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Posted by Unknown user, 04.09.2007 - 00:51
There was a thread about this a long time ago, but it was locked due to the people posting there being incompetent. This is a very touchy subject, I know, but I want people to at least attempt to act in a civilized matter when discussing this. Flamewars are forbidden, and anyone attempting to start a flamewar will be doused in a chemical bath. With all of this out of the way, let's discuss our views on this subject.

Personally, I have no quarrels with someone being gay, or even bisexual for that matter. To each his own. They are not the monsters that religions make them out to be. They walk, talk, and think just like anyone else, and they have a great plethora of ideas to contribute to society. They are also just as intelligent as everyone else, and they have the same concerns and worries as any other person. As a real life example, my mother's hair dresser (who is also my hair dresser, which explains why my hair is so beautiful) is gay, but he is quite the upstanding fellow, and is quite intelligent. In short, I greatly respect the gay community and I wish to see them claim the same rights as everyone else.

Discussion starts... now.
24.01.2015 - 22:16
Account deleted
Homophobia is so fucking rampant here in The Bahamas, especially within the black community. I dunno, I think it's incredibly arrogant to assume that just because a man is gay, that it means that he'll take an interest in wanting to fuck you.....There are girls who wouldn't be into you, so shouldn't the same logic apply to gay men?

During Independence Day (July 10th), I was vacationing on the island of Abaco, in the evening me and some friends partied in a certain gay man's apartment, most of the people there (myself included) were straight. The gay man was perfectly aware of this, he didn't try any gay shit with us, everything was fine, it was an awesome party. We got drunk, smoked weed....some of the people including the gay man snorted some cocaine, I passed though. Why are gays excluded in society? Once they understand their boundaries with straight persons of their same sex, I don't see the problem.....
25.01.2015 - 15:30
Last night I talked to a customer who told me (over 3 Long Island iced teas with his mistress) that he went through all sorts of trouble to convert to Catholicism because he found out his Episcopal pastor was gay. I guess he's not aware of just how many Catholic priests are gay. I really wanted to ruin it for him, but I had to hold back because I didn't want to start an argument at work.
25.01.2015 - 15:37
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Mercyful_Kate on 25.01.2015 at 15:30

Last night I talked to a customer who told me (over 3 Long Island iced teas with his mistress) that he went through all sorts of trouble to convert to Catholicism because he found out his Episcopal pastor was gay. I guess he's not aware of just how many Catholic priests are gay. I really wanted to ruin it for him, but I had to hold back because I didn't want to start an argument at work.

and children abusers as well, and more Vatican tryies to hide and some how wants stop from precaution, IMO Vatican has secret service as well

@WP people, how would you act if your child would say I am gay? would kill him? what would be your re action?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
25.01.2015 - 19:31
no one
Account deleted
Definitely kill him
25.01.2015 - 19:58
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=136611] on 25.01.2015 at 19:31

Definitely kill him

here you go doing gods job, .. all this WP and religion is one big bullshit
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
15.03.2015 - 20:18
Pvt Funderground
Recently here. The law that legalize gay-marriage was rejected. I'm in a country where being homosexual is a total sin by a lot of people, and also a disease. Personally I don't mind homosexuals, but something I fucking hate is the discrimation against them, makes me feel embarrased, and also makes me wish to abandon this sewer I live in as soon as posible.

The ignorance is something I have to deal with almost every day. When I heard people saying that homosexuals will "destroy this beautiful and conservative society" when in fact, that will do the opposite.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
15.03.2015 - 23:07
no one
Account deleted
Written by Maco on 15.03.2015 at 20:18

Recently here. The law that legalize gay-marriage was rejected. I'm in a country where being homosexual is a total sin by a lot of people, and also a disease. Personally I don't mind homosexuals, but something I fucking hate is the discrimation against them, makes me feel embarrased, and also makes me wish to abandon this sewer I live in as soon as posible.

The ignorance is something I have to deal with almost every day. When I heard people saying that homosexuals will "destroy this beautiful and conservative society" when in fact, that will do the opposite.

Must be hard, is there any hope in sight for a change in the future?
15.03.2015 - 23:30
Pvt Funderground
Written by [user id=136611] on 15.03.2015 at 23:07

Is there any hope in sight for a change in the future?

Not in this life.

If there is a conclusion I could have taken from my history classes, is that we (peruvians) are walking until this day in a vicious circle, repeating the same mistakes again and AGAIN, and I'm not only referring about homosexuals.

This place will never change. It might sound pessimistic, but you have to see it with your own eyes all you have to deal with here to understand.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
23.03.2015 - 12:25
X-Ray Rod
Heh, no. I'm sorry but I can hardly take her experience seriously. I really hate to analize people I don't know but to me this is a clear case of "passing the buck" to the mother instead of the father.
How can she say "My father's absence created a huge hole in me" and then pass the cause of her troubles to the mother? Is she serious? It never crossed her mind that maybe if her dad wasn't a douchebag and didn't leave her for good she could experience the love between a man and a woman once she saw her dad moving on with some one else?

This is obviously a theory of mine and we will never know... But the same goes to her opinion which is nothing more than anecdotal evidence at best (and again, without even considering a more obvious factor, like her dad leaving her). Another crazy theory of mine: Let's say the mom and her girlfriend never got married. They would be together anyways***... So, how does getting married change anything? It doesn't. People give way too much power to a piece of paper.

These kinds of problems that affect children's future relantionships happens all the friggin time with heterosexual couples. It's the kind of trail of thought that slowed down the process of divorce in so many countries. "The child will be screwed up after growing up with only one parent... It's way better to live with both parents who are miserable!".
These problems do not happen if both parents are always there for the children after a separation and TALK to them. This is what her dad never did.

Last but not least: They should be able to do the exact same thing heterosexual people do (and constantly fail at it). This is based on equal rights alone. Some like to sugarcoat it as much as they can but it really just boils down to believing that some people shouldn't have the same rights as others.

*** = Unless the daughter now wishes that her mother never found someone to make her happy. This actually makes her a jerk and it's NO different from me wishing when I was a kid that mom better stayed alone after leaving dad because I didn't want to risk seeing a failed relantionship again. It's better to see her miserable. This obviously didn't happen because seeing my mom happy with someone afterwards made me happy. And seeing my dad happy with his life as a single man made me happy as well.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

11.06.2015 - 21:42
The bible says that in the last days they will a good evil and evil good. we are seeing it now. its ok to murder babies with a beating heartbeat. its ok to have sex changes. its ok for homosexuals to marry etc. in the last days it will be as in the day of Sodom and gormorah. no man shall lie with another man. nor woman shall lie with a woman. it is an abomination. we only get 1 life. is it worth losing your soul over? is it worth going to a place of burning forever have all your memories and senses. looking up seeing into heaven. knowing all you had to do to avoid that place was to get saved.
Its either heaven or hell. and Jesus is the only way into heaven. People are always looking for something to satisfy them, only when they are saved will they be satisfied. Theres a change about you once you get saved. One god one way.
11.06.2015 - 23:42
Written by Irritable Ted on 11.06.2015 at 22:08

Written by metal220 on 11.06.2015 at 21:42

The bible says that in the last days they will a good evil and evil good. we are seeing it now. its ok to murder babies with a beating heartbeat. its ok to have sex changes. its ok for homosexuals to marry etc. in the last days it will be as in the day of Sodom and gormorah. no man shall lie with another man. nor woman shall lie with a woman. it is an abomination. we only get 1 life. is it worth losing your soul over? is it worth going to a place of burning forever have all your memories and senses. looking up seeing into heaven. knowing all you had to do to avoid that place was to get saved.

Agree with you, but wait for the shit storm. These views are not deemed PC anymore.

My views have changed recently. As long as it doesn't harm anybody let them get on with it. Then let God sort them out. Who am I to judge?

Do what thou wilt is not a sustainable long term strategy.
26.06.2015 - 18:11
26.06.2015 - 21:12
It's a good outcome and certainly it's possible to defend such a ruling. (Interpreting the law is always just that, interpretation, so you could go either way and still have to justify yourself.) But, lacking any deep understanding of American politics and the justice system, it seems like a very controversial way to solve the issue and is likely to cause a lot of resentment. Not that I don't think legal experts are better qualified than mod justice to make the decision, it is just unfortunate that it was such a close call and is unlikely to satisfy any nay-sayers.
27.06.2015 - 00:15
Written by IronAngel on 26.06.2015 at 21:12

It's a good outcome and certainly it's possible to defend such a ruling. (Interpreting the law is always just that, interpretation, so you could go either way and still have to justify yourself.) But, lacking any deep understanding of American politics and the justice system, it seems like a very controversial way to solve the issue and is likely to cause a lot of resentment. Not that I don't think legal experts are better qualified than mod justice to make the decision, it is just unfortunate that it was such a close call and is unlikely to satisfy any nay-sayers.

I think they'll just have to get use to it and see that the world hasn't come to an end. Some never will of course, but what's the worst case? They can have they own signed religious certificates and call it "proper marriage" as opposed to "state marriage". Who cares.
27.06.2015 - 13:21
Think only Christian pastors are against gay marriage in the US? Try the far-left Marxists. Just watched an interview with the 'queer' activist Yasmin Nair who of course has made her carrier out of a crusade against "no-liberals".

Gay Marriage IS a Conservative Cause.
27.06.2015 - 19:44
The Iranian state news outlet explains gay marriage legalization in the US: The Jews.
27.06.2015 - 23:20
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Once again the US slow compared to quite a few other countries.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

28.06.2015 - 00:16
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 27.06.2015 at 23:20

Once again the US slow compared to quite a few other countries.

"quite a few". 21 out of 196 countries (counting Greenland and Finland which will only take effect later this year and next year) to be exact.
Albeit European tribalism, you can give the Americans some credit sometimes. At least you try and hide your Anti-Americanism behind some classic weasel words .

A map for further comprehension of how "quite a few" there actually are:
28.06.2015 - 00:19
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
USA did what should be done years ago, many years ago... I hope whole EU /Shengen will follow it , Canada, Aus, NZ, to
Finally some smart move and they had balls... and now US haters will hate more and rapsutin will start comment and maybe move back to ethnic country hahah
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.06.2015 - 20:14
Next stop, pedophiles, we must not discriminate against them.
28.06.2015 - 21:22
The key difference, Rasputin, is that children are not considered eligible to enter into legal contracts or sexual intercourse. You are absolutely right that we should not treat people with pedophilic tendencies like shit, because sexuality is generally not a choice. Whether they choose to act on those tendencies is another matter entirely, but I am glad that you are so enlightened as to show due pity to the tragic unfulfillment a law-abiding pedophile is condemned to.
28.06.2015 - 21:35
Written by Rasputin on 28.06.2015 at 20:14

Next stop, pedophiles, we must not discriminate against them.

No one has a real reason to discriminate against gays when it comes to state marriage.
I met eight homosexuals in my life. Seven in the military and one is my cousin. None of them were missionaries (like many gender studies students) and all of them were law abiding, tax paying and contributing members of society. If they wish to be recognized as a married coupled by the state, I don't see any reason why not.
The only question, is how insecure you are about your own sexuality to care so much about something that does not affect you? Sure, not everything has a reason (social taboos like cannibalism), but many of us have moved on with this topic and you'll just have to pick-up with it.
29.06.2015 - 20:06
Written by IronAngel on 28.06.2015 at 21:22

The key difference, Rasputin, is that children are not considered eligible to enter into legal contracts or sexual intercourse. You are absolutely right that we should not treat people with pedophilic tendencies like shit, because sexuality is generally not a choice. Whether they choose to act on those tendencies is another matter entirely, but I am glad that you are so enlightened as to show due pity to the tragic unfulfillment a law-abiding pedophile is condemned to.

The definition of a "minor" is arbitrary, meaning, age of 18 has not specific change in the life of a human to warrant the ability to make decisions like a true adult in the later stages of life. Age of 18 was the government idea to set a limit (regardless how senseless that limit is) of what is considered a minor and an adult. I see we are going back to the old days, when everything is permissible, so on with incest and pedophilia among others, what are we waiting for?
29.06.2015 - 20:09
Written by Candlemass on 28.06.2015 at 21:35

Written by Rasputin on 28.06.2015 at 20:14

Next stop, pedophiles, we must not discriminate against them.

No one has a real reason to discriminate against gays when it comes to state marriage.
I met eight homosexuals in my life. Seven in the military and one is my cousin. None of them were missionaries (like many gender studies students) and all of them were law abiding, tax paying and contributing members of society. If they wish to be recognized as a married coupled by the state, I don't see any reason why not.
The only question, is how insecure you are about your own sexuality to care so much about something that does not affect you? Sure, not everything has a reason (social taboos like cannibalism), but many of us have moved on with this topic and you'll just have to pick-up with it.

I am not discriminating. I work with homosexuals, I know homosexuals, and as I said before that shit does not bother me, what bothers me is that very little research has been done on homosexuality (I still stand with it being a disorder) and with it we opened the gates for transracial, transabled and other nonsense. My problem is that we have not set the limitation bar on how far this should go.
01.07.2015 - 09:50
M C Vice
Written by Rasputin on 29.06.2015 at 20:09

I am not discriminating. I work with homosexuals, I know homosexuals, and as I said before that shit does not bother me, what bothers me is that very little research has been done on homosexuality (I still stand with it being a disorder) and with it we opened the gates for transracial, transabled and other nonsense. My problem is that we have not set the limitation bar on how far this should go.

Transracial and transabled?
"Another day, another Doug."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
01.07.2015 - 18:57
Deadone, teleological notions in biology were replaced by mechanical ones (natural selection). There is no purpose. Natural selection is the simple result of variation, differential reproduction, and heredity ? it is mindless and mechanistic.

Written by Rasputin on 29.06.2015 at 20:06

The definition of a "minor" is arbitrary, meaning, age of 18 has not specific change in the life of a human to warrant the ability to make decisions like a true adult in the later stages of life. Age of 18 was the government idea to set a limit (regardless how senseless that limit is) of what is considered a minor and an adult. I see we are going back to the old days, when everything is permissible, so on with incest and pedophilia among others, what are we waiting for?

Incest and pedophilia? maybe that's how you interpret it: "Homosexuality is legal now, I want to fuck my little brother".

No one is talking about "everything", just get over it.
01.07.2015 - 19:54
To expand on what Candlemass said about purpose versus uncaring causation:

Science, as such, could never label something a disorder. No matter how much research you do, it will never answer the question of whether homosexuality is wrong or sick. In general, health and sickness is not a matter of science. I guess this is befuddled in common opinion because the practice of medicine is confused with science, while it is in fact a normative institution (based, of course, on scientific research).

Homosexuality is a disorder if and only if it is labeled a disorder. There may be empirical grounds behind such a decision, but they cannot decide the issue. Conversely, healthy and normal is what we choose to consider healthy and normal. That's not to say diseases aren't real - they are physical matters of fact, but which of them we decide are harmful and must be treated/prevented is up to us, and primarily a political question (though medicine can help us decide by providing data).
01.07.2015 - 20:15
Written by M C Vice on 01.07.2015 at 09:50

Written by Rasputin on 29.06.2015 at 20:09

I am not discriminating. I work with homosexuals, I know homosexuals, and as I said before that shit does not bother me, what bothers me is that very little research has been done on homosexuality (I still stand with it being a disorder) and with it we opened the gates for transracial, transabled and other nonsense. My problem is that we have not set the limitation bar on how far this should go.

Transracial and transabled?

Check out what is going on in the United States right now. Or better yet, I will share the insanity with you. Check out the name Rachel Dolazel.

Enjoy. I am beyond words anymore. It is one thing to be accepting and understanding, and totally different to accept this lunacy.
01.07.2015 - 20:18
Written by deadone on 01.07.2015 at 09:59

Written by M C Vice on 01.07.2015 at 09:50

Written by Rasputin on 29.06.2015 at 20:09

I am not discriminating. I work with homosexuals, I know homosexuals, and as I said before that shit does not bother me, what bothers me is that very little research has been done on homosexuality (I still stand with it being a disorder) and with it we opened the gates for transracial, transabled and other nonsense. My problem is that we have not set the limitation bar on how far this should go.

Transracial and transabled?

Don't forget trisexuals. Try anything once.

Though I agree with Rasputin in that there's not been much done in terms of research into causes of homosexuality. I do think it's a form of disorder - after all primary purpose of sex is procreation and sex with same gender doesn't really promote this concept. Same applies to transexualism (i.e. feeling like you're the wrong gender).

At the same time I totally support gay rights including right to marriage. Everyone should be allowed to be happy provided it's between consenting adults and also provided it's bigamy/polygamy which has certain negative impacts on gender equality.

That is the problem, we have people, to include some on this forum that argue that the main reason behind sex, or should I say the purpose of sex for procreation is not true. I know how stupid that sounds, and that is why I challenged here, whoever it was, to stop using condoms and pills and just have sex, and let us see how long will his GF stay un-pregnant.
01.07.2015 - 20:21
Written by Candlemass on 01.07.2015 at 18:57

Deadone, teleological notions in biology were replaced by mechanical ones (natural selection). There is no purpose. Natural selection is the simple result of variation, differential reproduction, and heredity ? it is mindless and mechanistic.

Written by Rasputin on 29.06.2015 at 20:06

The definition of a "minor" is arbitrary, meaning, age of 18 has not specific change in the life of a human to warrant the ability to make decisions like a true adult in the later stages of life. Age of 18 was the government idea to set a limit (regardless how senseless that limit is) of what is considered a minor and an adult. I see we are going back to the old days, when everything is permissible, so on with incest and pedophilia among others, what are we waiting for?

Incest and pedophilia? maybe that's how you interpret it: "Homosexuality is legal now, I want to fuck my little brother".

No one is talking about "everything", just get over it.

I am not arguing for incest and bullshit like that, I am just telling that that is coming. I mean, if we look at the current mantra "do what thou wilt" and as long as "it does not hurt anyone" at least incest, if not pedophilia will pass. I mean, we have groups in the USA, and I remember last year we had a brother and a sister who loved each other and were consenting adults, so my point is, it is just a matter of time until SJW pick up the fight and agree with this insanity.

I mean, in the USA for the most part, people overlook the issue with Islam and pedophilia, so part of it is accepted as cultural, so we are only lacking a culture to surface, because transracial, transabled or whatever will be here to stay, because extreme liberalism makes it happen.