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Biker Gangs

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Posted by Bad English, 10.08.2009 - 13:47
I wanna open this long ago, but here it is
I wanna discuss whit you about bikers, bikers world etc

1)Do you belong to any biker gang
2)What biker gangs are into your area
3)Do you know any biker in person?
4)Do you like them or dislike and why?

Im more interest in 1% outlaw gangs like Hells Angels, Bandidos, Outlaws, Pagans, Mongols, Blue Angels, Sons od Silance, Warlocks, Hells Henchment, Dirty Dozzen, Vagos, The Breed, Brother Spried, Comancheros, Free Souls, Grim Reapers ,

Simply they rule the world, rule the hightway , those Outlaws Ride Harleys, Traffic Drugs, Carry Weapons, Run Prostitution, many people think they are just rebels what dont wanna give up, but no 1% patch means troble, since I was kid I saw some USA movie about bikers, saw some dic about Hells Angels, and sibce then I like those gang's life style etc, peresonaly I think people who ride sport bikes like kawasaki isnt a biker, if you wanna join in USA in any gang only Harley or any other in USA made bike.
Well Outlaws came first in 30's in Illionois hightway, but realy Outlaws MC what we know now came in 60's also Hells Angels came in 40's after WWII where some ex bombers and piliots criate a gang , but when Sonny Bargger join in gang he craite it like they are now,
Bandidos came in 70's where ex Vietnam army wets criate gang, well we know California, Arizona is HE therotory, Chicago, Mitchigan, Florida - Outlaws, Pfiladelfia and Pensilvania is Pagans like San Antonia and Texas belongs to Bandidos

Well Im in Swe its defenetly biker state they rule the roads here and evey other think if something hepens in town they be here, HE came firts in Danmark where they kicked BUllshit MC out of bussiness, Bandidos came lether, and its totaly war here even whit anto tank rockets , but now its over

I hate m Ongols because they fucked up recruiting ranks, to be a member you need be a nah around 2-3 years then club ask you be a prospect (member in training ) it take some years and then you can be a full patched member. You can Mongol only if you have bike

1)No , but I was hanging whit one gang around 2001-2004 but well I cant look if assholes was into it so I quit like some my good mates and fiew of them criate other one,
2)Swe, Hells Angels, dunno name of 99% ers, E4 is HE road, Bandidos is in south
Lv Raven Hearh(my friends are into it) and Wolf Brothers,
3)Yes about 10
4)I like them. because of outlaw attitude imige and thinks like thet, who dears even look to biker' non so its soem kind proetection , but generaly I like because its how to say they loook cool heheh like Dude from Sons of Silance say if you are short hair and clean shaved face you hide something, if you have beard n hair youre outlaw lol and Im outlaw 1% I dont live by socaity rules, but respect laws , try not brokte those lol, if I would born in wrong side of world I would be a biker , I use to have a bike to, but I sold it since I have no licancse , but its expencive life swtile, you need gass for keep angine running, you need cash to travel, so only way live like it is be member outlaw 1% gang or be werry rich and ride alone like thet biker in film about Wild Hogs
24.09.2010 - 23:18
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Kennoth on 24.09.2010 at 22:54

No such things over here. There are some biker organizations, which are just bunch of bald, big dudes riding heavy bikes, and that's alright with me.

I can't comment on gangs in US and other places since I don't know anything about them, but by gang I always think of hive of criminal-minded individuals.

You have Hells Angels in Cro, but I dunno how strong, probobly weekest chapter over Europe, also Gremium, maybe biggest 1% er club in Germany are targeting Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia, I dunno how strong thay are there, but thay have and according to clubs constitition each chapter shood be 6 members

Well if you have HAMC and Gremium in other countries, there might eb some trobles, specely sincve officaly 81 and Bandidos declair peaces in Germany and Hells Angels hate Gremium taking over Balkans and Italia, I supose see some actions from 81 , maybe Gremium strike 1th in Balkans
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.09.2010 - 23:22
Hells Angels in Croatia? Then they must be very underground. Since I never ever heard them causing trouble here, I don't mind them at all.
*insert something deep and profound*
24.09.2010 - 23:56
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Kennoth on 24.09.2010 at 23:22

Hells Angels in Croatia? Then they must be very underground. Since I never ever heard them causing trouble here, I don't mind them at all.

You need etleast 6 members to be a chapter
I havnt heard , but I have seen ingo thay have chapter there, but dunno

I give not more how 6 HAMC, other hundrets was other clubs, hangarounds, and siple riders, who has no patch has not outlaws ,

So I think you have more hangarounds there

PS I saw angel talking and handshaking a cop, its funny, probobly police are under payrole

Swe cops leave angels and bikers alone....
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
11.03.2011 - 12:45
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Hells Angels open chapter in Iceland, Swedish Police make raids on HAMC club houses and still search Thomas Möller
Afonbladet has some small aticle about HAMC and Bandido
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
12.03.2011 - 22:31
Account deleted
I have been riding motorcycles now for over 8 years. I'm still a young guy, but I rode a bike before I drove a car. I have nothing against biker gangs. I do belong to one I guess. We have about 29 guys, we all keep in touch through email. Not really a gang though. Just a bunch of guys who get together twice a year for a ride. I live in California. We have 15 guys in California. 7 in Colorado. 7 in Arizona. Call ourselves Gonzo. Not really a name though. Really just a bunch of metalheads who get together and ride to festivals.
22.05.2011 - 09:53
Koen Smits
3 bikers from the Outlaws were killed in Eisden (Belgium) on friday.
No sign from the offender(s) but probably he/they is/are member(s) of a competitive gang.
Also there was a shooting incident on friday nearby. The manager of a band central gave a reception and neighbours heard about 10 gunshots. The manager was a Hell's Angel.
RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
23.05.2011 - 06:37
Account deleted
Written by Koen Smits on 22.05.2011 at 09:53

3 bikers from the Outlaws were killed in Eisden (Belgium) on friday.
No sign from the offender(s) but probably he/they is/are member(s) of a competitive gang.
Also there was a shooting incident on friday nearby. The manager of a band central gave a reception and neighbours heard about 10 gunshots. The manager was a Hell's Angel.

Was he actually one or just the new hells angels?
23.05.2011 - 07:14
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=113163] on 23.05.2011 at 06:37

Written by Koen Smits on 22.05.2011 at 09:53

3 bikers from the Outlaws were killed in Eisden (Belgium) on friday.
No sign from the offender(s) but probably he/they is/are member(s) of a competitive gang.
Also there was a shooting incident on friday nearby. The manager of a band central gave a reception and neighbours heard about 10 gunshots. The manager was a Hell's Angel.

Was he actually one or just the new hells angels?

New HAMC what did you mean?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.05.2011 - 13:12
Koen Smits
Written by [user id=113163] on 23.05.2011 at 06:37

Written by Koen Smits on 22.05.2011 at 09:53

3 bikers from the Outlaws were killed in Eisden (Belgium) on friday.
No sign from the offender(s) but probably he/they is/are member(s) of a competitive gang.
Also there was a shooting incident on friday nearby. The manager of a band central gave a reception and neighbours heard about 10 gunshots. The manager was a Hell's Angel.

Was he actually one or just the new hells angels?

Sorry, I don't understand your question.
RIP: Frank Vandenbroucke (6 nov 1974 - 12 oct 2009)

Written by Bad English on 05.04.2014 at 15:05

but spoil thius film is like spoil porn and say porn ends whit cum shot ...
24.05.2011 - 14:07
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Koen Smits on 24.05.2011 at 13:12

Sorry, I don't understand your question.

me to
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.05.2011 - 21:42
Account deleted
The actual Hell's Angels really only have about 60 original members left. Now its all new people spread through out the world.
24.05.2011 - 22:24
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=113163] on 24.05.2011 at 21:42

The actual Hell's Angels really only have about 60 original members left. Now its all new people spread through out the world.

Orginal you mean those who was whit Barger in san Bernandino when he criate HAMC? well time runs fats my friend in Swe is some 300 Angels + triple more Screwdrivers, Avangers, Red Devils, and other hangaroiund clubs, in world there some 3000 angels + aprox 30 000 who support clubs and Angels in Swe come in 1991 from Denmark where in 1982 Blonie Nilsem criate club, whit his Serg in Arms J.J. Nilsen he kill Knut ''Macrel'' something who was Bullshit Press so Angels here is quate long in Eurpe
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.05.2011 - 23:40
Account deleted
Understandable. Like I was saying though, there are really only about 60 original members left. It's now the new Angels. It will never be like it was back in the day, thats when the Angels were awesome. Now its just out of control. Who needs a gang when you can just jump on the bike and ride.
25.05.2011 - 00:13
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=113163] on 24.05.2011 at 23:40

Understandable. Like I was saying though, there are really only about 60 original members left. It's now the new Angels. It will never be like it was back in the day, thats when the Angels were awesome. Now its just out of control. Who needs a gang when you can just jump on the bike and ride.

Thats the true .... nowdays itrs power, patch, dont fuck whit me .... but belive me there soem true bikers left in Swe, Den who has PATCH but are old school

Sonny Barger .... he's old timer
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
25.05.2011 - 04:54
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 25.05.2011 at 00:13

Written by [user id=113163] on 24.05.2011 at 23:40

Understandable. Like I was saying though, there are really only about 60 original members left. It's now the new Angels. It will never be like it was back in the day, thats when the Angels were awesome. Now its just out of control. Who needs a gang when you can just jump on the bike and ride.

Thats the true .... nowdays itrs power, patch, dont fuck whit me .... but belive me there soem true bikers left in Swe, Den who has PATCH but are old school

Sonny Barger .... he's old timer

No doubt.

I just wish biker gangs were how they were back in the old days.
25.05.2011 - 11:06
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=113163] on 25.05.2011 at 04:54

I just wish biker gangs were how they were back in the old days.

me to,
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
25.05.2011 - 18:14
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 25.05.2011 at 11:06

Written by [user id=113163] on 25.05.2011 at 04:54

I just wish biker gangs were how they were back in the old days.

me to,

Have you ever read Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson?
25.05.2011 - 20:25
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
No I have only seen HAMC self made film beck in 80's
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.05.2011 - 04:34
Account deleted
Look up Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson. You have my word that it's one of the better books that you have read.
26.05.2011 - 20:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=113163] on 26.05.2011 at 04:34

Look up Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson. You have my word that it's one of the better books that you have read.

BTW one thing what came in my mind reading Judas P tours in Cal
Orginal HAMC was and bikers generaly was into muisc, biker bars was good for go to hear good muisc in 60's, 70's 80's from hard rock, to blues...and Sonny him self in one video int talk about 50's music and even 70's ....nowdays bikers can listen hip hop, trecho whatever shit ... I know such bikers to, unfortunatly ... ok in Swe where more metal they like DT whatever heavy, but nowdays many many likes crap muisc
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.05.2011 - 22:00
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 26.05.2011 at 20:17

Written by [user id=113163] on 26.05.2011 at 04:34

Look up Hells Angels by Hunter S. Thompson. You have my word that it's one of the better books that you have read.

BTW one thing what came in my mind reading Judas P tours in Cal
Orginal HAMC was and bikers generaly was into muisc, biker bars was good for go to hear good muisc in 60's, 70's 80's from hard rock, to blues...and Sonny him self in one video int talk about 50's music and even 70's ....nowdays bikers can listen hip hop, trecho whatever shit ... I know such bikers to, unfortunatly ... ok in Swe where more metal they like DT whatever heavy, but nowdays many many likes crap muisc

13.03.2012 - 20:50
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
In Panama was arrested HAMC Canada press for 15 people murder, but isnt Panama and Braziul countries who dont give beck wanted people, for example I kill man in USA go to Brazil and I never will give beck to USA Isnt Panama same or its CIA and USA who did it whit out notify Panama gourement Or Im wrong about Panama , or he was simply to big fish or make trobles in Panama
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
13.03.2012 - 21:48
Biker gangs are so romanticized it's kinda funny too me haha.

Anyway...where I live I have the Mongols, the Hell's Angels, and the Gypsy Jokers.

The Hell's Angels have a chapter in town and they are all essentially rich business men. Well dressed, clean clothes, huge mansions and stupid expensive bikes that they only ride in the summer haha (they are big time into marijuana distribution here and are alll LOADED!)

The Mongol Nation are more down and dirty outlaw bikers. The stereotypical dirty guys on choppers that you imagine. They aren't really violent though as long as you stay out of there way in my town. They mainly deal in laundering money and doing small tasks like extortion where I live.

The Gypsy Jokers are just about extinct in my town. They don't even have a chapter or club house anymore I don't think. I drink with some of them down at one of the dive bars I frequent. Just cool old bikers who have pretty much given up on crime. All live off of welfare and most of them are some form of mechanic.
In Grind We Crust
13.03.2012 - 23:55
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Branzig on 13.03.2012 at 21:48

Biker gangs are so romanticized it's kinda funny too me haha.

Anyway...where I live I have the Mongols, the Hell's Angels, and the Gypsy Jokers.

The Hell's Angels have a chapter in town and they are all essentially rich business men. Well dressed, clean clothes, huge mansions and stupid expensive bikes that they only ride in the summer haha (they are big time into marijuana distribution here and are alll LOADED!)

The Mongol Nation are more down and dirty outlaw bikers. The stereotypical dirty guys on choppers that you imagine. They aren't really violent though as long as you stay out of there way in my town. They mainly deal in laundering money and doing small tasks like extortion where I live.

The Gypsy Jokers are just about extinct in my town. They don't even have a chapter or club house anymore I don't think. I drink with some of them down at one of the dive bars I frequent. Just cool old bikers who have pretty much given up on crime. All live off of welfare and most of them are some form of mechanic.

HAMC is getting a joke, omly what they have is death head but nothing what Sonny Barger criate beck in old days, many joins only to get power,
Mongols also is joke, I knmow Jipsy Joker is small gang , but seems they do pretty good of they still kicking
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
13.03.2012 - 23:56
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Bad English on 13.03.2012 at 20:50

In Panama was arrested HAMC Canada press for 15 people murder, but isnt Panama and Braziul countries who dont give beck wanted people, for example I kill man in USA go to Brazil and I never will give beck to USA Isnt Panama same or its CIA and USA who did it whit out notify Panama gourement Or Im wrong about Panama , or he was simply to big fish or make trobles in Panama
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
13.03.2012 - 23:59
Troy Killjoy
Written by Bad English on 13.03.2012 at 23:56

Holy shit, I'm surprised they caught him. I was just listening to his story on the news a few days ago.

It'll be interesting to see if they're able to get him to Canada without any difficulty. This guy has friends in high places.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
14.03.2012 - 00:04
Written by Bad English on 13.03.2012 at 23:55

Written by Branzig on 13.03.2012 at 21:48

Biker gangs are so romanticized it's kinda funny too me haha.

Anyway...where I live I have the Mongols, the Hell's Angels, and the Gypsy Jokers.

The Hell's Angels have a chapter in town and they are all essentially rich business men. Well dressed, clean clothes, huge mansions and stupid expensive bikes that they only ride in the summer haha (they are big time into marijuana distribution here and are alll LOADED!)

The Mongol Nation are more down and dirty outlaw bikers. The stereotypical dirty guys on choppers that you imagine. They aren't really violent though as long as you stay out of there way in my town. They mainly deal in laundering money and doing small tasks like extortion where I live.

The Gypsy Jokers are just about extinct in my town. They don't even have a chapter or club house anymore I don't think. I drink with some of them down at one of the dive bars I frequent. Just cool old bikers who have pretty much given up on crime. All live off of welfare and most of them are some form of mechanic.

HAMC is getting a joke, omly what they have is death head but nothing what Sonny Barger criate beck in old days, many joins only to get power,
Mongols also is joke, I knmow Jipsy Joker is small gang , but seems they do pretty good of they still kicking

Yeah, all the members of the HAMC are all just super loaded up here. They basically "tax" all the incoming bud from Canada and get a huge cut on all that is sold in the western US. So its just cash money....more like a mafia than an outlaw biker gang. Nothing that Sonny had originally envisioned...actually the exact opposite.

If anyone ever wants a good read and you're bored, check out "Hell's Angels" by Hunter S. Thompson. Really informative and just great literature.
In Grind We Crust
14.03.2012 - 00:05
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Troy Killjoy on 13.03.2012 at 23:59

Written by Bad English on 13.03.2012 at 23:56

Holy shit, I'm surprised they caught him. I was just listening to his story on the news a few days ago.

It'll be interesting to see if they're able to get him to Canada without any difficulty. This guy has friends in high places.

I was wondering to, because panama dont give prisoners like Brazil ,
Does Mom Buschar get life
Some Den and Swe press livesd or hides in South Africa
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
14.03.2012 - 00:06
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Ahve read those books, more and more I udnerstand 1% is myth , if bikers was real they were in 60's and 70's , nowdays there is some who belives bike whjat comes after it come safter it , 99% of 1% nodways says its money
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
14.03.2012 - 20:10
Yeah, they're 1% in the 1% group that shares 99% of the wealth in the US. They're business men through and through these days. The head of the HAMC chapter in my town wears a suit and tie! He also donates to "charity" and has been trying to promote that the HAMC are nothing more than a group of guys that love Harley's and getting together once a month to ride...Oh, and they are in no way connected to the narcotics trade in the western US...haha. They just earn their millions off of good, honest work!

In Grind We Crust