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Posted by meTalcoholic, 17.05.2006 - 03:26
Have fun discussing.
Mega-Slayer |
23.05.2006 - 05:03 Written by [user id=5766] on 23.05.2006 at 04:42 The whole christianity thing with Dave doesn't bother me,whatever is best for him.About the lineup that souds awesome I would love to see all of those bands.1 question though,Overkill isn't exactly religious,you know they have some dark lyrics.
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
ASiema113 |
23.05.2006 - 19:57
When I went to Gigantour I was glad Anthrax wasen't but over all it was pretty good but I would prefer if the old line-up minus FF was there especially DEP now that I really know what there aboiut although it wasen't the type of music that everyone can get into you need an open mind I guess.
---- Written by [user id=22888] on 18.01.2008 at 09:05
kackbratze |
24.05.2006 - 16:05
Megadeth are great. They were my second ever metal band after Metallica (searching for something similar). I like everything up to "Youthanasia" and "The System has Failed". I prefer their Thrash days though...
ASiema113 |
24.05.2006 - 18:21
There greatest hits cd/dvd has been out for some time now, got the cd at Gigantour if any1 has seen/owns the dvd im wondering if it worth getting.
---- Written by [user id=22888] on 18.01.2008 at 09:05
genz Account deleted |
24.05.2006 - 18:33 genz
Account deleted
No no no, you got it wrong. What happened here, in Israel, was that Megadeth were supposed to play a festival with Dissection as co-headliners. Mustaine said he wouldn't play with a satanic band, and so Dissection were dropped since there was a greater demand for Megadeth. Later on that festival, Megadeth's show was cut short (4 fucking songs! 14 years until they come back and only 4 songs!) because the barricade between the stage and the crowd collapsed and the police stopped the show. Fuckin' sucks...:mad7:
Hoverbot Death Account deleted |
25.05.2006 - 10:04 Hoverbot Death
Account deleted Written by BitterCOld on 18.05.2006 at 01:47 I totally agree with you, man. When Countdown came out, it was almost like they sold out!. Most of you guys were to young, but back then Megadeth was a pretty fucking gnarly band. They had piss and vinegar in their veins. And when Count Down came out, I lost all respect for them! Just as I lost respect for Metallica when they came out with their "Black" album. Mainstream was a total sellout! And that was what Countdown and the "Black" album represented to us back then. Sure those were their breakout albums, but in terms of what they used to represent, it was the rug was pulled out from underneath all of us Heathens!!! All said and done, my favorite Megadeth albums are everything from Killing to RIP.
__Az__ |
25.05.2006 - 13:11
No, I really liked Countdown To Extinction... in no way can it be compared to Load....
DLMokoma Account deleted |
25.05.2006 - 19:16 DLMokoma
Account deleted
Countdown to Extinction is a good album and Load too, but I myself don't consider them as metal albums. And I really don't get these neverending comparings with Metallica and Megadeth. Both of them kick ass, and that's good enough for me.
ASiema113 |
25.05.2006 - 20:30
Megadeth in many ways has changed for better or worse but at least they have not yet made something like Some Kind of Monster I'd rather see them say We've had a good run but now it's time for someone else to have their chance in the spotlight. I wouldn't want them to have producers shoving thumbs up their asses and being told what to play or how they should do it. That's when youv'e lost your true purpose.
---- Written by [user id=22888] on 18.01.2008 at 09:05
Daru Jericho |
26.05.2006 - 00:36 Written by [user id=13866] on 24.05.2006 at 18:33 Didn't Mustaine also turn down a show with God Dethroned for the same reason? It's a bit of a shame really; Megadeth and Dissection would have been a great gig to see. Sorry to hear about the concert getting cut hort ![]()
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
Mega-Slayer |
26.05.2006 - 01:13 Written by Daru Jericho on 26.05.2006 at 00:36 I know it sucks that he became a christian for that reason it ruins tours.Though it was in the past my personal favorite song Good Mourning Black Friday is a very violent and satanic song written by dave.
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
DIE_by_my_HAND |
28.05.2006 - 05:04
Megadeth rules forever, and Mustaine wrote, and actually can still write heavy shit!! That's saying a lot, and I really respect them, but I'm on my way out, so I must make this short...
---- And music: well it's just entertainment folks!! -Devin Townsend
DLMokoma Account deleted |
28.05.2006 - 17:27 DLMokoma
Account deleted
So Far, So Good, So What! and Rust in Peace are definetly my fav albums. Mustaine really knows how to make good riffs.
Mega-Slayer |
29.05.2006 - 00:30
I bought the dvd Arsenal Of Megadeth,and as good as it is I'm a little dissapointed.Most of the interviews dont last more than 2 mins. ![]()
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
genz Account deleted |
29.05.2006 - 17:10 genz
Account deleted Written by Daru Jericho on 26.05.2006 at 00:36 I think there was another happening of the sort, yeah. I'm actually glad Dissection got cut out. we got Destruction instead ![]() A brother of a friend actually met Dave when he was getting on the plane to Turkey for the next gig. Dave said they are planning a comeback this summer or so. no word since...
Mega-Slayer |
29.05.2006 - 20:43 Written by [user id=13866] on 29.05.2006 at 17:10 I dont know as much as I like Destruction,Dissection has one of my favorite albums"Storm of the Light's Bane".
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
Daru Jericho |
30.05.2006 - 01:21
Yeah, I perfer Dissection to Destrution too but if you went to that gig and liked Destruction better than Dissection then you're lucky.
---- Aborted Misanthropic Smurf Puppy On Acid.
genz Account deleted |
30.05.2006 - 12:25 genz
Account deleted
I actually like Dissection songs better than Destruction songs, but dear lord, that show was beyond awesome...
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
30.05.2006 - 14:41
I got 'Rust In Peace' today, and im loving it. Great album, specially love the guitars ... and well everything else ![]()
---- Hellcunt Smurf
mvikred |
05.06.2006 - 10:48
man ^^^ uve got thrash metal's master piece in your hands .. rust in peace is the best album by megadeth till every track from that album ... ofcourse holy wars does stand out ![]()
---- I'm addicted to Technical Death Metal ... Somebody save me
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
05.06.2006 - 23:59 Written by __Az__ on 25.05.2006 at 13:11 I compared it to the Black ALbum - and in many ways can it be compared... slowed down tempos, more simplistic approaches to songs, one music video after another churned out, commercial success... I think the reason for differing opinions is simply chronological perspective... you weren't around in the early 90's amped out of your skull for the next "Rust" or "... And Justice" to experience the first hand let down.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
Thryce Retired Staff Elite |
06.06.2006 - 12:07
Megadeth - Drummer Shawn Drover Holding New Online Auction : The Megadeth eBay store is once again open for business. Drummer Shawn Drover is auctioning a set of drumsticks used during the recordings the third song of the band's forthcoming album, his Gigantour backstage pass and an All Access backstage pass. Go to the following links to check out the auctions: Vic Firth Drumsticks Megadeth Gigantour Backstage Pass Megadeth All Access Backstage Pass Drover has also issued the following note: "If you want your item personalized, you must notify me before you pay or in the payment details. Please also specify in detail how you would like it personalized. Otherwise, the item will just come signed." (Source :
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
14.06.2006 - 15:08
I got the 'Arsenal Of Megadeth' DVD today. Only watched the first disc that contains of the bands music videos - Peace Sells, Wake Up Dead, In My Darkest Hour, Anarchy In The U.K., No More Mr. Nice Guy, Holy Wars... The Punishment Due, Hanger 18, Go To Hell, Symphony Of Destruction, Skin O' My Teeth, High Speed Dirt, Foreclosure Of A Dream, Sweating Bullets, Train Of Consequences, A Tout Le Monde, Reckoning Day, Trust, Almost Honest, A Secret Place, and Insomnia - ... my word its good. Havent got around to watch the second disc that has unreleased live footage plus a heaps of other stuff yet .. which i will do later on ![]() 2 and a half hours of Megadeth ... a must have for any fan ![]()
---- Hellcunt Smurf
Mega-Slayer |
15.06.2006 - 06:39 Written by Xtreme Jax on 14.06.2006 at 15:08 I own it and enjoy it,but wouldn't you say the interviews are way too short.
---- Intestinally Punctured Smurf
Southern Wind Account deleted |
15.06.2006 - 07:39 Southern Wind
Account deleted
I'm re-discovering Megadeth after a while... they were my first Metal band, I still own my old Peace Sells copy and is inable to listen anymore, but I wouldn't throw it away for anything in this world... The albums Megadeth released until Countdown To Extinction are groundbreaking, they beat the shit out of Metallica (ehich, btw, had their brightest moment with Mustaine)... NP: Rust In Peace.
Xtreme Jax Psycroptipath |
15.06.2006 - 13:31 Written by Mega-Slayer on 15.06.2006 at 06:39 Yeh the interviews are on the short side, which is a pitty ... but its still a good and enjoyable DVD.
---- Hellcunt Smurf
kackbratze |
20.06.2006 - 22:54 New album! I'm looking forward to it! The System has failed was a nice mix of thrash and heavy metal, I'm positive.
]M[egadet]H[ Account deleted |
21.06.2006 - 02:14 ]M[egadet]H[
Account deleted
I'm looking forward to the new album, the system has failed is a good album. but my favourites are Rust In Peace, Peaces sell, So Far So Good So What amd Youthanasia.
Dormant Misery Account deleted |
21.06.2006 - 08:37 Dormant Misery
Account deleted
Most of what I think about Megadeth has been said already, so I'll just say that 'Killing is my Business' has some of the most awesome riffs in thrash metal.
TimmyPix |
09.07.2006 - 22:37
You've said a lot already, but I'll add anyway =) I've got Rust In Peace (bloody amazing!), So Far, So Good, So What? (good if a little short, could be better), The System Has Failed (brilliant! A return to form!) and i bought Youthanasia today, and it's a good solid album. OK no absolutely brilliant songs, but it's still good. Megadeth rule! Better then Metallica in my opinion.
---- And remember kids, don't play with matches - flamethrowers are much more fun!