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For Today - Guitarist Leaves Following Controversial Comments

For Today guitarist Mike Reynolds is at the center of the storm after remarks he made on Twitter regarding homosexuality and religion. The guitarist reportedly responded to this article claiming that "homosexuality is a sin". This generated a huge negative feedback and following this controversy, For Today announced that the guitarist is no longer part of the band as he decided to enroll in Bible college.

Tweets from Mike Reynolds: "There IS a state church being formed, there is going to be an exclusive acceptance of preachers who advocate the LGBT. Don't be deceived, homosexuality is a sin. This sin with all other sins is what Jesus died for. He conquered so that we would be free.

No such thing as a gay Christian, the same as there is no such thing as a Christian who loves his sin. Don't be fooled by the formation of a state church as though the government is being converted, they only use the name of Jesus for their Progressive liberal agenda. If you are a Christian then separate yourself from this civil religion that advocates sin. Be true to God."

He continued on his Facebook account.

Statement from the band: "Mike Reynolds is no longer a part of For Today. He has decided that now is the time for he and his wife to put their plans in motion to enroll in bible college, and to begin working toward full-time missions work in the Middle East. Mike will be replaced by long-time friend of the band, and former In The Midst Of Lions guitar player, Sam Penner, who will be appearing with the band as they headline their upcoming Fight The Silence tour."

"For today has always and will always be a band that is about loving people, we have no hatred towards any people regardless of what they believe or how they live. We may not agree on everything but Jesus loves you and died for you. And so would we. Blessings, For Today"

The band's frontman Mattie Montgomery also released a public statement to anyone affected by Mike's recent comments regarding homosexuality.

Band profile: For Today
Posted: 12.01.2013 by BloodTears


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Comments: 45   Visited by: 188 users
12.01.2013 - 15:23
I really hate christianity... i really do, i don't want to offend anyone, but yeah, that's who i feel
but i have to ask, Metalstorm has such restricted rules to admit bands and i have tried to put some really good bands in here, and they still are on the suggestions list, and yet this irrelevant screamcore or metalcore or whatever you wanna call it its here...
is there anyone a fan of this homophobic Metalcore act here? if there are you are an offence to the classic Judas Priest who participated in the roots of Heavy Metal! keep is mind that i said this in a playful way but i do mean it
but i don't want to be kick out of the site:(
12.01.2013 - 15:40
Account deleted
What a silly billy ^_^
12.01.2013 - 16:06
Good riddance I suppose
12.01.2013 - 16:45
Account deleted
And stay gone!
12.01.2013 - 16:57
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Nazi punks fuck off.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

12.01.2013 - 17:09
X-Ray Rod
Written by MauricioVeiga on 12.01.2013 at 15:23
is there anyone a fan of this homophobic Metalcore act here?

In defense of the band (which I've never heard a single note from): The band isn't homophobic, that would imply that everyone in the band is. Which definitely doesn't seem that way if you see the response by the frontman who took care of things with respect and carefulness.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

12.01.2013 - 18:07
Dark Blood
The Avenger
Total respect for the frontman of the band for stepping forward and taking responsibility over something that wasn't really his.
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
12.01.2013 - 18:29
After having read the Facebook clarification it seems to my like the guy just proclaimed "hate the sin", but not "hate the sinner". Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. It's just sticking to the rules of Christianity. That Christianity is full of logical fallacies, with the assumption that the word of humans like Paul, Luke, Moses and whatever their names are would be the word of God probably being the biggest fallacy of all, is another story.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
12.01.2013 - 19:02
Written by Promonex on 12.01.2013 at 18:29

After having read the Facebook clarification it seems to my like the guy just proclaimed "hate the sin", but not "hate the sinner". Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.

Problem with this "hate the sin but not the sinner" thing is, you cannot separate homosexuality (the sin) and a homosexual person (the "sinner"). Christians got that believe that homosexuality is a choice, which is completely false. So when you're saying homosexuality is sin you are in fact discriminating against all homosexuals. It's the same as if you say being black is a sin but you have nothing against a black person. It's ridiculous. Bigotry hidden behind pseudo-tolerant bullshit ("My intention was not to isolate the LGBT community") is still bigotry.
12.01.2013 - 19:14
Gay people are awesome, i hope that fuck suffers from erectile disfunction!
12.01.2013 - 21:00
Account deleted
Blah Christainity..blah sin....blah homos....blah hate....blah choices....blah life....then we die. no heaven? No hell? Just the dirt I get buried in...okay good I was right!
12.01.2013 - 21:03
X-Ray Rod
Written by ~Starchild~ on 12.01.2013 at 19:02

Written by Promonex on 12.01.2013 at 18:29

After having read the Facebook clarification it seems to my like the guy just proclaimed "hate the sin", but not "hate the sinner". Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.

Problem with this "hate the sin but not the sinner" thing is, you cannot separate homosexuality (the sin) and a homosexual person (the "sinner"). Christians got that believe that homosexuality is a choice, which is completely false. So when you're saying homosexuality is sin you are in fact discriminating against all homosexuals. It's the same as if you say being black is a sin but you have nothing against a black person. It's ridiculous. Bigotry hidden behind pseudo-tolerant bullshit ("My intention was not to isolate the LGBT community") is still bigotry.

Thank you so much. Couldn't have said it any better myself.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

12.01.2013 - 21:08
Written by MauricioVeiga on 12.01.2013 at 15:23

is there anyone a fan of this homophobic Metalcore act here?

Blah blah blah, yeah, Breaker was a pretty fine album, would not call myself fan though.
12.01.2013 - 21:25
Oh boy, the ridiculous things people choose to waste their time on nowadays... -_-
12.01.2013 - 22:05
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 12.01.2013 at 21:03

Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Neither could have I.
12.01.2013 - 22:50
Account deleted
He may hate the sin and not the sinner but I guarantee you my hate for people like Mike Reynolds eclipses anything their little brainwashed minds can conjure.
12.01.2013 - 23:50
Written by ~Starchild~ on 12.01.2013 at 19:02

Christians got that believe that homosexuality is a choice, which is completely false.

Being homosexual is not the sin, practicing homosexuality is ("Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination"). Even if you're homosexual, it's your choice to follow your nature or not. You probably know as well as I that there are a lot of covert homosexuals out there that live in heterosexual relationships because they fear the condemnation of family, society or deity.

Written by ~Starchild~ on 12.01.2013 at 19:02

Bigotry hidden behind pseudo-tolerant bullshit ("My intention was not to isolate the LGBT community") is still bigotry.

Actually he just stated, if you choose to practice homosexuality, you are not welcome in our religious group. You have the choice to practice homosexuality or to betray yourself and follow the religion/denomination. And for me that's perfectly fine. If you don't like the rules of a specific religious group, just join one with a codex and a liturgy you can deal with. I'm sure there must be liberal Christian groups who don't consider the bible as the be-all and end-all of their religion. Those who eat pork (forbidden by Leviticus 11:8), shellfish (Leviticus 11:10) or wear fabric blends (Leviticus 19:19) or even tattoos (Leviticus 19:28) for example.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now.
- The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
13.01.2013 - 03:24
Account deleted
Y'know who else is living in sin, men without beards.
13.01.2013 - 03:44
Bible college ? nigga u gay.
13.01.2013 - 03:48
Account deleted
Brotha betta watch yo words, i call a cat a ni**a here once and a staff member gamme a warnin
jus look at my profile fo proof dawg
13.01.2013 - 04:07
Written by Promonex on 12.01.2013 at 23:50

Actually he just stated, if you choose to practice homosexuality, you are not welcome in our religious group. You have the choice to practice homosexuality or to betray yourself and follow the religion/denomination. And for me that's perfectly fine.

Actually, he didn't just state that. He clearly said: "homosexuality is a sin" and referred to homosexuality as a sin several times in his statement. You may call that "sticking to the rules of Christianity", I still call that bigotry, discrimination and hate speech hidden behind religion. (And I am aware all of these other things written in the bible, especially Leviticus, but I'm not gonna start with the Christian's cherry picking, I wouldn't find an end).

Written by Promonex on 12.01.2013 at 23:50

Being homosexual is not the sin, practicing homosexuality is ("Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination"). Even if you're homosexual, it's your choice to follow your nature or not. You probably know as well as I that there are a lot of covert homosexuals out there that live in heterosexual relationships because they fear the condemnation of family, society or deity.

You're right that -according to the bible- "practising homosexuality" is the sin. But unfortunately, this problem is much bigger. In reality, the majority of the Christians does not make this difference between homosexuality and its practise. Just go on some random homo-friendly facebook page and read some comments. They do condemn the homosexuals and so does the church. And as long as religious institutions and people like Mike Reynolds can hide behind "religious freedom" to spread their hate and people do not even consider this as a problem, it is no wonder that so many gays are still afraid to come out and that the suicide rate of homosexuals is 4-7 times higher than the one of heterosexuals.
13.01.2013 - 04:35
Account deleted
Sounds like a nutcase. It was awfully sweet of his former bandmate to apologize on his behalf though, respect for that.
13.01.2013 - 09:06
This "Jesus died for people" is the stupidest concept I've ever heard of . and according to Islam which is supposed to come from the same God , Jesus didn't even die . not that I believe in any of these religions.
13.01.2013 - 09:59
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Mr Promonex is teaching us some really good stuff. Pay attention idiots.
13.01.2013 - 10:17
Angelic Storm
I wonder if Mike Reynolds realises that having tattoos is also considered a sin in the bible? In Leviticus, no less, the same section of the bible that contains the infamous "homosexuals are an abomination" bit. The hypocrisy of these so-called "Christians" knows no bounds...
13.01.2013 - 15:07
Account deleted
Written by ~Starchild~ on 13.01.2013 at 04:07

They do condemn the homosexuals and so does the church.

Besides, no matter what the subject is, many believers will go beyond what Church says ; When Church officials "just" say "homosexuality is a sin" a lot of people will turn it into "kill the fags for they have sinned". When the officials have to balance their message a bit (so they don't appear too intolerant, or at least try not to) a lot of believers (in France, in the USA, and anywhere else) won't be that nice and will head for the extreme. Since these believers are in daily contact with homosexual people, no wonder a lot prefer to "hide".

So of course Church has to change its message and start being reasonable (and not only on that subject). But most importantly, some of the believers have to stop being fucking antique, Middle-Age-fashionned cunts.
13.01.2013 - 17:52
Everyone has a right to their own opinions. I don't understand why everyone is getting butt-hurt over this!
13.01.2013 - 17:55
Account deleted
Written by infernaldeath87 on 13.01.2013 at 17:52

Everyone has a right to their own opinions. I don't understand why everyone is getting butt-hurt over this!

Do you imply we should be tolerant towards intolerance?
13.01.2013 - 17:57
Written by [user id=109376] on 13.01.2013 at 17:55

Written by infernaldeath87 on 13.01.2013 at 17:52

Everyone has a right to their own opinions. I don't understand why everyone is getting butt-hurt over this!

Do you imply we should be tolerant towards intolerance?

It's not intolerance, it's standing up for what you believe in, even when others condemn you for it.
13.01.2013 - 19:04
X-Ray Rod

Also, I'm yet to see butthurt people here. Just a discussion.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.


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