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Posted by Elodie Artour, 09.06.2008 - 16:12
Hey, guys! Don't you think it's high-time someone started a new topic about one of my favourite (and not only mine, actually) bands - Nightwish?

I adore them - both with Tarja and with Anette!

Well, I think there is not much for me to say, as I've already written most of the things I've wanted to.

So, feel free to discuss things, related to the topic 'Nightwish'.

P.S.: No arguing and offensing, please! Long ago, there have been rules added, which are meant to show what's not to do on this forum.
20.07.2009 - 18:36
I kinda support Ellrohir.... altho it is true that sometimes Anette hasn't had the best days...I've heard recordings of her where she really sounds very rough while singing certain notes near the edge of her range (once it was at an Australian gig where she was physically ill which explains it...)
There have been more cases where she has sounded more or less raw but I haven't had experiences hearing her sing off-scale...
On the album Anette's voice is flawless, singing Alyson Avenue songs, her voice is of superior quality... and about live gigs as they appeared to me, I've seen Anette on stage twice, once while standing 2 metres from her, second time from amongst a crowd, both these times her performance was brilliant....

Nobody can give a top of the best performance every time, especially if a band has such a complicated repertoire as Nightwish does and such a dense and busy tour schedule....that applies to all the band members, I've heard Marco singing in a poor way as well....they're human as well and ain't "of steel" every day....
So, mayb Anette was feeling sick that day....
20.07.2009 - 18:52
Dark Phoenix
@Hobbit Viggo: I'm not arguing with that in any way, I have also written that they went on late and it could be that they were tired - but still, that's not an excuse, cause if they have a gig they'd better be prepared for it - (!!!) and that I find Anette singing very well the songs she originally sings (!!!) and therefore wasn't stating anywhere she is overall a bad singer. If any of you read my posts carefully, you would have noticed that. But that doesn't change the fact the gig was as it was, because when I talked to some poeple, many shared my opinion that they weren't at their best.

Considering sickness, it would be far more professional - and I'm talking again in general and in hypothetical features - if for example someone from the band is really ill or something, to call of the performance than to do a lousy a job on stage. After all, it is what they do and what brings them money.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
20.07.2009 - 20:19
It may be more professional to call off the gig, but most bands think more than that of the fans, and will go on stage unless they absolutely cannot. I personally would much rather see the band and have one of the members have an off night than to have the show canceled entirely.
20.07.2009 - 21:17
I dont really see why people are still discussing about who's better between annette and tarja. they both are different in their own right. its kind of like comparing lacuna coil to dream theatre. they are so different that you just cant compare em...

i would say that annettes voice is more approachable to the general media over tarja. people tend to fear opeatic vocals for some reason.

in my opinion, between the two, tarja is the stronger vocalist(not better) because of her vocal ability, her reaching her notes, and just being more flexible with her voice. i also think that if it was a competition between who can cover whos vocal lines better, tarja would win simply coz she can reach annettes notes with ease. not that anntte is a bad singer. i'm not sure if i like her more than tarja as i've only heard one album, and dark passion play is an overall different approach to nightwish. we saw a great return to a folkish side of nightwish taht was seen in Once Upon a Troubadour. we saw some great ballades, and some VERY epic songs like meadows of heaven.

i think with annett, the band as a whole, can grow more and go into territories previously untouched by tarjas nightwish. i mean, tarja's voice demands a certain expectation from the band as it becomes the main lead; almost as if her vocals were recorded first, then the song was wrapped around it. annett's vocal seem to be secondary to the music, and it helps enhance the music a bit more.

in the end, its just different. if you dont like it, great, another band you can say bye too(like theatre of tragedy, sirenia, tristania, therion, lacuna coil, and arguably the gathering...)

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
20.07.2009 - 22:23
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Zelse on 20.07.2009 at 20:19

It may be more professional to call off the gig, but most bands think more than that of the fans, and will go on stage unless they absolutely cannot. I personally would much rather see the band and have one of the members have an off night than to have the show canceled entirely.

Personally, I would rather not. I've been to shows when a member(s) of a band have been "off", and it kinda kills the mood and makes the show kind of boring and uninteresting. :/

Oh, and I don't know if you guys are missing the point about what AnGina is saying or what, but her argument is not subjective. If someone is singing off-pitch... then they are singing WRONG. There really is nothing else to say about that. And unless you are tone-deaf, I could see how this could get annoying very fast during a performance.
22.07.2009 - 22:33
Written by Fat & Sassy! on 20.07.2009 at 22:23

Written by Zelse on 20.07.2009 at 20:19

It may be more professional to call off the gig, but most bands think more than that of the fans, and will go on stage unless they absolutely cannot. I personally would much rather see the band and have one of the members have an off night than to have the show canceled entirely.

Personally, I would rather not. I've been to shows when a member(s) of a band have been "off", and it kinda kills the mood and makes the show kind of boring and uninteresting. :/

Oh, and I don't know if you guys are missing the point about what AnGina is saying or what, but her argument is not subjective. If someone is singing off-pitch... then they are singing WRONG. There really is nothing else to say about that. And unless you are tone-deaf, I could see how this could get annoying very fast during a performance.

yes and no. like, i can understand that if someone is singing off pitch, they aren't singing it right. but, its easily remedied. there are a lot of artists that sing much higher on their albums than on their live setting. to remedy that, they just make every instrument a pitch or two lower to counter balance that. so the entire blame sholdn't just be thrown at the singer.

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
22.07.2009 - 22:59
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Soliloquy on 22.07.2009 at 22:33

there are a lot of artists that sing much higher on their albums than on their live setting. to remedy that, they just make every instrument a pitch or two lower to counter balance that. so the entire blame sholdn't just be thrown at the singer.

Right. That makes sense... but we aren't talking about that. The argument is over a SPECIFIC vocalist in a SPECIFIC band messing up on SPECIFIC songs. Basically, someone said that they went a show, and the singer fucked up. That was pretty much it. But of course, there was a post about that vocalist (an obvious fan of woman's vocals) to counter argue that Annete doesn't/hasn't been obviously messing up vocals live.

Written by Ellrohir on 20.07.2009 at 16:47

i would hardly discuss if there is someone (excluding band members itself) who can tell how "singing is supposed to be"...if someone wants to, he can create completely disharmonious cacophony and you may say you dont like it, but you cant tell it is "wrong"...and the same is here - if Tuomas as the music composer and rest of the band are satisfied with Anette's performance, it is "right"...thats my point

Now about this statement....
I sorry, but I'm not sure this statement made much sense. I can understand if a band wants to change up some arrangements during a live show or something, but as a fan, I'd like them to play the song I know. I mean, that's like saying that it's cool for a musician to play out of tune just because he wants to, and he/she thinks that it's "right". That shit isn't relative. It wrong.
23.07.2009 - 00:43
Heaven Knight
Well, i am looking on it from the point of music composer (and performer then)...i would never let someone tell me "you are doing it wrong" unless i will be pretty sure i do...that he or she doesnt like mine performance, i dont care...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

23.07.2009 - 09:25
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Ellrohir on 23.07.2009 at 00:43

Well, i am looking on it from the point of music composer (and performer then)...i would never let someone tell me "you are doing it wrong" unless i will be pretty sure i do...that he or she doesnt like mine performance, i dont care...

I'm pretty sure if you walked up to a musician after a show that they messed up in and told them, "Hey, you fucked up there a couple times." (which would be rude as shit, btw), they wouldn't try to bullshit you and make up some bogus reason for why shit was off. :/
23.07.2009 - 09:37
Heaven Knight
Alright i got your point now...but then the question is, if Anette "fucked it up a couple times" because she cannot sing, because she hadnt day or because she simply sings it so (differently from Tarja)...i wasnt to the show AnGina-- was and havent seen Anette live so often, so i cant tell...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

23.07.2009 - 09:46
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Ellrohir on 23.07.2009 at 09:37

Alright i got your point now...but then the question is, if Anette "fucked it up a couple times" because she cannot sing, because she hadnt day or because she simply sings it so (differently from Tarja)...i wasnt to the show AnGina-- was and havent seen Anette live so often, so i cant tell...

I've seen her perform with Nightwish once. When I went, I thought she did fine. But I have heard very similar complaints about Anette like AnGina was saying, so I'm figuring she not making this stuff up. My whole involvement in the argument was to back up AnGina's argument, because it makes perfect sense... and some people just weren't getting it.
18.08.2009 - 17:00
Heaven Knight
Anette singing Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan together with live orchestra

My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

18.08.2009 - 19:10
Written by Ellrohir on 18.08.2009 at 17:00

Anette singing Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan together with live orchestra

Dekuji brat for that grand video....

She does have the accent when pronouncing the Ts and Us but otherwise she's a goddess singing it....what a feeling....
18.08.2009 - 20:25
God anette is hot
18.08.2009 - 22:20
Heaven Knight
Yes thats it...Tarja should have been perfect, but somehow cold all the time...Anette is possibly less perfect, but more "natural" and "hot"
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

18.08.2009 - 23:16
I prefer cold

19.08.2009 - 20:52
Jason W.
I'm impressed by Anette in that video for Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan And she really looks so much better with the lighter hair. I have seen her with Nightwish twice and have only been sporadically overwhelmed, even though I know she has it in her. Thanks for the video
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
01.09.2009 - 12:49
I found a long and thorough interview with Anette Olzon that was conducted this year in August where she speaks about a lot of things that happened to her and the band since she started singing for them until fact, quite a lot of questions find answers in that interview....
01.09.2009 - 19:55
Heaven Knight
There are rumors about her preparing a solo album while NW are taking about year and half break with concerts...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

01.09.2009 - 21:43
Ag Fox
Angel No More
From where?
loves 小巫
01.09.2009 - 21:51
Written by Ag Fox on 01.09.2009 at 21:43

From where?

In the interview, the link of which I posted here, she did mention she could produce a solo album but she said she'd prefer being a singer of Nightwish rather than performing on her own on a regular basis which would mean she'd release a solo album just for her personal artistic pleasure...maybe....
01.09.2009 - 23:02
Heaven Knight
Another source -
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

01.09.2009 - 23:29
Ag Fox
Angel No More
Written by Ernis on 01.09.2009 at 21:51

Written by Ag Fox on 01.09.2009 at 21:43

From where?

In the interview, the link of which I posted here, she did mention she could produce a solo album but she said she'd prefer being a singer of Nightwish rather than performing on her own on a regular basis which would mean she'd release a solo album just for her personal artistic pleasure...maybe....

i guess i wasn't paying proper attention then lol
thanks, didn't know she has a blog. she sounds definitive [=
loves 小巫
02.09.2009 - 08:50
Son of Odin
Nightwish are really good, especially the 3 first albums, Oceanborn is the best one in my opinion. Century Child was an ok album but for me personally it was far from as good as any of the first 3 albums. And Once...well, it sucked!
The last album was a step in the right direction and I think Anette is doing a really great job on it, much better then Once.
But I wish that the band could add more "power" in the Metal and skip a little of that orchestral stuff. And get rid of that male singer that in my opinion destroys the songs he is singing in.
02.09.2009 - 12:52
Heaven Knight
Written by Son of Odin on 02.09.2009 at 08:50

And Once...well, it sucked!

it doesnt...just the older one was more brilliant...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

02.09.2009 - 14:55
Ag Fox
Angel No More
"Once" imo had the same problem with "Dark Passion Play" of being too inconsistent, but the good tracks really blew me away when I first heard them, so I forgive them for the more boring tracks (to me anyway), so by no means it suck, particularly the first four tracks.

btw, i just realised Anette has improved a lot in terms of live performance compared to when she first joined Nightwish. Saw some youtube videos of her (the "Lowland 2008" concert in particular) and I have to say it sounds far better than what I first heard in 2007 and the "Made in HK" EP. I'm quite happy about that and I look forward to the next album as Tuomas would actually write songs suited for her vocal range and style.
loves 小巫
02.09.2009 - 16:46
Heaven Knight
Btw from Once - if nothing then Creek Mary's Blood and Ghost Love Score...those are Songs...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

23.09.2009 - 11:12
Heaven Knight
Anyone knows if there is any place where can i listen to the song "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" cover - it is said, they played it on last concert in Helsinki...i wanna hear it
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

23.09.2009 - 18:43
Have u tried youtube?

23.09.2009 - 20:45
Written by Ellrohir on 23.09.2009 at 11:12

Anyone knows if there is any place where can i listen to the song "The Heart Asks Pleasure First" cover - it is said, they played it on last concert in Helsinki...i wanna hear it

They didn't play was the "outroduction" that was played when they came on stage for the final bow and's the theme song of the film "Piano", it seems to be for the band's personal use only because they didn't get the permission from the original author to actually release it.....But there is a youtube video tho....