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The Red Hot Chili Peppers

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Posted by Unknown user, 17.05.2006 - 02:03
Any fans of the Chili's on MS? This topic is for posting your thoughts on this California Funk/Punk/Rock band from Los Angeles California as well as most recently their new album Stadium Arcadium. Love it or hate it you should speak your mind.
10.06.2006 - 01:43
Freaky Admin
Just back from their show in Paris !!!

It was really good. Probably not so good than in the past when they were all totaly crazy on stage... but still now I can confirm it.. they're really good band live

We even got a cover of "How Deep Is Your Love" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday"...

No "Under The Bridge" unfortunately... but a good old "Soul To Squeeze" with "Give It Away" and "They're Red Hot" to close the set...
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
10.06.2006 - 05:02
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Not one of my favirote bands, but I love the video to Dani California. And Flea is one talented bassist, though I must frown upon his choice of equipment [Fender, GK amps]...
12.06.2006 - 05:40
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Written by Jeff on 10.06.2006 at 01:43

Just back from their show in Paris !!!

It was really good. Probably not so good than in the past when they were all totaly crazy on stage... but still now I can confirm it.. they're really good band live

We even got a cover of "How Deep Is Your Love" and "Sunday Bloody Sunday"...

No "Under The Bridge" unfortunately... but a good old "Soul To Squeeze" with "Give It Away" and "They're Red Hot" to close the set...

I wish I could see them live...
12.06.2006 - 10:48
Retired Staff
I saw their show from Pinkpop streamed on line (They played 'Under The Bridge' as their final encore there) and I liked it a lot, very good show. And after your comment Jeff, I'm so looking forward to their perfomance on Werchter within 2 weeks !!

The more I listen to Stadium Arcadium, the more I like it in fact. And in my opinion, it contains a lot of "summer atmosphere" with most of the time catchy melodies and refrains. Lyrics are - as always - brilliant, solos are nice, drumming is more then good and bass is almost divine. It's a very solid album IMO and I would sure recommend it
13.06.2006 - 21:32
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Well put, Thryce. The new album is a masterpiece.
24.06.2006 - 22:34
Mr. Noise
Yeah, the new one is good. I like 'Californication' best though. That one has some real good songs..
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
25.06.2006 - 03:54
RHCP are one of my fav. rock\fun\punk bands, flea the bassist rulezz !!
the new album its really good, a littel catch of funk ..but i liked it ..
25.06.2006 - 19:18
Mr. Noise
No, flea sucks. Way to overhyped. It's the vocalist that rules. Anthony Kissinger, or something?
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
25.06.2006 - 21:30
Retired Staff
Written by Lucas on 25.06.2006 at 19:18

No, flea sucks. Way to overhyped. It's the vocalist that rules. Anthony Kissinger, or something?

The vocalist's usually called Anthony Kiedis, but you were coming close
I also find Californication their best album ever, but this album's definitely also one of my favourite ones for sure!
Flea maybe overhyped, but he still stays a damn good bass player, you just can't deny that

*Still 4 more days 'till their perfomance on Werchter
25.06.2006 - 22:14
Mr. Noise
Yeah, ok. He is good, but not worth the hype.

Anyway, Stadium Arcadium is good, but it doesn't have songs like 'Purple Stain', 'Road Trippin', 'Parallel Universe' and of course the titletrack.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
28.06.2006 - 04:03
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Written by Thryce on 12.06.2006 at 10:48

I saw their show from Pinkpop streamed on line (They played 'Under The Bridge' as their final encore there) and I liked it a lot, very good show. And after your comment Jeff, I'm so looking forward to their perfomance on Werchter within 2 weeks !!

The more I listen to Stadium Arcadium, the more I like it in fact. And in my opinion, it contains a lot of "summer atmosphere" with most of the time catchy melodies and refrains. Lyrics are - as always - brilliant, solos are nice, drumming is more then good and bass is almost divine. It's a very solid album IMO and I would sure recommend it

The same with me. I very much have had the album grow on me, but only the first cd. If any part of that album is a masterpiece, it would be that whole stretch called Jupiter. Mars on the other hand, is alittle harder. Theres a few songs I love, but some of the others have been harder to get into. Other than that the album is superb, and a definte buy for anyone into the Chili's unless you hate their newer stuff with a passion.

And about Flea, yes he may be overhyped, but the reason for that is because he's such a character. He stands out to people, and people enjoy hearing him speak. At the core of things he gets the job done in the Chilis and is there anyone that would have the same passion I suppose and style. He is and always has been a Chili and is an essential piece to who they are as a band.
28.06.2006 - 07:57
Black Mass
Their best album for me is Blood Sugar Sex Magic, without a doubt. Stadium Arcadium and By The Way have some songs that also rock my world and hold special meaning for me. RHCP are one of those bands that have stood the test of time and keep coming out with some great music. They also put on an awesome live show.
28.06.2006 - 20:43
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i love the red hot chili peppers. I havent heard their new album yet. Is it good enough to buy.
28.06.2006 - 20:58
Retired Staff
Written by [user id=14624] on 28.06.2006 at 20:43

i love the red hot chili peppers. I havent heard their new album yet. Is it good enough to buy.

Well you should hear it, it's DEFINITELY good enoug to buy 'Stadium Arcadium' (especially when you love them) !! Trust me, I guarantee you won't be disappointed

* Still 1 more freaken day 'till their perfomance on Rock Werchter
29.06.2006 - 14:46
Mr. Noise
I saw MTV's '11 at 11' this morning, this time about the Peppers. They have some very, very weird video's.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
30.06.2006 - 13:18
The chilli peppers are awesome,one of my first bands i listened to,'Stadium Arcadium' is awesome,as are all there records.they are ALL talented musicians,especially Flea.
In The Cold Winds of Nowhere
01.07.2006 - 08:39
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That song, Dani Claifornia or whatever, is way overplayed and I'd rather castrate myself with a rusted spoon than listen to it again :|. I think RHCP are overplayed and overrated. Other than that, enjoy
06.07.2006 - 09:41
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Written by Lucas on 25.06.2006 at 19:18

No, flea sucks. Way to overhyped. It's the vocalist that rules. Anthony Kissinger, or something?

ok, would you rather listen to one of Fleas bass lines or one of Victor Wooten?...there maybe some out there more technicaly skilled but its about creativity and when you add it all up, skill, plus creativity, and orginality there is nobody better to listen to than Flea...I know...saying he's the best ever is a very stupid thing to say...anyone who says this has never seen players like Jaco Pastorius, Victor Wooten, Michael Manring, and Clarke Stanley Flea may not be the best, but you cant say he sucks just by listening to their last two least he uses his fingers...unlike many other death or black metal bass players...but what do I know

06.07.2006 - 12:58
Mr. Noise
Written by [user id=12595] on 06.07.2006 at 09:41

Written by Lucas on 25.06.2006 at 19:18

No, flea sucks. Way to overhyped. It's the vocalist that rules. Anthony Kissinger, or something?

ok, would you rather listen to one of Fleas bass lines or one of Victor Wooten?...there maybe some out there more technicaly skilled but its about creativity and when you add it all up, skill, plus creativity, and orginality there is nobody better to listen to than Flea...I know...saying he's the best ever is a very stupid thing to say...anyone who says this has never seen players like Jaco Pastorius, Victor Wooten, Michael Manring, and Clarke Stanley Flea may not be the best, but you cant say he sucks just by listening to their last two least he uses his fingers...unlike many other death or black metal bass players...but what do I know

I think I have heard more than two albums.

But anyways, you might disagree. Whatever. I just don't like him. Period.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
07.07.2006 - 02:47
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calm down man
07.07.2006 - 10:07
I never really thought about it, but they are a good band. I love the funky aspects of some of their music. I own the popular 'Californication' and their greatest hits album. Good music. I think I might put it on when I go to sleep tonight.
The force will be with you, always.
09.07.2006 - 01:23
Mr FancyPants
some of their newer stuff is great and claifornication and by the way both get played a lot by me. their earlier stuff is interesting but doesn't really appeal to me.
"This rudderless world is not shaped my metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us"

Read Watchmen.
10.07.2006 - 10:49
Written by Lucas on 25.06.2006 at 19:18

No, flea sucks. Way to overhyped. It's the vocalist that rules. Anthony Kissinger, or something?

Flea sucks because he is way to overhyped? So he sucks because he is enthusiastic,'overhyped' ? ? ,So what,he is just interesting to watch? ,being too overhyped doesent make him a bad bass player! ...... ......
In The Cold Winds of Nowhere
18.07.2006 - 21:25
The Red Hot Chili Peppers are a great band I've heard all of their albums and I would have to say that they are all good. My favorite RHCP album though is One Hot Minute because it's probably the heaviest and darkest of all their albums. My second favorite album is a tie between three other albums Mothers Milk, Californication, and Blood Sugar Sex Magik. One of my favorite songs by them that's not on any studio album is Soul to Squeeze. John Frusciante is one of the best guitar players I've ever heard because he plays with so much feeling and emotion technically he's not the best but with a band like the Red Hot Chili Peppers that doesn't matter. About Flea's bass playing it's amazing the way he can improv and play with so much dextreity and speed and he is no way overhyped IMO.
19.07.2006 - 04:33
Kap'N Korrupt
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Their dark heavy and slightly assesible poppy period doesn't really appeal to a lot of people...obviously their older stuff is where it's at...they all had their sexuality questioned when they were kissing each other and shit on that one video...
22.07.2006 - 05:02
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Written by Endoftherainbow on 18.07.2006 at 21:25

The Red Hot Chili Peppers are a great band I've heard all of their albums and I would have to say that they are all good. My favorite RHCP album though is One Hot Minute because it's probably the heaviest and darkest of all their albums.

Thats why I enjoy that album, its really got its own personailty compared to their other stuff. Anthony sounds different on that album, and he explores some different things, that really comes off deep. I really like the song Coffee shop and Aeroplance. I like that Flea got some vocals on it, even though its not going to win any grammies or anything.

They're playing Lalapalooza? Ugh, I just want to see them alone. They can easily do like a 2 hour show. Look at Hyde park, or Live at Slane. And playing with Kanye West and all these other artists is only going to swamp the shows.
22.07.2006 - 11:47
Mr. Noise
Written by Daniel on 10.07.2006 at 10:49

Written by Lucas on 25.06.2006 at 19:18

No, flea sucks. Way to overhyped. It's the vocalist that rules. Anthony Kissinger, or something?

Flea sucks because he is way to overhyped? So he sucks because he is enthusiastic,'overhyped' ? ? ,So what,he is just interesting to watch? ,being too overhyped doesent make him a bad bass player! ...... ......

No, read dammit. !

I didn't say he sucks because he is overhyped..

I meant: Flea is a bassist, that probably is a real good one, though I do not really like him. For some reason, I just find him annoying. Ok, I should not have used the word 'suck', but don't get all mad.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
22.07.2006 - 12:28
Ok,Fair enough,But you say he sucks,but not because he is overhyped,but then you say he is probably a real good bass player,which is true,I understand you think he is anoying,it's just.......... .I'm just confusing myself now........sorry,end of argument,
In The Cold Winds of Nowhere
01.08.2006 - 20:21
? £ ¥ $ ?
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heyyy everybody, i never thought i could love R.H.C.P that much. after their video i really adored them n i loved them more than i do.i used to love their song but never focused on they became one of ma best
01.08.2006 - 20:30
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Written by [user id=15267] on 01.08.2006 at 20:21

heyyy everybody, i never thought i could love R.H.C.P that much. after their video i really adored them n i loved them more than i do.i used to love their song but never focused on they became one of ma best

same here... i really loved them... but the most vids that ever influenced me were fortune faded, otherside, and californication!!!!!!! RHCP ROCKS!