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What I hate about my country

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Posted by Valentin B, 19.08.2008 - 14:32
new thread! something i don't like about Romania is the fact that compared to other countries there are some really expensive shit, at least relative to the normal salary(mostly the utility prices) and of course the EXPENSIVE stuff(musical instruments , PC software and IT stuff like I-pods, playstations etc.), of course music albums goes without saying, they're ridiculously expensive, and then there's really cheap stuff(mostly food, which compensates with low quality).. you can't be sure of anything here!

haterz hate on!
03.02.2009 - 00:49
Here in Greece it's been decades since the politics cared for the people and not for themselves... thats something i really hate. these guys care only about money.

also i dislike the people's thinking-attitude in many occasions. they are too lazy and look only to take advantage of others in every chance they have..
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
03.02.2009 - 05:36
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by [user id=34045] on 19.10.2008 at 18:51

The thing that I dislike about Canada is that we're somewhat TOO multicultural. Normally I think this is a good thing, especially if immigrants assimilate into the Canadian lifestyle, but that's not happening. It's easy to see the distinct asian, black, european, arab, ect neighborhoods especially in or around Toronto, and this urge that people have to "be with their own kind" is truly dividing us.

It's not that big of an issue I guess lol, but Canada's a good place to live and it'd be nice to see more people of different races or cultures befriending eachother, especially the middle aged.

I'll agree. I hate going into a store and getting treated like crap by the clerk/owner because I have to ask him to repeat something. I understand they don't know english so well but they need to keep in mind its an english speaking country. Besides, we stole it fair and square.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
03.02.2009 - 12:40
The fact makes me sick about Chile is that just a few people have the money for the entire country -__-#
05.02.2009 - 09:02
Account deleted
WINTER it sucks
05.02.2009 - 09:29
LeChron James
Barack Obama. actually i dont hate him personally, i hate the people that support him. my political science teacher is the biggest Obama beater i have ever encountered and if she had the chance/if she wasnt married im sure she would fuck him if she had the chance. seriously, the people that support him are nauseating. i cannot understand his appeal, HE'S A GODDAMN POLITICIAN. he's an inherently crooked individual who makes his living gaming people into thinking he's the great black hope for america. its exactly what happened when bush was "elected", he was all charismatic and shit but then he started the Iraq war and everyone hates him now. in my unhumble opinion, its only a matter of time before Obama fucks shit up worse and ruins his rep as a "good" person and politician.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
05.02.2009 - 16:01
Written by [user id=35853] on 05.02.2009 at 09:02

WINTER it sucks

It sucks when you have to wait for a bus 35 minutes just because the other bus didn't arrive, and it's cold outside (the temperature is quite much below zero).
05.02.2009 - 19:51
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ragana on 05.02.2009 at 16:01

Written by [user id=35853] on 05.02.2009 at 09:02

WINTER it sucks

It sucks when you have to wait for a bus 35 minutes just because the other bus didn't arrive, and it's cold outside (the temperature is quite much below zero).

Yes specely when you shood go home by bus who's madein 70's and still drive on Latvcain roads
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.02.2009 - 20:07
Written by Bad English on 05.02.2009 at 19:51

Written by Ragana on 05.02.2009 at 16:01

Written by [user id=35853] on 05.02.2009 at 09:02

WINTER it sucks

It sucks when you have to wait for a bus 35 minutes just because the other bus didn't arrive, and it's cold outside (the temperature is quite much below zero).

Yes specely when you shood go home by bus who's madein 70's and still drive on Latvcain roads

Hehehe, luckily I live near to Riga and that means we have some things better.

Oh, damn, I will be pissed off if we lose to Hungarians in the hockey game this evening. Right now it's... 4:2 (Latvia wins).
05.02.2009 - 20:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ragana on 05.02.2009 at 20:07

Hehehe, luckily I live near to Riga and that means we have some things better.

Oh, damn, I will be pissed off if we lose to Hungarians in the hockey game this evening. Right now it's... 4:2 (Latvia wins).

After Sweden even in Rīga all are like 20 years in past

we can discuss it in hockey tread
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.02.2009 - 20:22
Written by Bad English on 05.02.2009 at 20:17

Written by Ragana on 05.02.2009 at 20:07

Hehehe, luckily I live near to Riga and that means we have some things better.

Oh, damn, I will be pissed off if we lose to Hungarians in the hockey game this evening. Right now it's... 4:2 (Latvia wins).

After Sweden even in Rīga all are like 20 years in past

we can discuss it in hockey tread

Sure, it's Sweden, duh. But at least we can actually live in the past, hehehe.

Aye, but that was sort-of about this topic.
06.02.2009 - 23:38
Deus Ex Machina
Written by LeChron James on 05.02.2009 at 09:29

Barack Obama. actually i dont hate him personally, i hate the people that support him. my political science teacher is the biggest Obama beater i have ever encountered and if she had the chance/if she wasnt married im sure she would fuck him if she had the chance. seriously, the people that support him are nauseating. i cannot understand his appeal, HE'S A GODDAMN POLITICIAN. he's an inherently crooked individual who makes his living gaming people into thinking he's the great black hope for america. its exactly what happened when bush was "elected", he was all charismatic and shit but then he started the Iraq war and everyone hates him now. in my unhumble opinion, its only a matter of time before Obama fucks shit up worse and ruins his rep as a "good" person and politician.

Word. I'm not even from the US but even I got tired of all this Obama shit. Obama this, Obama that. Shut the fuuuuuck up. I didn't care about him til I started hearing about him everywhere on the internet etc. Like what the actual fuck are these people expecting from him? It's like they think he has supah amazing powahs that are going to save not only the US but the entire world in a matter of months. It's amazing how people buy all these politicians' bullshit. That's why THEY'RE politicans. There's this forum I love and after Obama was way after, it was old news, and a thread pops up SUPPORT OBAMA. WHO'S WITH ME? Nobody is with you, you moron. He won weeks ago, what do we do now? Send flowers to him?
None of these people going apeshit about him gave a crap about politics before and now the entire internet is being all political. Like.They.Know.What.They're.Talking.About. Puh-leeze
08.02.2009 - 06:36
LOL about the Obama stuff. I'm quite fond of him. He's refreshing after the likes of Bush.
Anyways...The thing I hate about my country is being powerless to the States. They are like our big daddy. Canada needs to grow some balls!

You can listen to my show "Diabolus Templum" on Thursdays 4pm till 7pm EST. on~
08.02.2009 - 19:23
That our leaders are trying to turn The Netherlands in a new America. multicultural society has never worked, why would it work now? The Dutch
themselves are also annoying obnoxious greedy assholes.
08.02.2009 - 20:09
Written by VPeter on 08.02.2009 at 19:23
The Dutch
themselves are also annoying obnoxious greedy assholes.

Unfortunately, that doesn't depend on nationality.

I hate our educational system. It really sucks. I mean, why the hell I must pay for university here (and the payment is quite expensive, not to mention the cost of living... especially if I don't work), if I can go to another EU country and get educated for free? And they are wondering why so many young people are leaving Latvia.
08.02.2009 - 20:17
What I hate the most is that the general swede is:

1. Stupid and ignorant about pretty much anything and everything, and adamantly refusing to change their opinions or even listen to arguments.
2. Unsocial and rude. Good communication in Sweden is the art of saying as few words as possible to each other but still make sure to be clear enough so that you don't have to repeat what was said.
3. Devoted to the belief that Sweden is the best country ever and can do no wrong, and as such don't even bother to protest when the powers that be try to send our welfare down the drain (because this is obviously impossible to do since we're the best ever, so we don't have to take any precautions to prevent it).
4. Selfish and greedy.

This applies to about 95% of all the people I've met.

Also, the Swedish government is a bunch of cowardly, stupid, egoist morons who care about nothing except for themselves, who'd sell out everything we have to any other western country that asks, while failing to maintain the nation, causing it to slowly deteriorate. The right wing government that's sitting now fucks up real hard every time they are elected, but still people aare stupid enough to elect them anyway. The left wing government which would sit otherwise isn't much better, but the fucking up from their side at least seems to take longer time to happen.

Other than that the country is fine. Sure, it gets cold as fuck and it's fucking dark more than half of the year, but the summer is nice. We also got no natural disasters besides the odd hurricane (and minor earthquakes in Skåne ).
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
09.02.2009 - 00:08
Written by Ragana on 08.02.2009 at 20:09

Written by VPeter on 08.02.2009 at 19:23
The Dutch
themselves are also annoying obnoxious greedy assholes.

Unfortunately, that doesn't depend on nationality.

I hate our educational system. It really sucks. I mean, why the hell I must pay for university here (and the payment is quite expensive, not to mention the cost of living... especially if I don't work), if I can go to another EU country and get educated for free? And they are wondering why so many young people are leaving Latvia.

And how well you get payed for your education! For my study I had to pay 989 euro(not including money for books!) around several months and did the state give me to compensate for that? 71 euro... now that helps a lot actually our education system also sucks hard. especially when you go to you're average collage like school, where the teachers do absolutely nothing - because hey they get there paycheck. who cares about those silly teens who learn nothing because of our horrible teaching.
09.02.2009 - 00:27
Written by VPeter on 09.02.2009 at 00:08

Written by Ragana on 08.02.2009 at 20:09

Written by VPeter on 08.02.2009 at 19:23
The Dutch
themselves are also annoying obnoxious greedy assholes.

Unfortunately, that doesn't depend on nationality.

I hate our educational system. It really sucks. I mean, why the hell I must pay for university here (and the payment is quite expensive, not to mention the cost of living... especially if I don't work), if I can go to another EU country and get educated for free? And they are wondering why so many young people are leaving Latvia.

And how well you get payed for your education! For my study I had to pay 989 euro(not including money for books!) around several months and did the state give me to compensate for that? 71 euro... now that helps a lot actually our education system also sucks hard. especially when you go to you're average collage like school, where the teachers do absolutely nothing - because hey they get there paycheck. who cares about those silly teens who learn nothing because of our horrible teaching.

Dunno, I have beautiful eyes, you know... :

Yeah, what a great compensation.
Well, the average cost of our studies is more than 1300 euro per year - not including books, of course. And in next year the price will increase because of crisis / fools in our ministry of education / bla bla bla... Just read that the average cost will be 1837 euros per year, whoa.
Aye, the last sentence of yours perfectly describes my teacher of business economics. She's working in one of the most prestige universities in Latvia + also in my school... and can't teach us anything except definitions which are useless (she's like: "Now, read the book, learn definitions and in next lesson we'll write a test about it, okay?" ).
09.02.2009 - 14:56
Valentin B
Written by Ragana on 09.02.2009 at 00:27

Written by VPeter on 09.02.2009 at 00:08

Written by Ragana on 08.02.2009 at 20:09

Written by VPeter on 08.02.2009 at 19:23
The Dutch
themselves are also annoying obnoxious greedy assholes.

Unfortunately, that doesn't depend on nationality.

I hate our educational system. It really sucks. I mean, why the hell I must pay for university here (and the payment is quite expensive, not to mention the cost of living... especially if I don't work), if I can go to another EU country and get educated for free? And they are wondering why so many young people are leaving Latvia.

And how well you get payed for your education! For my study I had to pay 989 euro(not including money for books!) around several months and did the state give me to compensate for that? 71 euro... now that helps a lot actually our education system also sucks hard. especially when you go to you're average collage like school, where the teachers do absolutely nothing - because hey they get there paycheck. who cares about those silly teens who learn nothing because of our horrible teaching.

Dunno, I have beautiful eyes, you know... :

Yeah, what a great compensation.
Well, the average cost of our studies is more than 1300 euro per year - not including books, of course. And in next year the price will increase because of crisis / fools in our ministry of education / bla bla bla... Just read that the average cost will be 1837 euros per year, whoa.
Aye, the last sentence of yours perfectly describes my teacher of business economics. She's working in one of the most prestige universities in Latvia + also in my school... and can't teach us anything except definitions which are useless (she's like: "Now, read the book, learn definitions and in next lesson we'll write a test about it, okay?" ).

lol at my university it's like 1300 euros per year too. though if you get a good grade you can qualify for being educated for free(the ratio of paying students to freeloading students is 50-50)

also there are other state universities, and of course the private ones(cheaper and WAAAAAAY less attention-demanding) which charge different prices but as far as i know aside from the film and theater schools my uni is the most expensive(though i can't complain about the quality of the education)... good thing i'm doing this for free
10.02.2009 - 13:54
You guys are bitching, to go to a decent High-School in the US, it costs at least $20,000 a year, never mind university's.

With Financial aid, you can generally go to one of these schools for ~$10,000 - $15,000. Yes, the public school system here absolutely sucks, so...
<Philosophy>Insert Intelligent Sounding yet meaningless Philosophical Quote Here</Philosophy>
10.02.2009 - 19:49
Written by Piro on 10.02.2009 at 13:54

You guys are bitching, to go to a decent High-School in the US, it costs at least $20,000 a year, never mind university's.

With Financial aid, you can generally go to one of these schools for ~$10,000 - $15,000. Yes, the public school system here absolutely sucks, so...

In Sweden, schools are generally free (except some very specialized educations where you need to buy equipment such as cameras or computers and shit to go to them). In return though, there's not much difference in their quality, and all schools in my hometown for instance suck balls. What you get from having expensive boarding schools and shit is that there are better options. Otherwise you're left with only the public schools (like here). What makes it even worse is that you pretty much can't kick people out of school here no matter what they do, which results in the real problem kids remaining and fucking up their entire classes.

The US system isn't all that bad. You fuck up too hard and you get kicked out, and even if the public schools might suck donkey shitballs there are better options at least for some people. Here, everything is free, and the quality is pretty much based on that fact. All foreigners who haven't even been here where there are only public schools tend to idolize this system, but in reality it has some major drawbacks and isn't nearly as nice as people seem to think. Some schools have so many problem kids that they fuck up entire neighbourhoods (decent ones, not ghettos) by their presence alone.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
10.02.2009 - 21:21
My rant for the evening...

For some reason benounced to me, everyone in the US thinks that they are better than everyone else. I can generally say that NO WE ARE NOT. I am in the Air Force and have traveled to a whole lot of different countries in the last 6 years. The US is WORSE than a lot of places I have been too, especially european countries. I haven't been to one European country that I haven't liked. Another thing is, most everyone in the US is a grade A asshole. They dont know how to drive for crap, complain about every little thing(hmmm, kind of feel like a hypocrite saying that, bwahaha), are rude beyond belief, only out for them selves and when you need help or something all you get is the middle finger.

Im also going to jump on this Obama thing, Im straight up going to say it. Fuck Obama. Just because he is the first african-american president and brings a message of "change" and "yes we can" bullshit Im supposed to worship this guy or something. Im so damn tired of it. I work with a lot of african-american people being in the military and it the same story from all of them. You ask them why they voted for Obama and not McCain and they cant give you a reason. They say his "politics", but cant give a clear cut reason. I know and they know that the only reason they voted for him is because hes black. Yeah, that is just the kind of "change" we need ...give me and freaking break. As if our new president being black has anything to do with the counrty getting any better.

Take it or leave it but its what I think.
13.02.2009 - 14:00
Indeed, I generally don't like Americans either, I'm natively Polish and have lived in Canada for a short time, but the majority of Americans need to get whatever is stuck up their ass out of it.


Well, the thing is, you really can't kick legally kick a kid out of school here either. If one school expels you, then you just go to another Public High-school two blocks down the road.

The thing about Sweden is that it is a Democratic Socialist Country (er, as far as I know, I will not go and look it up just for the sake of this post) , so the way the school system works for you guys is also by definition of that type of government. The thing about America, is that in our schools, we dont have a few "trouble kids" in our public schools, we have hoards of them. I remeber going to a talent show type thing at one of them (my best friend was playing his guitar, and so I had free entrance.), basically, you could not walk down the hall without smelling Cannabis, and not walk into a bathroom without seeing some remnants of drugs.

Now, I'm certainly not condoning all drug use, but honestly, school isn't the place for it. Not to mention, random drug searches are so useless these days that its not even funny.

Actually, a few weeks ago, there was a public news report that students had clogged the toilets with drugs when one of these searches was supposed to be starting. Well, at least I got a lol from it...
<Philosophy>Insert Intelligent Sounding yet meaningless Philosophical Quote Here</Philosophy>
13.02.2009 - 14:26
Valentin B
Written by Ascendant187 on 02.02.2009 at 14:16

I'm not entirely sure what you meant but Perth is more southern than a lot of places. I actually live in the south west part of Western Australia currently and I can tell you now, most of it is very rural. There's a hell of a lot of open space, to say the very least.

he said that Perth is the only big city in that huge area and that most people tend to gather there.

damn only now i realize how huge Australia is it's like 20x larger than Romania
13.02.2009 - 15:00
Written by Valentin B on 13.02.2009 at 14:26

Written by Ascendant187 on 02.02.2009 at 14:16

I'm not entirely sure what you meant but Perth is more southern than a lot of places. I actually live in the south west part of Western Australia currently and I can tell you now, most of it is very rural. There's a hell of a lot of open space, to say the very least.

he said that Perth is the only big city in that huge area and that most people tend to gather there.

damn only now i realize how huge Australia is it's like 20x larger than Romania

Thanks for the clarification.

I think people tend to underestimate the size of Australia, due to it being so far away from Europe and the US. At the end of the day it's an island continent... and a big fucker, too.

Western Australia is the biggest state in Australia but less populated than Victoria and New South Wales, as far as I know. Population numbers might be closer now however, seeing as how WA has experienced a mining boom and all.
13.02.2009 - 15:44
Written by Piro on 13.02.2009 at 14:00


Well, the thing is, you really can't kick legally kick a kid out of school here either. If one school expels you, then you just go to another Public High-school two blocks down the road.

The thing about Sweden is that it is a Democratic Socialist Country (er, as far as I know, I will not go and look it up just for the sake of this post) , so the way the school system works for you guys is also by definition of that type of government. The thing about America, is that in our schools, we dont have a few "trouble kids" in our public schools, we have hoards of them. I remeber going to a talent show type thing at one of them (my best friend was playing his guitar, and so I had free entrance.), basically, you could not walk down the hall without smelling Cannabis, and not walk into a bathroom without seeing some remnants of drugs.

Now, I'm certainly not condoning all drug use, but honestly, school isn't the place for it. Not to mention, random drug searches are so useless these days that its not even funny.

Actually, a few weeks ago, there was a public news report that students had clogged the toilets with drugs when one of these searches was supposed to be starting. Well, at least I got a lol from it...

We actually currently don't have a socialist government. The party in charge at the moment is the right wing party (roughly equivalent to your Democrats) with the support of the other right wing party (roughly equivalent to a little less conservative variant of your Republicans), one party that's just fucked up (which used to represent the farmers at some point, but now mostly represents corporate interests), and the religious christian party (roughly equivalent to your Republicans). They beat the Socialist, green and semi-Communist coalition that used to have power before by lying to the people and claiming to represent the working class (which they don't).

Both systems have their pros and cons. The US have some REALLY bad schools, but also some REALLY good (expensive) ones. Pretty much all Swedish schools are around the same, semi-crappy level, and pretty much all of them have the problems you discussed, but usually not really to the same extent. We pretty much only have our public schools (there are private alternatives, but as they are also free and open to anyone, they get the same problem as the public ones and usually aren't really better). Also, we can't even expel people unless they are judged to be a danger to society, so every school is stuck with what they get (can't even dump the problem on a school a block down the road).

I also remember the time in my school. During a lot of lessons half the class were obviously stoned. Nobody even gave a shit here either, and those drug raids you speak of don't happen. It's just left be.

Basically, our systems raise the low standards quite a bit but we also lower the high ones accordingly, giving everybody the same problems. This would be a good thing if there was a way to deal with the problems that arise, but people just don't care (Swedes in general are way too arrogant to admit it when something is wrong, and therefore there aren't any people working on the problems except for the Rosengård riots since they recieved international attention). We also don't have a few trouble kids. We have a whole fuckton of them spread out across our entire education system and no way at all to deal with them legally.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.02.2009 - 02:35
However, it is good to mention that the only reason our "Good" schools are really good is that kids that come from families wealthy enough to pay for them generally don't get into drugs/trouble because their parents would beat them to an inch of their lives if they were caught.
<Philosophy>Insert Intelligent Sounding yet meaningless Philosophical Quote Here</Philosophy>
14.02.2009 - 11:08
- people who say it is a "shitty" country but don't do anything to change it. people who dream of leaving the country so they could live/work abroad.people who consider that democracy=chaos. politician who are more interested in personal wealth than in the evolution of the country (politicians are people too).
so in other words:Romania is a beautifull country. too bad it is inhabitated by romanians.
14.02.2009 - 12:24
Valentin B
Written by DeeDee on 14.02.2009 at 11:08

- people who say it is a "shitty" country but don't do anything to change it. people who dream of leaving the country so they could live/work abroad.people who consider that democracy=chaos. politician who are more interested in personal wealth than in the evolution of the country (politicians are people too).
so in other words:Romania is a beautifull country. too bad it is inhabitated by romanians.

lol in all honesty if i would be offered a job abroad i'd leave, only coming back on holidays or when i quit the job. the fact is, materially speaking, i am unhappy here. i am poor and everywhere i look there's people so poor i feel pity for them, or rich people i envy. few people in the middle. some people think i'm not tr00e by owning only 1 album, well guess what, WE ARE POOR and i do not blame anyone who left the country searching for a better life. the real problem is with the politicians. THEY are the problems, i don't get paid like a king for sleeping during the senate meetings, i don't have a GUARANTEED FAT ASS pension when i retire, i don't have a 5-star hotel room paid for my whole mandate, a car with a driver at my disposal etc.

all of this is paid by our taxpayers money.
i don't think there is any country in the EU where there is such a huge wealth difference between the average citizen and the average deputy/senator/minister etc.

aand the thing is the masses here are powerless. we saw that in july 1991, and of course in 1989 too(where essentially "some" commies took down the "other" commies). while some might say that was almost 20 years ago few has changed. the power here is concentrated in the hands of the few "smart guys"(DeeDee knows what i'm talking about- Baietii Destepti) like Patriciu, SOV, Dan Voiculescu, Gigi Becali, Basescu etc. it's a fucking oligarchy.

and yeah, people who think democracy = chaos should go back to the Ceausescu days. good thing i was non-existent at the time
15.02.2009 - 22:22
Account deleted
The economy
16.02.2009 - 15:42
Written by Valentin B on 14.02.2009 at 12:24

all of this is paid by our taxpayers money.
i don't think there is any country in the EU where there is such a huge wealth difference between the average citizen and the average deputy/senator/minister etc.

Most Eastern Europe is like that....including the Baltic region....
Latvians and Lithuanians made some major protest actions against their government...I don't know whether these made things better or not....