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Ne Obliviscaris - Song Studied At Sydney Conservatorium Of Music

Australian metallers Ne Obliviscaris have seen their song "And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope" from their debut album Portal Of I included in a teaching curriculum at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, one of Australia's most prestigious classical Conservatories. The song will undergo a compositional analysis by Professor Matthew Hindson, Chair of Composition at the Conservatorium. "And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope" will be studied as part of the curriculum.

Matthew Hindson is a renowned classical composer whose works have been performed by ensembles and orchestras throughout the world.

Professor Hindson commented: "I will be presenting 'And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope' to the composition students at the Conservatorium next semester as an exemplar in structure, mixing timbres, meters, modes, how to approach virtuosity, sound and noise, extended performance and techniques. The students will need to study 2 technical aspects of what Ne Obliviscaris have done in their music, and then use these techniques in their own classical music compositions."

The Professor continues: "It is my pleasure to introduce such high quality music making to our students, alongside other music by composers including Beethoven, Gershwin, Steve Reich and Peter Sculthorpe. Musicians deserve to hear the music of Ne Obliviscaris, and the music of many other metal bands, in order to appreciate the compositional complexity that lies within it, no matter what their musical tastes."

The band posted this message on their Facebook: "In what is possibly the biggest compliment of our career so far, our song 'And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope' is being studied and analysed by composition students at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music alongside composers such as Beethoven & Gershwin! Seriously! Totally blown away..."

Band profile: Ne Obliviscaris
Posted: 04.07.2013 by BloodTears

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05.07.2013 - 22:42
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Written by VforIAmAVagina on 05.07.2013 at 22:23

I bet They can not even reach "Ten".

What's your point? There are lots of local bands that I support that have only a handful of fans as they aren't well known. Is this line of quotations you're continuing supposed to be some kind of insult or proof of something?
05.07.2013 - 22:44
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=4365] on 05.07.2013 at 22:42
What's your point? There are lots of local bands that I support that have only a handful of fans as they aren't well known.

You must be familiar with the retarded logic that if a band hasn't many followers it's because the band sucks. Your bands suck, dude. Some people like to imply that because they are insecure about themselves.

Cute, isn't?
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

05.07.2013 - 22:47
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 05.07.2013 at 22:44

Cute, isn't?

I want to dress these people up in fluffy bunny hoods and hug them.
06.07.2013 - 00:57
LOL! I love it how this is trending the most in here, over a pointless bashing of someone with a different-to-most opinion.
06.07.2013 - 05:22
Written by [user id=4365] on 05.07.2013 at 21:13

I certainly agree that my comment was throwaway and of not much use, that tends to be a habit with news articles, but it's the throwaway nature of it and the fact it caused such a reaction that I find amusing.

Haha I completely agree on that one. Certainly not one of the most vitriolic comments I've seen on Metal Storm.
06.07.2013 - 06:13
A staff guy...
Have to agree with Joe here, why the fuck do people get all bent out of shape just cuz someone expresses their discontent with a band?! You people can't seriously expect that everybody is going to love a band the same as you do, nor can you really be naive enough to think that people actually took Thumper's mom's words to heart...
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

06.07.2013 - 11:11
I liked their debut but it didn't really fascinate me to the point of being, well, an epic masterpiece.
06.07.2013 - 23:46
Great thread guys. Loved the part where people started an argument and then immediately backed out.
07.07.2013 - 02:05
Written by [user id=4365] on 05.07.2013 at 10:37

Written by Italics on 05.07.2013 at 09:39

Go listen to more of your bands that only you and 10 other people have ever heard of

So many oversensitive people. I make a comment about a band, people get personally offended. I've never understood how that's possible. Stop being a victim.

I also had a look through your recent comments and you're just as negative about albums as anyone else here (in fact almost all your comments on that page are negative). This entire page is full of whining hypocrites who want to eat their cake and have it

My "recent comments" (which are very few and far between) are not the typical "this is garbage" or "this isn't metal" kind of nonsense comments that you make. It's not a personal insult and I'm not offended. I'm sure you're a great person. But your false sense of elitism has been noticed by more than just a small number of people. You seem to enjoy showing up in music threads just to sh*t on the band that is being discussed, which kind of reflects poorly on your own self-confidence. =/
But I Justify My Desire to No One
07.07.2013 - 02:26
Account deleted
Written by Italics on 07.07.2013 at 02:05

"this isn't metal" kind of nonsense comments that you make.

If you want me to take you seriously please point out a time when I said that, or anything like it aside from when I was pointing it out in a serious manner in a discussion when something wasn't actually metal. It sounds to me like you don't really know what argument to put across so are just saying whatever vague statement you think will incriminate me in the eyes of everyone here. Sounds like it's you that has self-confidence issues if you're having to lie about other people just to make yourself look like you're in the right.
07.07.2013 - 03:03
A staff guy...
Since when does Joe go around saying bands aren't metal...?
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

07.07.2013 - 03:56
Written by Zap on 06.07.2013 at 23:46

Great thread guys. Loved the part where people started an argument and then immediately backed out.

09.07.2013 - 01:02
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Italics on 07.07.2013 at 02:05

"this isn't metal" kind of nonsense comments that you make.

Yo, you're being called out on this fallacy, yet haven't answered Joe on it. Ashamed of your own little lies, boy?
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

09.07.2013 - 13:35
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Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 09.07.2013 at 01:02

Yo, you're being called out on this fallacy, yet haven't answered Joe on it. Ashamed of your own little lies, boy?

This is from a user that tried to blame the fact that albums he liked that failed to make the awards was down to a massive metalstorm staff failure, because apparently we have an obligation to showcase popular albums. He also tried to convince me with the "I think you know I'm right, you're just too stubborn to admit it" argument so logical debates don't really fall within his purview.

Also, I just noticed that he called me someone who calls bands "garbage" and that he ISN'T that kind of person, when in his last page of comments he said:

This song and the two songs off of the single are the only good songs on the album.

The rest is absolute garbage.


Yup, gave it a listen.. garbage.

The very first song was kind of interesting and gave me some hope... everything after that, absolutely horrible. Oh well, I gave it a fair shot!

Interesting that. I've given Ne Obliviscaris plenty of "fair" chances over the years and I still think they're lame. But of course that comment is totally not in the same realm as his oh-so intellectual comments whatsoever. I should be ashamed.

We're not gonna get another reply from this guy, but his personal text shows what a huge chip on his shoulder he has.
09.07.2013 - 16:42
Written by [user id=4365] on 04.07.2013 at 17:01

Quite an honour. Shame it went on such a lame band, but good on them.

Just out of curiosity what is it you find so lame about them? Not trying to start an argument (I couldn't care less if you like the band.) just genuinely curious to hear what it is you don't like about them so much. I always like to hear peoples reasoning behind their opinions when they differ from the general consensus, especially when it's someone with a lot more metal knowledge than myself.
09.07.2013 - 16:51
Account deleted
Written by Saiyanity on 09.07.2013 at 16:42

Just out of curiosity what is it you find so lame about them? Not trying to start an argument (I couldn't care less if you like the band.) just genuinely curious to hear what it is you don't like about them so much. I always like to hear peoples reasoning behind their opinions when they differ from the general consensus, especially when it's someone with a lot more metal knowledge than myself.

Well to put that "lame" comment into context a more accurate opinion of them would be "overrated." I don't think they're at all bad, just a bit average and not worthy of the huge amount of praise they get. Musically I find them overblown, overproduced and soulless. The "extreme" sections just sound messy and forced, and the other parts sound a bit cheesy and far too grandiose with all that sickly melody. Overall I just find they do a lot with their instruments but don't really make much in terms of music because they're trying hard to be technical, epic and extreme all at the same time. If they stopped trying to do so much and learn to be a bit more organic in their approach I might appreciate them.
09.07.2013 - 17:02
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2013 at 16:51

Written by Saiyanity on 09.07.2013 at 16:42

Just out of curiosity what is it you find so lame about them? Not trying to start an argument (I couldn't care less if you like the band.) just genuinely curious to hear what it is you don't like about them so much. I always like to hear peoples reasoning behind their opinions when they differ from the general consensus, especially when it's someone with a lot more metal knowledge than myself.

Well to put that "lame" comment into context a more accurate opinion of them would be "overrated." I don't think they're at all bad, just a bit average and not worthy of the huge amount of praise they get. Musically I find them overblown, overproduced and soulless. The "extreme" sections just sound messy and forced, and the other parts sound a bit cheesy and far too grandiose with all that sickly melody. Overall I just find they do a lot with their instruments but don't really make much in terms of music because they're trying hard to be technical, epic and extreme all at the same time. If they stopped trying to do so much and learn to be a bit more organic in their approach I might appreciate them.

I can definitely see where you're coming from. I've always felt the same way about them to an extent, but I've been able to overlook it. It would certainly be nice to hear them go for a more organic sound on the next release.
09.07.2013 - 17:03
Account deleted
Written by Saiyanity on 09.07.2013 at 17:02

I can definitely see where you're coming from. I've always felt the same way about them to an extent, but I've been able to overlook it. It would certainly be nice to hear them go for a more organic sound on the next release.

I think a vaguely similar example would be Kalisia. I really liked their first demo which was focused and had a great organic sound, then they released their full length and it was just too much rammed into one album and had a clinical sound to it. (although there was a 14 year gap between the two )
09.07.2013 - 17:09
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2013 at 17:03

Written by Saiyanity on 09.07.2013 at 17:02

I can definitely see where you're coming from. I've always felt the same way about them to an extent, but I've been able to overlook it. It would certainly be nice to hear them go for a more organic sound on the next release.

I think a vaguely similar example would be Kalisia. I really liked their first demo which was focused and had a great organic sound, then they released their full length and it was just too much rammed into one album and had a clinical sound to it. (although there was a 14 year gap between the two )

Can't say that I've ever heard of them. It the demo available anywhere online? And yeah 14 years will do things to a band, for better or worse.
09.07.2013 - 17:12
Account deleted
Written by Saiyanity on 09.07.2013 at 17:09

Can't say that I've ever heard of them. It the demo available anywhere online? And yeah 14 years will do things to a band, for better or worse.

Can't see it anywhere other than here, a couple of tracks on Youtube. Really nice demo though.

That being said, you might prefer the full length, here.
09.07.2013 - 17:20
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2013 at 16:51

Well to put that "lame" comment into context a more accurate opinion of them would be "overrated." I don't think they're at all bad, just a bit average and not worthy of the huge amount of praise they get. Musically I find them overblown, overproduced and soulless. The "extreme" sections just sound messy and forced, and the other parts sound a bit cheesy and far too grandiose with all that sickly melody. Overall I just find they do a lot with their instruments but don't really make much in terms of music because they're trying hard to be technical, epic and extreme all at the same time. If they stopped trying to do so much and learn to be a bit more organic in their approach I might appreciate them.

My only problem with them is that sometimes their songs seem disjointed, the same thing that plagues let's say Opeth's first album, an album that I'd say is quite similiar to this.

On the other hand I find the clean sections with "all that sickly melody" to have a quite lush and powerful atmosphere and they use soft-harsh dynamics very well on the album which is the primary reason why I like it so much.
09.07.2013 - 17:23
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Written by Uldreth on 09.07.2013 at 17:20

My only problem with them is that sometimes their songs seem disjointed, the same thing that plagues let's say Opeth's first album, an album that I'd say is quite similiar to this.

On the other hand I find the clean sections with "all that sickly melody" to have a quite lush and powerful atmosphere and they use soft-harsh dynamics very well on the album which is the primary reason why I like it so much.

I find that kind of dynamic works better when used conservatively. Focus on one then have a kind of pay-off with the other which dramatically improves its implementation and becomes a point of note on that particular song. For me this kind of random and constant back and forth and combining of the two really diminishes both sides of their music.
09.07.2013 - 17:39
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2013 at 17:23

I find that kind of dynamic works better when used conservatively. Focus on one then have a kind of pay-off with the other which dramatically improves its implementation and becomes a point of note on that particular song. For me this kind of random and constant back and forth and combining of the two really diminishes both sides of their music.

Looks like we are going to disagree on this

However I mainly agree with your sentiment, just I think it applies to this album too. I don't think most harsh sections on this are that great (not bad by any means either though), but they accent the melodies within the cleans sections very well and that's where this album's strengths really lie imo.

I also consider Hypno5e's last album which, if I remember well, you liked, to be similiar to this in terms of songwriting approach, the clinical/mechanical sounding mathy grinding on it is pretty okay but I tend to like the soft sections there more than the chugging as well, however the harsh sections work very well to provide contrast for the cleans.

I understand your point though, but I think this is even more subject to subjectivity than most other things because at least as much I can grasp this, this sort of songwriting is rather hard to measure qualitatively, it just sometimes clicks other time does not.
09.07.2013 - 17:48
Account deleted
Written by Uldreth on 09.07.2013 at 17:39

I also consider Hypno5e's last album which, if I remember well, you liked, to be similiar to this in terms of songwriting approach, the clinical/mechanical sounding mathy grinding on it is pretty okay but I tend to like the soft sections there more than the chugging as well, however the harsh sections work very well to provide contrast for the cleans.

I understand your point though, but I think this is even more subject to subjectivity than most other things because at least as much I can grasp this, this sort of songwriting is rather hard to measure qualitatively, it just sometimes clicks other time does not.

I find Hypno5e more effective because the sounds used on that album are more compatible than the sounds here, or at least produced in a way that seem so. Hypno5e deliberately use a clinical sound and combine it with minimalism and ambience, and do it in a tasteful way that segues together more naturally, rather than here which consists of a lot of dominant melodies, sounds and instruments which feel rammed down one's throat. Mine anyway.

I would never argue the subjective nature of these discussions, but I do think a person apply some pretty good logic and thought to them
09.07.2013 - 22:32
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2013 at 17:12

Written by Saiyanity on 09.07.2013 at 17:09

Can't say that I've ever heard of them. It the demo available anywhere online? And yeah 14 years will do things to a band, for better or worse.

Can't see it anywhere other than here, a couple of tracks on Youtube. Really nice demo though.

That being said, you might prefer the full length, here.

Will definitely check out both. Thanks.
24.07.2013 - 20:33
Underpaid M.D.
Well, that was quite unexpected.
"Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
01.09.2018 - 17:08
Interesting news. Didn't know this was a thing.

I wonder if they still have that in the curriculum after 5 years?
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei

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