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The Last Concert You Attended

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Posted by Deadsoulman, 16.10.2007 - 09:33
Ok people, like the old one, this is the place to tell us your latest concert experiences!

I'll start by pasting my last message in the old thread:

I saw Behemoth, Kataklysm, Aborted and Lyfthrasyr on Sunday.

As I may write a report about this one, I won't say much. Just that Kataklysm, and above all Behemoth, were amazing. Really. Absolutely amazing. I've been blown away, even if it was the third time this year I was seeing Behemoth live (after the No Mercy fest and the Hellfest). But, as headliners, they are even better.

Ok, I'll just give you the setlists of the last two bands, for those who care
Setlist Kataklysm:
Like Angels (Weeping The Dark)
Let Them Burn
Ambassador Of Pain
The Resurrected
Crippled & Broken
Serenity In Fire
Where The Enemy Sleeps...
Beyond Salvation
As I Slither
Face The Face Of War
Manipulator Of Souls
In Shadows And Dust

Setlist Behemoth:
Rome 64 C.E.
Slaying The Prophets Of Isa
Antichristian Phenomenon
From The Pagan Vastlands
Conquer All
Christgrinding Avenue
Drum Solo
Slaves Shall Serve
As Above So Below
Summoning Of the Ancient Gods
Christians To The Lions
Decade Of Therion
Chant For Eschaton 2000

I Got Erection (Turbonegro cover)

To reply to another post in the old thread, both bands played approximately 75 minutes.

Next to come is Enslaved and Keep Of Kalessin tomorrow
06.11.2007 - 22:57
Set the World on Fire and Kill of the King are not really Thrash Metal, but Listenable.

Il like from Annihilator From Alice in Hell to Schizo de Luxe, Explaining that something is reeally Good and something not.

Written by buki of steel on 22.10.2007 at 00:39

Written by Iceland_Norway on 21.10.2007 at 18:16

do you like METAL from Annihilator??

In Italy Truemetal Fanzine gave it the minimum vote from 1 to 10 (5) For me Metal it's amazing and strongly precise in guitar Technique and all instruments are the same think.

Written by buki of steel on 17.10.2007 at 14:12

Yesterday,Iced earth /annihilator in Austria
Simply amazing,annihilator destroyed!!!

JEFF WATERS IS A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah,i like it,tho not much that i like never neverland and set the world

Føroyar mítt land

Tú alfagra land mítt

Føroyar mín Móðir
08.11.2007 - 20:48
Hellish Star


Metal To Infiity Webzine:
08.11.2007 - 21:03
Account deleted
I went to the Metal Blade 25th Anniversary Show which was an absolute blast. It was actually quite a while ago now, but I'll try to remember it as best I can.

We got in just as they were finishing their instrumental intro and they played a pretty great set. I don't have their albums so I'm not that familiar with them, but my friend is a big fan and he said they played all their best stuff. I really enjoyed them and will check them out. They finished with a cover of Testament's "Into the Pit" which made the place go ballistic.

I'm not a big fan, and I felt that their set was too long an dragged on a little. They are alright but all their songs sounded the same to me, at least live. They also seem to be trying too hard to be metal, they fit every metal stereotype (ie spikes, leather, upside down crosses, etc.)

I really like these guys so I was upfront for their set. The crowd went BERSERK for every song. They closed with "Dreaming in Dog Years" and sounded just like they do on their albums. Really cool set, and they seem like really genuine guys.

I'm lukewarm on this band, but I have to admit that their set was very good. The crowd was really amped up for them and they reflected that energy right back at us. They were definitely on their game, ripping out solos left and right. Good stuff.

This was the highlight of the night for me by far. It was the my first time seeing Cannibal Corpse, who have been one of my favorite bands for about a decade. They played a better set than I could have ever hoped for, going for probably 90 mins. Off the top of my head I remember them playing at least one song from every album. I could have cried when they played "Put Them to Death". I was not expecting anything from the early albums. They closed with a medley of "Hammer Smashed Face" and "Stripped, Raped, and Strangled" which was just epic. The BDM singer came on to help sing "Stripped, Raped and Strangled" and Brian Slagel himself came on to sing the last part of it. Just an amazing night of celebration for an amazing label.
09.11.2007 - 02:11
Angra was here in Costa Rica a couple of months ago I guess, they are great but Edu could reach the high notes and he dissapointed me a bit ...I don't know what happend, anyway they are excellent musicians...

IRON MAIDEN will be here in COSTA RICA next year 02/28/2007, it would be the first time...!!!!! and ask me if I'm going DUH!!!! XD
09.11.2007 - 04:07
Account deleted
12.11.2007 - 11:37
To Arms!
Dark Funeral
Stay Metal !!!
12.11.2007 - 19:04
Account deleted
Imitallica = Metallica coverband
Slayer Coverband
S.O.D.B = S.O.D. coverband

slayer was fucking great. imitallica did pretty good, but I dont like it anymore as much as I used to, and S.O.D. was pretty good, although I dont own all their stuff
12.11.2007 - 19:31
Account deleted
Went to see Taake last week. Good live band I must say. The only problem was the fuckheads who threw beer and pushed the whole time.
13.11.2007 - 19:01
The last concert I saw was Gorgoroth. I was almost killed by an torch on the podium it came down almost again my head, 3 times!! A friend saved my life 3 times... The concert was great, and Ghaal looked me in the eyes whole the time, cool! Ghaal can scream really, really high.
18.11.2007 - 14:57
Saw the Hellfest tour yesterday with Nightmare headlining, supported by Freedom Call, Hydrogyn and Kragens. The two French bands were great, Hydrogyn was ok-ish, Freedom Call bored me to death but then again I can't stand European power metal. Concert review coming.
19.11.2007 - 02:54
Lactation Cnslt
I went to the Northwest Death/Black Fest yesterday. Since there were a lot of worthless bands, I'll only comment on the bands that stood out.

Bestial Incarnation
The best way that I can describe this USBM band would be a mix between old Corpus Christii and a condensed version of Drudkh. They, of course, wore corpse paint, but the lead singer cut his arms, and you could see the blood progressively come out throughout the set. The bassist did the same thing, but he cut his chest instead. Overall they were really good, and they were the first great band of the night. I should note that the festival was already in its fourth or fifth hour at this point, so I had to sit through a lot of crap.

Embryonic Devourment
This is my second time seeing them, and they were just as good last night as they were last year. They're a fairly new band, but the two guitarists have loads of talent. The music isn't that well written, but the guitars are very technical and I'm sure they'll get big soon.

Alabaster Morgue
Right when this band came on stage, I didn't know what to expect just by looking at them. The band was comprised of a fucking hot chick on keyboards that was wearing a nice skirt, a stereotypical-looking goth guy on guitar with funny hair, and a drummer, bassist, and vocalist wearing suits. They played some sort of symphonic death metal/core with black metal touches here and there, and they were actually enjoyable. The girl that was on the keyboards did backup vocals, and her low death metal grunts were way more powerful than the fat lead singer's mid-range growl. It was so obviously different that it made the lead singer look really inferior.

Anger As Art
I completely forgot about these guys. I checked them out when the lineup was released a while ago, and they sounded great. They're a thrash metal band with pretty old band members. The songs were well-written and had many hooks, but they didn't play for as long as I had liked. The guitarist/backup vocalist had the most annoying voice ever though.

Vesperian Sorrow
This was the band I wanted to see the most. I don't know what genre they're in, but I guess some sort of blackened death metal with melodic touches (they consider themselves Dark Metal for some reason). Despite some of the annoying spoken passages during certain songs, they tore shit up; they were energetic and were able to successfully connect with the crowd. These guys are definitely going to be a breakout band soon.

Drawn And Quartered
Even though this was a death fest, Drawn And Quartered were the only pure death metal band of the night (of the bands I saw). It was almost therapeutic for me to hear Herb's evil low vocals, probably because I was getting so fed up with everyone else's boring mid-range growls. They played the same songs they did the last time I saw them, but they were able to fit more songs in this time because they played for twice as long. Their performance was even better than last time, and they sounded even more pissed off than usual. The solos were nice and the pit was decent, but I just wish they could have played longer. I was expecting to hear the majority of their songs to be from the new CD, which is weaker than the last two, but to my surprise they mostly played songs from their two best albums, Return of the Black Death and Hail Infernal Darkness.

I still don't get why this band headlined because they're a relatively unknown symphonic black metal band from my area. They aren't bad at all, but definitely not good enough to headline a festival. They wore corpse paint and had some skeleton statues as props on the stage, but one of the tails broke off, and after getting frustrated by not being able to figure out how to fix something that simple, the drummer just threw it into the crowd which hit some girl directly in her face. I laughed so hard that I almost head butted someone in front of me. Anyways, their performance was okay and the symphonic passages sounded great, but the music was just too linear and somewhat repetitive. There weren't many hooks and it was just nonstop blasting, Panzer Division Marduk style. Most of the people actually left, just because how long the day was.

Overall it was an alright festival, but for only $10 (plus service charge) and a full day of metal, I'm happy. Moribund Records was there and sold a ton of CDs and shirts, but ithe festival was still only about half the size as it was last year.
19.11.2007 - 03:58
At The Confessional, In This Moment, and MEGADETH!!!!!!!! ATC, eh. singer kinda reminded me of Rob Halford. In This Moment, chick fronted hardcore band. course, you wouldn't know they were a hardcore band, cause there were no air-fighting, emo kids in the place. and if they were there, they got decimated. Megadeth. holy shit. i loved that show. everything you'd expect and more! as a guitarist i really dug all of Dave's dean custom King V's. he had this spacy one with holographic sparkly kinda gears on it (which he used for the song Gears of War, naturally). all the usual suspects were played, peace sells, symphony, hangar 18, a tout le monde, holy wars. and i dug every fuckin minute of it. i got as close to the front line as i could, but some old school guys were bein all ehhh! friend of mine tryin to get up there was like "hey man this is my first megadeth show!" old school guy was like "it's gonna be your last megadeth show". dudes, seriously lay off it. be amazed that us younger guys are even listening to that stuff.
I will not reason and compare, my business is to create.
19.11.2007 - 04:57
I saw Exodus in Sao Paulo =p
... ?
20.11.2007 - 02:03
The Bard
Well, that would be Gamma Ray and Helloween double headline tour two days ago in Belgrade.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
23.11.2007 - 19:10
My last concert was the two day ProgPower Scandinavia with bands like Mercenary, Eldritch, Circus Maximus, Orphaned Land and Firewind. It was a great even though the sound in venue (The Rock) wasn't the best, especially on the first day. It improved a lot the second but wasn't perfect even then

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
24.11.2007 - 19:44
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Insomnium, Swallow The Sun, Amorphis yesterday.

the first two were crap as expected and certainly are among the most overrated bands of recent time:

Amorphis was great though.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

24.11.2007 - 22:01
Lot of Rage in Bucharest: Thunderstorm, Rage and Lake of Tears.
I got there a bit late, lost Thunderstorm (romanian band), got very impressed by the quality of composition, sound, and audience communication of Rage, a band i knew very little about, and still do, and got a bit dissapointed in the attitude of LoT's frontman, D.Brennare, wich i think was a bit drunk or..high. Kept spitting on stage and fuckady-fuck-fuck cursing all around. I mean, that might be an ordinary attitude for Slipknot, but not for Lake of Tears, wich are supposed to be, sensitive melancholic dreamy mushroom men. Their sound wasn't so dreamy either.
Still i'm very happy i've heard some of my favourite songs live. Headstones, anybody?..
How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice litte story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for 3 years? Huh?
25.11.2007 - 14:16
The other day I attended a show headed by an Israeli band called 'Nail Within' ( but I think is currently based in sweden )play a sorta Death/Thrash with a tinge of melodic elements. The show was openned by less well know group called 'Prey for nothing' ( which didn't really impress me to say the list ).

Anyways, halfway through Nail Within's set, Thomas Lindberg came on stage, and the band covered like 5 'At The Gates' songs with Linberg taking the lead of course, the band sounded spot on and Lindberg's vocals helped me feel the nostalgic connection I have with 'At the Gates' and was indeed a very memorable show. Needless to say, the bands own material was also damn good, excellent live band.
26.11.2007 - 07:58
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Divine Heresy

Divine Heresy surprised me, im not really into hardcore style music but they were awesome, and I caught Tim Yeungs drumstick!

Terror were such a pile of shit, I yelled something derogatory at the lead singer during a song break when I was totally drunk and he heard me and acknowledged my presence....stupid bastard.

Kataklysm stole the freaking show, last time I saw them they were sub-par, but this time they totally blew me away, such a great set.

Chimaira were great, but after the set that Kataklysm put on no stage effects or flashy lights could blow me away like Kataklysm did.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
26.11.2007 - 19:42
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Doc G. on 26.11.2007 at 07:58

Divine Heresy

Divine Heresy surprised me, im not really into hardcore style music ...

since when do they play hardcore style music? They still play death metal, okay a modern version opf it, but death metal nonetheless, nothing hardcore about it at all.
Now Terror, yes they DO play hardcore.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

26.11.2007 - 20:08
Mr. Noise
Ride The Sky
Damn, they were boring. Blergh.

Not my kind of music but Simone is really one of the hottest ladies out there!

Sonata Arctica
My guilty pleasure. Singing along with the entire crowd is great, especially on their faster songs, but I haven't listen to their cd's in ages and probably won't do that soon.

And I went with a friend of mine and we had great fun.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
26.11.2007 - 20:20
Lord TJ
The last concert I went to was a place called Headliners in the city of Toledo. A band called Madina Lake, Mayday Parade and some other band played. I saw Madina Lake before, they are ok for being punk rock. I owned what became of a crappy mosh pit but im not proud of it. It was nice though to hang out with my girlfriend and friends though.
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
26.11.2007 - 23:29
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 26.11.2007 at 19:42

Written by Doc G. on 26.11.2007 at 07:58

Divine Heresy

Divine Heresy surprised me, im not really into hardcore style music ...

since when do they play hardcore style music? They still play death metal, okay a modern version opf it, but death metal nonetheless, nothing hardcore about it at all.
Now Terror, yes they DO play hardcore.

I meant the vocals, the vocals sounding very hardcore-ish to me, maybe its just live, I still have yet to look into there studio stuff.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
26.11.2007 - 23:38
Dian Cécht
Account deleted
my last concert was Turisas, Annihilator and Iced Earth
Trurisas : They gave us a really good set. They are really communicative.
Annihilator : hey it s Annihilator ... what else !?!! old tunes .. just perfect
Ice Earth : Ok let s have a beer. they were too static for me and I got problem with the new singer's voice ... specially when he sings Dracula ... but this is my opinion !!

Next concert in order : Arnhem, maybe Marduk if I m not too tiried, Heol Telwen , the Pagan Fest in Paris, Therion ... a damm good December ...
28.11.2007 - 22:03
Account deleted
I havent been to a proper concert since i saw Iron Maiden, Trivium and Lauren Harris last december in Birmingham. Lauren Harris was crap, Trivium were great and Iron Maiden were great. I havnt seen a live show since unless you count some school bands playing at my old schools rock night. I'm hoping to see Maiden again next year but as they've only got one UK show planned for next year i dont think i will
29.11.2007 - 01:08
Account deleted
The Agonist, The Faceless, Arsis and Enslaved m/
29.11.2007 - 01:57
Account deleted
My latest concert was Within Temptation one in London last night.. i was totally impressed by Sharon's voice.. though she made a (little) mistake at the first song, instead of singing 'Jillian' she sang some lines from 'Our Solemn Hour'. anyway i didn't mind it..

About the setlist, they played the whole 'The Heart Of Everything' album (except only 'Final Destination') and i would say that those songs were MUCH better when being played live, especially 'The Cross'. The other 9 songs of the night were just wonderful and full of surprises. Before the show who could imagine that the band would play songs like 'Restless' or 'The Other Half Of Me' or 'Jane Doe'... i totally went crazy when they played 'The Other Half...' , and you know what, Robert even did some grunts in this song!!, (at first as i didn't see any guest grunters i thought the grunts would be play-back)... what an experience i had yesterday!!! i certainly will see them again when they come back here

Oh and i will make some comments on the opening band- 69 Eyes as well. It's like they played the same song over and over again in 40 minutes.., plus i couldn't here any singing as the bass was too loud..
02.12.2007 - 02:00
Lactation Cnslt
I went to the Death by Decibels tour last night. Malevolent Creation and Vader canceled because of the snow, so Cattle Decapitation headlined. Cattle Decapitation was supposed to play for a full hour, but they cut it to a half hour because their new drummer hadn't learned many songs yet. I pretty much had to sit through three hours of shitty deathcore to listen to half an hour of good music. I hate to say that it was a waste of $24 (actually more if you count the absurd amount of money I spent at the bar that I snuck into) because Cattle Decapitation was great, but still it was a little disappointing.

Even though they were good, they were better the second time I saw them. The drums were a little off because of the way the triggers were set up, but it didn't bother me too much. Travis is still one of the most entertaining death metal vocalists I've ever seen, with his possessed eyes, the way he gargles with his tongue out, and how he drools all over the place. They played most of the same songs they did the second time I saw them, and they still played one of my favorite Cattle Decapitation songs, Testicular Manslaughter.

Since I was expecting an hour of brutality, I was pacing myself in the pit. Right when I walked up to the biggest guy in the crowd and told him to swing me around during the next song, Travis said that they were done. I was so pissed - I hadn't even broke a sweat yet. I talked to the guitarist after the show though and he's the most humble musician I've ever met.
02.12.2007 - 04:31
Winter is Coming
Written by Dangerboner on 02.12.2007 at 02:00

Malevolent Creation and Vader canceled because of the snow, so Cattle Decapitation headlined. Cattle Decapitation was supposed to play for a full hour, but they cut it to a half hour because their new drummer hadn't learned many songs yet. I pretty much had to sit through three hours of shitty deathcore to listen to half an hour of good music.

That was a pretty crappy deal you got there,, I am seeing them tomorrow, and I can't believe that the first 3 bands took 3 hrs! So if the show kicks off at 6:30, I would be expecting Cattle Decapitation to start around 9ias? If that's the case I will not go there until just before 9, I have seen Light the City before, have you seen their merchandise? with all I<3 Thrash on their T-shirts? Am I the only one who could not detect any thrash elements in their music?! :

And the only comment I heard after the band finished singing, was the guys looking at the vocalist any saying "oh she's cute" so I guess that's a "+" for the band...
"Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died."
Ser Jorah Mormont
02.12.2007 - 04:40
Lactation Cnslt
LOL yeah, they think they're rock stars for some reason. Stupid deathcore...

Actually, we had four bands play before Cattle Decapitation. Die by Day, a pretty cool US power/thrash band with high vocals, opened the show. The funny thing is that they didn't know they were performing until a couple hours before the show.

It started at 7:30, and ended at 11:00, so it was pretty weak. Hopefully you get so see Vader and Malevolent Creation though.