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Glen Drover interview (05/2011)

With: Glen Drover
Conducted by: Doc G. (e-mail)
Published: 06.05.2011

You probably all know him from bands such as Eidolon, King Diamond, and Megadeth, but on April 7th, Glen Drover stepped out with an instrumental solo (well, solo titled) record that really stamps his name out as a great artist rather than just another dime-a-dozen gun-for-hire.

Usually, we end off an interview article with all the necessary links for checking out the artist at hand, however, I highly recommend not hesitating in checking out some of the great samples of
Metalusion on the official website before reading on.

Official Website

Ok, so first off, I'm sure you've gotten this question a couple hundred times already, but just to get it out of the way, what happened with Megadeth? Where did the decision come from to part ways? Surely leaving a band of that notoriety was no easy decision...

It was a very hard decision for sure. Probably the hardest of my life to date, but truth is, I wasn't happy playing in the band towards the end. Some people there are very difficult to work within that organization, and it brought me down in a big way. I still talk to some of them, and have great memories from the years I was in the band.

In more recent news, you've come up with a new solo instrumental project, on April 5th, released an album called Metalusion. Why the solo stuff? Why not use this material for another Eidolon record

As far as Eidolon goes, I don't see another album happening with that band at this point. I cannot say never, but I just don't see it. The new album to me is really a band thing, more than a solo album, even though the album is under my name. Everyone put in a ton of great ideas and we all work really well together, which is really what I wanted from the start, rather than it being me and a few side guys.

The brand-new album

It's your first solo record - how does the idea of little outside control affect the writing process? With your other projects I assume there's a degree of input and changes made by other members, Now it's just pure Drover.

Not much different to be honest. Yes I did the mixing, mastering and a lot of the production, But the other guys had their hands in the production and writing process as well.

What about this line-up? A lot of these guys are obscure names (at least in the metal community), it's quite admirable that you assembled a line-up of solid chemistry rather than trying to put together some "super-team" of big names to sell some units. Why did you choose the guys you did?

It started with the drummer Chris Sutherland. He was really into the idea of putting something together for a project, and also had recommended Jim Gilmour from the band Saga, as well as a good bass player buddy of his that he has worked with in the past, which is Paul Yee. I wasn't really concerned about the whole "name" thing. I just wanted to assemble some really good musicians that I could work with, Have fun and come with some cool stuff, and I think we did just that!

The band

Judging from the samples I've heard online, this is a lot more deep and spacey than any of your other recorded works. Was there some sort of catalyst that pushed you into that more atmospheric realm, or was it something you always had in mind?

Really good question. I have many different influences, so I guess stuff like Floyd and Jean Luc Ponty has something to do with that feel for sure.

By the sounds of it, this album is driven by how well the keyboards and guitars complement each other. Comparing this to Jim Gilmour's band Saga, there is quite a few similarities. Does Jim contribute a lot to the writing process?

Jim wrote 2 songs for the album, so you will defiantly hear his writing style, But the thing that will separate the 2, is my playing, and the way I complement his compositions. Sometimes more in a heavier direction than Saga.

A lot of instrumental acts like to bring in guest vocalists for select songs (Apocalyptica for example), if you were to bring in some guest vocals for a future release, what kind of people would you like to hear sing on your solo records?

Man, don't know. This band will probably remain instrumental, But who knows what tomorrow brings for other project possibilities?.

Lack of vocals always seems like a difficult thing, lyrics are the most obvious outward expression possible, where do you get your inspiration from, and how do you translate that into pure music, no written lyrics?

I grew up with Return to forever, Al Dimeola, Tony Macalpine, Greg Howe, Vinnie Moore, etc?.. So I guess I am very comfortable with that world. I understand that you really have to be careful when writing instrumental music, by trying your best to hold the listeners attention with interesting music without having vocals present.

How the hell do you come up with song titles when writing instrumental music? I mean, Twisted Sister writes a chorus chanting "we're not gonna take it", lo and behold, the song is called "We're Not Gonna Take It", where do you come up with song titles like "Egyptian Danza" & "The Purple Lagoon"?

Well, those 2 songs are actually covers. The ones that are original on the album come from a feel of the song I guess. It's not easy. I just try to come up with something that best suites the feel and style of the song.

Naturally, I have to ask, what's the likelihood of this being taken on the road?

Very good! We are talking with an agent right now and have come up with a few ideas. We should get some good word on all that stuff soon?

When you do take this on the road, would you picture the album being better suited toward a small, sweaty, intimate club setting, or would you rather pull some Al Pitrelli shit and come up with some huge visual show to compliment the music?

We would love to get into larger production of course, but I think right now we are just more looking at getting together and putting all the songs together for any live situation that makes sense.

You have played with some huge names, established a band of your own, and released a solo record. It seems that completes the bucket-list for a lot of musicians, so what's the next move for Glen Drover?

Right now I'm super happy with this band, and will be focusing on all stuff related as far as I can see. Saying that, you never know what's going to happen down the road?

Before we end this, from one Canadian to another, I've got to ask - who have you got your money on for the 'Cup this year?

Well, its NOT Toronto. lol

That about wraps things up! On behalf of, I'd like to thank you for your time. Any last words?

Thanks for your support!

Special thanks to Barbara Lysiak for making this interview happen.

Posted on 06.05.2011 by Former EIC. Now just a reviewer guy.


Comments: 1   Visited by: 106 users
18.05.2011 - 08:06
Fat & Sassy!
Oh man. I didn't even know you did this interview! Not really surprised that Glen likes Return to Forever, but this just gives him even more awesome points from me.

Oh, and how could you not know that Egyptian Danza was a cover? I wouldn't consider myself a fan of Al Di Meola, but that song is a classic. I figured most avid music listeners know it.

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