the msn space of someone she knew. I read it in spanish, and damn! WTF!!?? That man ugh, no words, me too mad.
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
02.09.2006 - 20:59
Account deleted
Hmmmm which group ov people are more frightening? Metal Fans or The followers ov Jehova's Witness (which is a CULT!)????!!
02.09.2006 - 21:08
Written by [user id=1868] on 02.09.2006 at 12:40

Hilarious stuff xD
But I still have my doubts if this was actually written by Jehova's Witness and not some rocker, who wanted to crack some laughs.

Yeah, exactly, I think this article is supposed to be a joke, and not meant to be taken seriously. It's almost as far-fetched and ridiculously OTT as the Bible...

However, having said that, a true story: several years ago, a friend of mine had a work colleague who was a Jehova's Witness. The J.W. warned my friend not to hang out with me, and even said that he shouldn't borrow any of my CD's because they might have demons or dark spirits or something shit like that sticking to them!!
02.09.2006 - 22:08
"burn all related to hateful rock (discs, T-shirts, magazines, and even some musicians...)"

"They deserve a slow and painful death by all that evil they have caused, to have corrupted our youth."

Wow, what a christian way to think! Forget to forgive and do not turn the other cheek!

"Immediately afterwards, I took those repulsive discs of Iron Maiden, Acept and Judas Priest and destr them with wrath. I gathered that trash and I burnt it in the Garden in front of Daniel. I saw he cried. He was crying because of his demonic discs. Then I understood that his soul was in danger, like a honeycomb watched by a bear. I didn't have another option, I whipped him there in the garden, watched by the

"I could not be contained. I beat him so hard that I doubt he'll listen to that music again"

"Do you think that it's easy to hit your own son with the wood of the broom during half an hour? Do youthink it's easy for a decent father like me to chain on my first-born son in a dark room during a month?"

Doesn't the doctrine involve the value of bieng mercyful and paitence of those who "faulter in darkness"? And what kind of father is doing something like this for such a silly matter? He couldn't simply, I don't know, talk to the boy maybe?

"It is said on Holy Bible that Satan knows all the ways to touch human. So, although rock bands preach the words of the Highest One, as it is the case of the american band Striper, they don't deserve neither credibility nor any respect"

Yeah, and the churches nowdays have so much more credibility, espacially Jehova's witnessess?

If this article is true,and not a joke, I pity this man. He most be terrified every day, fearing the devil in every corner. Speaking of Jehova's Witnessess, they have pretty funny scripts. In a nummer of "Awake!" they had this article of moralism and TV -veiwing, I went on something like "Some programs can harm your spirituality, if you come across a program with discussable content, then immidiatly switch channel. If the image get's stuckin your head, then prey to God". In another paper there stood in the youth section: "Be friendly to all people, even non-christians, but don't form a friendship with those people as they surly will threaten your spiruality".
02.09.2006 - 22:33
Written by Torelli on 02.09.2006 at 22:08

"burn all related to hateful rock (discs, T-shirts, magazines, and even some musicians...)"

"They deserve a slow and painful death by all that evil they have caused, to have corrupted our youth."

Wow, what a christian way to think! Forget to forgive and do not turn the other cheek!

"Immediately afterwards, I took those repulsive discs of Iron Maiden, Acept and Judas Priest and destr them with wrath. I gathered that trash and I burnt it in the Garden in front of Daniel. I saw he cried. He was crying because of his demonic discs. Then I understood that his soul was in danger, like a honeycomb watched by a bear. I didn't have another option, I whipped him there in the garden, watched by the

"I could not be contained. I beat him so hard that I doubt he'll listen to that music again"

"Do you think that it's easy to hit your own son with the wood of the broom during half an hour? Do youthink it's easy for a decent father like me to chain on my first-born son in a dark room during a month?"

Doesn't the doctrine involve the value of bieng mercyful and paitence of those who "faulter in darkness"? And what kind of father is doing something like this for such a silly matter? He couldn't simply, I don't know, talk to the boy maybe?

"It is said on Holy Bible that Satan knows all the ways to touch human. So, although rock bands preach the words of the Highest One, as it is the case of the american band Striper, they don't deserve neither credibility nor any respect"

Yeah, and the churches nowdays have so much more credibility, espacially Jehova's witnessess?

If this article is true,and not a joke, I pity this man. He most be terrified every day, fearing the devil in every corner. Speaking of Jehova's Witnessess, they have pretty funny scripts. In a nummer of "Awake!" they had this article of moralism and TV -veiwing, I went on something like "Some programs can harm your spirituality, if you come across a program with discussable content, then immidiatly switch channel. If the image get's stuckin your head, then prey to God". In another paper there stood in the youth section: "Be friendly to all people, even non-christians, but don't form a friendship with those people as they surly will threaten your spiruality".

If that article is the real deal, then that guy needs to be tossed in a loony bin, forget about throwing away the key, I say weild the door shut- and have his kids taken away from him.

I bet he'd get along GREAT with Fred Phelps, Marguerite "God Warrior" Perrin, and Osama bin Laden. In fact I wouldn't be one bit surprised if they had lunch together.
"I got 1,000 years of power! Come and get me!" Robert McLain- Royal Oak, MI
02.09.2006 - 22:42
Forever Dead
Unbelievable ! It's all I can say .
Heaven queen , carry me away from all pain

No reason to live for
One reason to die for

... To live for my death ...
02.09.2006 - 23:04
Retired Staff
hahaha, rofl
hilarious, although most probably not true
BAS - Beautifully Accented Sexiness
05.09.2006 - 01:06
Account deleted
Written by Richard on 02.09.2006 at 21:08

However, having said that, a true story: several years ago, a friend of mine had a work colleague who was a Jehova's Witness. The J.W. warned my friend not to hang out with me, and even said that he shouldn't borrow any of my CD's because they might have demons or dark spirits or something shit like that sticking to them!!

Come to think of it, it would be cool to see a metal record with a bonus like that:

05.09.2006 - 06:30
Account deleted
I don't think that even God Himself has such a big problem with rock.

If you study the bible carefully, the prophet Daniel's name, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (whom Jesus saved from the fiiery furnace),
all their names are named after the most pagan babylonian gods. And this was written in the Holy Bible.

"To them the chief of the eunuchs gave names: he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abed-Nego."
Daniel 1:6-8 (NKJV)

Belteshazzar was named after the main babylonian god, Bel, and the name means 'Bel will protect'. And Daniel was a prophet.

Shadrach, means moon god, and Meshach is 'Like the moon god' And Abed-Nego means, Servant of the demon nego.

And the Bible so blatantly writes their names and how they won't bow down to the idol of Nebuchadnezzar etc etc.

Since the Bible is by God, and he doesn't have a problem with His servants named after demons, what is rock when used in the correct way?

Religion is dangerous. Hehe.
05.09.2006 - 14:12
Valentin B
religion is the opium of the people
i have no problems with christianity,satanism,jehova's witnesses whatever but this guy is even more insane than the bands he entioned put together!(given it's not a hoax)
05.09.2006 - 15:26
Shit, what a moron, that guy deserves to be, he seriously does, poor kid, he doesnt deserve that kind of treatment. I think that anyone who has the audacity to use religion as his excuse makes it even worse. Someone please kill him.

Mordechai, one of the most used jewish names means marduk.
06.09.2006 - 02:09
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
@Hellraizer: Oh god, I couldn't agree more, Stop him before they create the K.K.K. for rockers and Metal Heads.

Seriously, I'm thinking about carrying a gun on me if this is true.
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
06.09.2006 - 05:53
Account deleted
I read this whole thing and all I can thing of is that poor kid. I bet he's not even satanic either. He's prolly like me- some middle of the road Christian kid who likes good music. It sucks too because I'm just starting this melododeath cover band with my friend who lives with Jehovas, and they're hispanic...shit.

But yeah, I'm Christian to an extent, but I think some of the best music comes out of Dimmu Borgir- I like it for the music, I really don't care about the message.
06.09.2006 - 19:04
Well that was a hilarious read. Im glad that both my parents are not very religious. Well my mom is somewhat religious (goes to Church every Saturday or Sunday), but like in this story (whether its real or not). My Dad, on the other hand, doesnt follow organized religion.

Thanks to Corrupt for these banners!
09.09.2006 - 18:29
Shit! This is so.. Unbelievable... Maybe it's not a real thing... I hope so... But I laughed at sentences like:"Another band of orchestrated psychopaths are Kiss. They have publicly boasted of its deplorable satanic attitude many times. What their suffered brain damage fans don't know is that they're not human..."..
But, I can't stand the things that the Jehova father wrote.. What he just revolts me.. How can you do that to your son, even if you have different values..??
Sanity brings up the sadness
And keep your illusions locked
In a little box...
Fright comes, you find yourself lonely
In a cage of conclusions
Crownding your mind...
09.09.2006 - 20:12
That guy must've been in a closet for the latest lte's say 50 years... Beatles is evil , That article made me laugh and worry, there must be something wrong with him, poor kid, get beaten with a stick for 30 min, I hope that there isn't many people like that in the world...
10.09.2006 - 23:12
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
I think an article like this can only come from a distorted mind of a religous fantatic, truth is stranger than fiction, and those Jehovahs are one of the worst cults out there. The last paragraph was actually pretty sick, I think if this is all true then the boy will have a much high possibility of turning out deranged from all the abuse, as opposed to listening to metal. Aside from that it was funny.
14.09.2006 - 15:24
Account deleted
That Jehova's Witness? Yeah, he was a tosser.

Burning CDs? Wow. You know who else burned stuff? The Nazis.

Heil Jehova!

But, in all seriousness, it was probably a joke.
01.11.2006 - 20:42
I sincerely hope that this is fake. It worries me that people like this exist. How can someone be so blinded by their religion that they're willing to put aside all moral and ethical guidance to do what they think is necessary. If that bit about his son was words can describe my disgust. This goes beyond ignorance...this is pure bigotry. I'm a Christian, and yet I listen to bands like Slayer, Darkthrone, Dissection and Emperor, because I like the music (and some of their lyrics are very good as well). Sometimes, however, I'm ashamed to admit I follow Christ, because of people like this guy.:mad7:
02.11.2006 - 01:04
Do not be ashamed.....Christ is not responsible for the acts of such people.....if I am correct the Jehova worshippers even hate christians...every other religion perhaps.....
02.11.2006 - 06:52
Account deleted
That would be really funny, seeing as they're Christians themselves.
02.11.2006 - 20:42
Account deleted
Kinda amusing that someone is retard enough to write some crap like this.
02.11.2006 - 20:50
It even says in the Bible "you will know by the fruit it produces", I find that very ironic.
03.11.2006 - 12:49
Damn! This is sick! He talks about finnishing evil... I mean...look at your self you pscyho! You talk about how bands talk about murdering, and you say that all this people should be dead... ? So wait... who's talking about murdering now?
Ghhhh I'm so pissed off!
Ok, I know that out there are many people who think that rock and metal are all about satanism and satanic messages (I've already talked to them. It's kinda funny ). Ok, I don't have anything agains them. You have the right to think so. But hey, if you don't like such music, leave it alone! Why do they judge poeple who listen to rock and metal? Are we so bad?
And oh, just for information. I'm a christian. And I know a lot of christian metalheads...
Arghhh too stupid to talk about it, but still, feeling kinda afraid now
Now, where's my Metallica cd?!
03.11.2006 - 18:40
Account deleted
I'm pretty positive this is satire. It's way too clichéd and over-the-top to be serious.
04.11.2006 - 02:34
Opium Magnet
Account deleted
I finnd this story hard to believe, but if it is true, then it is just bad. It just makes me sick to read such pathetic attempts to convert the masses, damn well misleading people in such a dsitorted and PERVERSE way... damn that guy deserves to be shot a million times over and then impaled by the UN's flagpole.