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School bullying

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Posted by Aylee_Bodom, 04.09.2007 - 17:10
School bullying is a growing phenomenon nowadays. Personally I haven't lived this experience from any of the sides, nor have I seen it happening at my school or high school. I really can't understand why certain children need to look down on others, take adavantage of them and not content with that, beat them as hard as possible. These situations really get on my nerves...I'd love to kick those children's asses However, even when a case can be proved, justice isn't done, and if that was my case I would certainly take the law into my own hands.

I'm bringing this topic up because yesterday I was reading a magazine my mum often buys and there was an article about three boys in India who had killed two other kids just to have days off school, as they mourn dead students. You can read more about it here.

This is a quite extreme case, but I'd like to know what you all think about this and if you've ever suffered or witnessed school bullying.
06.09.2007 - 01:19
I am not as good as you friends in describing, I really enjoyed reading every single word you wrote, well actually, I remember in my last year in school, which is supposed to be the hardest & most important, the guy behind me, who'se sitting in the last row in the corner, always used to verbally annoy me, he didn't use to say insults, but like mocking on me or either on others or teachers, sometimes I used to laugh I remember, but still I should have to give more attention to the teachers and so..

He continued that way, and amazingly like he has no reason to give a damn to what teachers do teach! he was counting on private lessons, days after days, and for the fact that his neighbour was with his side, I got a help from a friend & cousin.. things went on that way which I didn't want, but to make it better to me actually, but not for soo long, when he came back for that annoying, I have to show that I am not fool, I pushed him saying come hit me, he really punshed me, I went on with lots of punshes which I really haven't did from before... I felt bad about it, my face turned to red and all people turned around us, looking at us, I hate being at the middle of attention by the way.. I went to the instructor/ guide / adviser to tell him... he solved it from his side and like it went okay to the rest of the year.. And I knew right after it from the instructor that he was suffering from cancer [blood].... actually, the guy haven't kept attending that much after that alot...

Once, before some months, I knew in a way that he has been died..

Actually I went to his house after then with the guys around him in the class that year, I got them there, we met his family all.. I feel sad when I remember this story really..
I saw her standing by the crimson sea...
Isolated by the silent thoughts...
Her gazing was intense but so dead...

The teardrops corroded the soil.. She couldn't say a word to me...
09.09.2007 - 22:43
Account deleted
Hmm, this is actually a personal topic to me.
When i was in school (well, before i got 18 and started kicking the crap out of guys who bully me), i had a problem because i was shy and fat. I got bullied everyday.Until my big brother (who is a Lieutenant 1st class in the RAF) told me to stand up for myself - kick their asses.And i did, also i got a headmasters warning - but that was the day when the bullying ended.
Stand up for yourself! Don't be shy - make him die!
10.09.2007 - 00:55
Yah I agree with that...but many times the bullied one isn't as physically strong as the ones that are bullying them so what you suggest can't always be done, sadly.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
10.09.2007 - 15:01
Baz Anderson
and also the "make him die!" bit is a little worrying.. hahaha
I'm sure you have a little charge called "murder" over there in Estonia.. hahaha
remember kids, if you're going to kill someone - make sure you thought it through first!

(and no, I do not encourage murder.. I'm just saying this in case I get the blame for anything.. you know.. hahaha)
11.09.2007 - 10:06
Valentin B
Written by Baz Anderson on 10.09.2007 at 15:01

remember kids, if you're going to kill someone - make sure you thought it through first!

and get busted for first degree murder and rot in jail(as i recall, in the u.s. it's the worst crime possible)
11.09.2007 - 16:05
Baz Anderson
"murder" (none of this 'first degree' nonsense), I would have thought would have been the "worst" crime in any human culture in the world. hahahaha
11.09.2007 - 16:45
The Bard
.. ..Pedophiles are worst. ..
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
11.09.2007 - 17:45
Valentin B
Written by Baz Anderson on 11.09.2007 at 16:05

"murder" (none of this 'first degree' nonsense), I would have thought would have been the "worst" crime in any human culture in the world. hahahaha

well, here it's called something like "premeditated murder" if you think it through, and then decide to kill someone, carefully planning the details etc. and in the US the punishment goes up to life in prison or even death
11.09.2007 - 18:02
Baz Anderson
yes indeed and here is it just called "murder"
I studied law for a couple of years, I really enjoyed it - the different names for the murder with intention all mean the same thing really, they all require the same actus reus and mens rea (criminal act and guilty mind) of killing another human with intention to kill
it just gets tricky when there isn't a clear intention to kill and you have to look at negligence, etc. and theres also the defences to murder (provocation and diminished responsibility [also there's a defence if a suicide pact goes wrong here]) that - I think the intervention of these is what Americans would call second degree murder and all that if found guilty, wheras it would be manslaughter here

anyway.. that was off-topic.. hahahaha. I wish I was still studying law..

Aronax - is it really? it's maybe the most socially unacceptable crime but at least the little girly or littly boy live
11.09.2007 - 18:53
Mr. Noise
Written by Baz Anderson on 11.09.2007 at 18:02

Aronax - is it really? it's maybe the most socially unacceptable crime but at least the little girly or littly boy live

So it would live his/her life with all trauma's and pain etc. I'd rather die.

Although of course, these opinions vary and this is all pretty off-topic.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
11.09.2007 - 19:06
The Bard
Written by Lucas on 11.09.2007 at 18:53

Written by Baz Anderson on 11.09.2007 at 18:02

Aronax - is it really? it's maybe the most socially unacceptable crime but at least the little girly or littly boy live

So it would live his/her life with all trauma's and pain etc. I'd rather die.

Although of course, these opinions vary and this is all pretty off-topic.

I agree with Nervel. I read stories of some children, and I cried, some things are worst than death I think.

Ok, back to topic
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
12.09.2007 - 16:04
The Amputator
Written by APOHAKC on 11.09.2007 at 19:06

Written by Lucas on 11.09.2007 at 18:53

Written by Baz Anderson on 11.09.2007 at 18:02

Aronax - is it really? it's maybe the most socially unacceptable crime but at least the little girly or littly boy live

So it would live his/her life with all trauma's and pain etc. I'd rather die.

Although of course, these opinions vary and this is all pretty off-topic.

I agree with Nervel. I read stories of some children, and I cried, some things are worst than death I think.

Ok, back to topic

I would certainly rather die than live a traumatised life like that. But back to the topic...

I personally think that some form of bullying is needed in schools. Of course, I don't think it should go beyond that general push and shove and the odd verbal slur here and there, but if we were all to have a nice, easy ride through school, we wouldn't know how to deal with situations when they arise in later life. I went to an all-boys boarding school. I wasn't a boarder, and there was traditionally a sort of rivalry between boarders and day scholars, but everyone had to deal with that. "All dayboys are gay" and "all boarders are apes" were common sentiments. Then, there would be the sledging over what sport you played, or what artistic stuff you were involved in. I would get the odd racial slur, or the old "you're a nerd, and your group is full of oddballs" comment. After 5 years of high school enduring stuff like that, I would say that I'm a stronger person, who can fight back when put down. Let's face it, people in the wide world aren't all nice and friendly, and so 'constructive bullying' (like we had at our school) has prepared us for unforeseen eventualities in life after school.

Of course, I am totally against it going too far, with major fistfights and everyone picking on someone because they're different, etc. Within parameters, bullying is fine, but exceed the limit and it can be disastrous mentally for both the bully and the bullied.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
12.09.2007 - 16:39
Then, those who don't bully but aren't bullied either, aren't ready to face hard situations in the future? I don't think so.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
12.09.2007 - 16:40
Valentin B
Written by Aylee_Bodom on 12.09.2007 at 16:39

Then, those who don't bully but aren't bullied either, aren't ready to face hard situations in the future? I don't think so.

not necesarily
16.09.2007 - 06:01
Account deleted
I think that kids bully other kids because of us all being raised differently. When you are younger you don't embrace differences as liberally as you do when you're older. Kids in general can be really mean but I don't think it is intentional. I think that they are just interpreted wrong for being so blunt. They are saying what's on their mind and what they know. Anyways I think as we get older we become more accepting and whatnot. The kids that bully other kids in high school are a pathetic case. I think they are simply mature and need to grow up.
16.09.2007 - 08:45
The Amputator
Written by Valentin B on 12.09.2007 at 16:40

Written by Aylee_Bodom on 12.09.2007 at 16:39

Then, those who don't bully but aren't bullied either, aren't ready to face hard situations in the future? I don't think so.

not necesarily

Well, those who don't bully but aren't bullied either still have others around them who are the bullies and the bullied, so they can adapt their own responses to adversity by observing others.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
22.06.2008 - 20:33
Valentin B
Written by [user id=1738] on 06.09.2007 at 00:02

Being the sensitive, imaginative and introvert kid automatically made me a target for the bullies in and outside school. Add the fact that I moved to a new town by the age of six (and therefore didnt have any friends) and you've got a recipie for disaster. I have have been sistematically bullied with varying intensity between second and 10th grade, with the worst period being that between sixth and 8th (by bullying I mean reiterated verbal AND physical abuse, as well as public emargination, derision and humiliation). Eventually, I have bullied other kids myself. As much as I'm sorry about that, I can't really condemn the kid that I was for those actions. Still, I won't consider them completely justified, as, no matter how violent and overbearing your environment is, there is always a choice. It's just that sometimes the pressure is too much for an insecure, victimized child. I would tell those guys I'm sorry if I ever see them again, but I would consider tactless just bringing up the subject now that we've grown up. If they'll do by their own whim I definately will, and maybe I'll even let them punch me on the button
What, then, about my tormentors? I slowly, eventually began to react, again with varying success: I turned some one-sided abuses into wars, learnt to fight back and oh so deeply hated them. Did this stop them? Most of the times, it just ignited their flames, but at least it alleviated the feeling of helplessness that overwhelmed me. As I grew up and people around me changed, things eventually started to get better and I can positively say I've never been bullied ever since I was 16.

Now, I guess I could bullshit (pun unintended) about how much this has thoughtened me up and how useful it's gonna be for the rest of my life since being the target of some kind of abuse is inevitable etc etc, but I actually rather not. Forgive my utter lack of machoism, but I would have preferred to stay sheltered and naive for a while longer. The scars from those days have grown with me, and the severe personal and social difficoulties I still experience are at least partly due to that. It doesnt matter if being traumatized is common, so much that you consider it normal. It still isn't right. Nobody should learn to stand up for himself like that.

that post was pure gold, especially the last paragraph. it's really a slightly harsher case than mine, i was bullied yes, but half the time it was just 'good humour'(mostly in elementary school), the guys didn't have any destructive mindset. despite this i've managed to maintain my integrity and become a better person in not becoming a total uber alles macho who beats up everyone just for revenge. of course i was a skinny, ugly and introverted kid who was into computer games, but the fact that i was one year younger than most of the rest of the class 'helped'.

i've grown to be more compassionate and sociable then i previously was, despite my hard childhood which i would go even so far as to say made me a little depressive and explosive-angry as a person(i am harsh with myself but not with other people). so ironic i'm saying this just one day before my first of the final high school exams(what's even more disturbing is that before they were called 'maturity exams' ), it's like i'm letting go of my inner demons or something.
23.06.2008 - 12:42
Born Too Late
I've both witnessed and suffered bullying. I remember the first incidence was when I was only 3, and these Indian girls used to stamp on my hands when I was playing because I am white. Because I'm not like alot of other people, I was into books big time, I was always reading, especially science books, I am quite clever as well and because of this people used to taunt me and also ignore me, which in a way was worse. I had no friends until I joined high school, and even then I didn't have that many.

I was also picked on when I was little because I was chubby, even once a grown man taunted me in the street, I was only 11, it was the worst experience of my life, I think it was a trigger in my depression, that one incident made me want to die. I've never forgot that.

Because of all my bullying, I've become such an awkward person, I can't talk to males easily, or anyone I don't know well face to face, I'm scared they are going to turn around and just be nasty to me, and make me feel like shit.

I really hate bullies and can't stand bullying because of what it has done to me, I genuinely think that if I hadn't been bullied so much, I would be a different, better person than I am.

I think bullying is such a hard topic. I mean, I see people everyday be bullied, because of different sizes and races and it angers me, especially because it's never solved (in my school at least). It's hard to tell someone if you are, for me, I felt so pathetic telling my mum and teacher, I remember the day I told I couldn't stop crying and I had to go home. It didn't help though, it made it worse, things would be wriiten about me on walls and in the local park about what a freak I was.

I am still affected by it even though it's kinda stopped, and in my opinion, I don't think I will ever get over it, everywhere I go, I'm constantly worried about what people think of me and if they hate me.

Kind of a rant, but basically I hate bullies and bullying, it's not always easy to stand up for yourself, bullies usually pick the weakest person they can find, and it will affect them worse.
'I wish you all had one neck and that I had my hands on it.'
24.06.2008 - 22:52
Written by Necrogeddon on 23.06.2008 at 12:42

I've both witnessed and suffered bullying. I remember the first incidence was when I was only 3, and these Indian girls used to stamp on my hands when I was playing because I am white. Because I'm not like alot of other people, I was into books big time, I was always reading, especially science books, I am quite clever as well and because of this people used to taunt me and also ignore me, which in a way was worse. I had no friends until I joined high school, and even then I didn't have that many.

I was also picked on when I was little because I was chubby, even once a grown man taunted me in the street, I was only 11, it was the worst experience of my life, I think it was a trigger in my depression, that one incident made me want to die. I've never forgot that.

Because of all my bullying, I've become such an awkward person, I can't talk to males easily, or anyone I don't know well face to face, I'm scared they are going to turn around and just be nasty to me, and make me feel like shit.

I really hate bullies and can't stand bullying because of what it has done to me, I genuinely think that if I hadn't been bullied so much, I would be a different, better person than I am.

I think bullying is such a hard topic. I mean, I see people everyday be bullied, because of different sizes and races and it angers me, especially because it's never solved (in my school at least). It's hard to tell someone if you are, for me, I felt so pathetic telling my mum and teacher, I remember the day I told I couldn't stop crying and I had to go home. It didn't help though, it made it worse, things would be wriiten about me on walls and in the local park about what a freak I was.

I am still affected by it even though it's kinda stopped, and in my opinion, I don't think I will ever get over it, everywhere I go, I'm constantly worried about what people think of me and if they hate me.

Kind of a rant, but basically I hate bullies and bullying, it's not always easy to stand up for yourself, bullies usually pick the weakest person they can find, and it will affect them worse.

Indeed, they know pretty well who they are messing with - the weakest people they can find - so they won't stand up to them. I've always been the "defender" lol, when someone tried to get advantage of any of my friends or someone I knew I couldn't help stepping in. But it also pisses me off that those who are bullied are so weak and can't defend themselves...they need some malice, they have to stop being so innocent.

As for you, I think sooner or later you'll get over it. Adult people are not as cruel as children (generally). You're a human being, I'm sure you have lots of things to offer to the people around you - if they don't like you, that's their problem, they probably aren't worth talking to, so be yourself and give a f*ck about what they may think about you =)
*All Blood Runs The Same*
25.06.2008 - 01:30
Account deleted
Written by Aylee_Bodom on 24.06.2008 at 22:52

I've always been the "defender" lol, when someone tried to get advantage of any of my friends or someone I knew I couldn't help stepping in. But it also pisses me off that those who are bullied are so weak and can't defend themselves...they need some malice, they have to stop being so innocent.

Eh, well, there's different levels of bullying, and from your "they-should-just-learn-to-defend-themselves" attitude, I can clearly see you never had to deal with people who went to jail right after 10th grade. You might not have been so eager to defend your friends if that was the case, I assure you
25.06.2008 - 01:39
Written by [user id=1738] on 25.06.2008 at 01:30

Written by Aylee_Bodom on 24.06.2008 at 22:52

I've always been the "defender" lol, when someone tried to get advantage of any of my friends or someone I knew I couldn't help stepping in. But it also pisses me off that those who are bullied are so weak and can't defend themselves...they need some malice, they have to stop being so innocent.

Eh, well, there's different levels of bullying, and from your "they-should-just-learn-to-defend-themselves" attitude, I can clearly see you never had to deal with people who went to jail right after 10th grade. You might not have been so eager to defend your friends if that was the case, I assure you

No, I haven't, but at least I wouldn't feel like shit, knowing that THEY are the real shit. And there's always one way or another to hurt someone, even if they are criminals. Besides, I wasn't talking about "people who went to jail right after 10th grade", but about usual bullies.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
25.06.2008 - 11:22
Account deleted
Of course you can (and should) always react, even with dangerous people, but what I'm saying is that you made it sound a little too easy in your previous post, as if bullying was just about the regular annoying joke between kids. Sometimes it's much much worse than that, and if you've never been is such situations it's kinda pretentious and disrespectful to call the victims "too weak and innocent". And I'm not talking about my personal experience here, but rather about the more serious issues that happen around the world, especially in less fortunate social contexts.
I perfectly understand, however, that you weren't referring to these kinds of stuff in your post, I just wanted to point out that there's more to the phenomenon than we have seen from our perspective, and we shouldn't be too quick to generalize. Peace out.
26.06.2008 - 00:28
I know there are much worse situations, but it still pisses me off when people don't defend themselves when they can do it. I'm not saying those are all the cases there are, but they exist, and that's what I can't stand. And yah, again, I know there are cases where people cannot defend themselves, but as I said, I wasn't talking about that. But yeah, peace out.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
26.06.2008 - 06:13
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I got bullied by a group of kids in high school and they are all a bunch of losers now...and I'm the one making fun of them when I see them...the tables have turned...they became hicks living off of the government and here I am with a university degree and a 9-5 job with health benefits...I say just take it all with a grain of salt because you know who will come off on top and who will wind up falling beneath the cracks when the time comes...
02.07.2008 - 21:43
I've never been bullied that much, but there were some kids who did like bullying me. They bullied me about my facial hair (I got sideburns and a small beard before I turned 13), but I didn't really give much attention to that. When I started to shave it, they never bullied me anymore.
24.08.2008 - 06:00
Insects Of Death
Account deleted
i was bullied all the way up to like 7th grade
but then i turned 13 got into metal grew a pair of balls and then socked the sorry bastard in the face
24.08.2008 - 06:05
Lactation Cnslt
Written by Infurnace on 02.07.2008 at 21:43

I've never been bullied that much, but there were some kids who did like bullying me. They bullied me about my facial hair (I got sideburns and a small beard before I turned 13), but I didn't really give much attention to that. When I started to shave it, they never bullied me anymore.

wtf why didn't you just fun of them for not hitting puberty yet??
24.08.2008 - 06:19
Insects Of Death
Account deleted
Written by Dangerboner on 24.08.2008 at 06:05

Written by Infurnace on 02.07.2008 at 21:43

I've never been bullied that much, but there were some kids who did like bullying me. They bullied me about my facial hair (I got sideburns and a small beard before I turned 13), but I didn't really give much attention to that. When I started to shave it, they never bullied me anymore.

wtf why didn't you just fun of them for not hitting puberty yet??

trust me dude i tryed using that and they were like what? i had to dumb down my comebacks so much then i just eventually got tired of it.
26.08.2008 - 16:10
Valentin B
Written by Dangerboner on 24.08.2008 at 06:05

Written by Infurnace on 02.07.2008 at 21:43

I've never been bullied that much, but there were some kids who did like bullying me. They bullied me about my facial hair (I got sideburns and a small beard before I turned 13), but I didn't really give much attention to that. When I started to shave it, they never bullied me anymore.

wtf why didn't you just fun of them for not hitting puberty yet??

they probably didn't know what puberty is lol
27.08.2008 - 11:29
There's an Estonian movie about school torture. I think it certainly should be viewed when discussing the topic.
It's called "Klass" and it is based on "countless true stories". Though it gets extreme toward the end, many parts are exactly how it goes, for some people more, for some less.