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Boring songs from Iron Maiden?

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Posted by Unknown user, 12.01.2012 - 00:23
Ok, here's the favorite band from any metalhead! Even the best bands has weak points before the eyes of someone. Let's discuss about songs from Iron Maiden that we find "boring". For me, "Wildest Dreams", "Chilhood's End", "The Apparation" and "Invaders" are quite boring songs. What about your guys?
14.01.2012 - 01:31
Written by Angelic Storm on 13.01.2012 at 08:02

Written by RavenKing on 13.01.2012 at 03:11
Really? I always liked this song very much.

Me too, even if the lyrics used to make me think of the Olympics and stuff like that.

The lyrics make me think of the Olympics too. lol
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 01:59
gloom cookie
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 01:31

Written by Angelic Storm on 13.01.2012 at 08:02

Written by RavenKing on 13.01.2012 at 03:11
Really? I always liked this song very much.

Me too, even if the lyrics used to make me think of the Olympics and stuff like that.

The lyrics make me think of the Olympics too. lol

Three of us. I totally dig that song as well.
7.0 means the album is good
14.01.2012 - 02:02
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 01:31
The lyrics make me think of the Olympics too. lol

They also made me think of Daley Thompson, even though he is a decathlete, not a long distance runner. I think this was mainly because when I was a child, there was an advert with Daley Thompson in it which had "Phantom Of The Opera" in at as well. (which was also the first time I ever recall hearing a Maiden song, even though at the time I had never heard of them)
14.01.2012 - 03:16
Written by [user id=114505] on 13.01.2012 at 17:10

Written by Ghostdancer on 13.01.2012 at 01:44

Written by [user id=114505] on 12.01.2012 at 16:32

Written by Ghostdancer on 12.01.2012 at 04:34

Afraid to Shoot Strangers...Weekend Warrior...Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter...The Prophecy...The Clairvoyant...and quite a few others...especially the newer stuff.

I disagree with you, except for "Bring your daughter to the slaughter". The other songs are quite good, especially "Afraid To Shoot Strangers"...

I kind of thought there would be people who would disagree with that. I know that Afraid To Shoot Strangers and The Clairvoyant are well-liked, but for whatever reason I just feel like skipping to the next song.

I just took a break to listen to these songs again. I still feel bored with Afraid To Shoot Strangers, Weekend Warrior and Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter (I couldn't finish that one) but I retract my opinion on The Prophecy and The Clairvoyant. The aren't my favorites but they are not boring. As a matter of fact I'm putting on SSOASS right now.

I think Afraid to shoot strangers is one of the best song in Fear Of The Dark, except for Wasting love and the title track.
What do you think about Fear Of The Dark (album)?

To me it was a so-so album. I grew up in their classic era and I think that affects how I judge their music. Songs that I did like: Be Quick Or Be Dead, Wasting Love, Judas Be My Guide and, of course, I love the title track. I think From Here To Eternity me it's in the same category as Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter. I think the rest of the album is so-so. If I haven't heard it in awhile, I don't get bored with it...but some of the songs just don't hold up. I'm listening to it now just to test my original assertions. I suppose with Afraid To Shoot Strangers what really bores the shit out of me is the makes me want to sleep. And I don't mean that because it's slower. The music is almost like a lullabye. However they do seem to reinsert the true Maiden vibe somewhere around 2:43 or 2:44. I guess the other songs on there are okay. They certainly beat the shit out anything off Virtual XI!
"Bullshit! You didn't convince me!"
14.01.2012 - 03:33
Account deleted
Well, where can i start? 80s Maiden is almost flawless, but then again what was that Quest for Fire song? (the emoticons don't work for some reason, they would have been really helpful now). Holy Smoke and Bring Your daughter... were terrible as well. I find the overrated Fear of the Dark and Afraid to shoot Strangers rather boring these days. Next in line are the terribly uninspired and dull songs of Virtual XI. The Angel & the Gambler take first prize.
As i'm running out of love for later day Maiden (except for Brave New world, which although repetitive is still enjoyable), I stop here before the fanboys get me. (LOL)
14.01.2012 - 11:05
gloom cookie
Written by [user id=17278] on 14.01.2012 at 03:33

The Angel & the Gambler take first prize.

Don't you think I can save you x 4830584305820582058, yes.
7.0 means the album is good
14.01.2012 - 11:51
Angelic Storm
Written by Milena on 14.01.2012 at 11:05

Don't you think I can save you x 4830584305820582058, yes.

Yup! That has to be one of the most monotonous, and dull sections to a song ever created... though a couple of sections from other songs on the same album are almost as bad.
14.01.2012 - 15:07
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 13.01.2012 at 04:11

Written by M C Vice on 13.01.2012 at 03:07

The Loooonnnleeeyyyyneeeeess of the loooooong diiisssstaance ruuunerr!

actually I find the entire Somewhere In Time album immensely boring and their first bad album.

"Somewhere In Time" seems to be a love or hate album. I know other people who would agree with you.
Personally, I never understood how some people can have the album in such low-esteem, as it's probably my favorite Maiden album.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 16:46
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 15:07
"Somewhere In Time" seems to be a love or hate album. I know other people who would agree with you.
Personally, I never understood how some people can have the album in such low-esteem, as it's probably my favorite Maiden album.

That is totally true. I think this is also why generally it is not regrarded as a classic in the same way the other 80's albums with Bruce are.

It's not my favourite Maiden album, but I've always seen it as being highly underrated, and I do view it as a classic alongside the other 80's era albums with Bruce.
14.01.2012 - 16:51
Written by Angelic Storm on 14.01.2012 at 16:46

It's not my favourite Maiden album, but I've always seen it as being highly underrated, and I do view it as a classic alongside the other 80's era albums with Bruce.

I see it as a classic, as much as "Powerslave" or "Seventh Son".
And I remember quite well that not everyone liked "Powerslave" and "Seventh Son" when they came out. Some people considered them as a disappointment compared to TNOTB and "Piece Of Mind".
It's probably hard to conceive for younger people nowadays but that's how it was here back then.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 17:00
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 16:51
I see it as a classic, as much as "Powerslave" or "Seventh Son".
And I remember quite well that not everyone liked "Powerslave" and "Seventh Son" when they came out. Some people considered them as a disappointment compared to TNOTB and "Piece Of Mind".
It's probably hard to conceive for younger people nowadays but that's how it was here back then.

Really? I definitely wasn't aware of there being a backlash towards "Powerslave" when it was released, but that was before I started liking metal. I do however, remember a section of Maiden fans who took major issue with "Seventh Son", due to them using keyboards for the first time on that album. "Keyboards shouldn't be in metal!" and stuff like that....

I also remember Bruce slating those fans during the subsequent tour, so yep, there was quite a hoo-ha surrounding that album at the time of it's release. hehee
14.01.2012 - 17:13
Written by Angelic Storm on 14.01.2012 at 17:00

Really? I definitely wasn't aware of there being a backlash towards "Powerslave" when it was released

Maybe Marcel will be able to confirm it. Though, as he lives in Europe, I don't know if it was the same there.

I believe you're a bit young to remember. I remember it clearly but I was very young myself back then and I'm older than you.

You're right about "Seventh Son".
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 17:59
All of them. Iron Maiden is shit, and isn't metal. Anyone who thinks so should be shot.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
14.01.2012 - 18:38
Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 17:59

All of them. Iron Maiden is shit, and isn't metal. Anyone who thinks so should be shot.

I hope this is not serious.

We could debate over Maiden's new stuff (since AMOLAD) and if it's metal or not - Imo, it barely qualifies as metal at times.
But the 80s stuff (until SSoaSS) is obviously metal.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 19:47
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 18:38

Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 17:59

All of them. Iron Maiden is shit, and isn't metal. Anyone who thinks so should be shot.

I hope this is not serious.

We could debate over Maiden's new stuff (since AMOLAD) and if it's metal or not - Imo, it barely qualifies as metal at times.
But the 80s stuff (until SSoaSS) is obviously metal.

Psh. You "Old Schoolers" sticking to the past. Not realising real metal is in the here and now. There are quality deathcore and metalcore releases every day, and yet no one on this site acknowledges them. That is where real metal is going. Iron Maiden is pussy shit in comparison.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
14.01.2012 - 19:57
Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 19:47

Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 18:38

Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 17:59

All of them. Iron Maiden is shit, and isn't metal. Anyone who thinks so should be shot.

I hope this is not serious.

We could debate over Maiden's new stuff (since AMOLAD) and if it's metal or not - Imo, it barely qualifies as metal at times.
But the 80s stuff (until SSoaSS) is obviously metal.

Psh. You "Old Schoolers" sticking to the past. Not realising real metal is in the here and now. There are quality deathcore and metalcore releases every day, and yet no one on this site acknowledges them. That is where real metal is going. Iron Maiden is pussy shit in comparison.

You don't know to whom you're talking to. If there is one person who denounced the attitude of the fans of old school 80s metal (Traditional Heavy Metal) stuck in the past and unable to evolve or accept changes many times on this forum (nearly to the point of being obnoxious, I'm afraid), it has to be me.
Just check the "the return of true metal" thread for a proof.

Agree or not, traditional Heavy Metal has always been and still is metal music.

As for Deathcore or Metalcore, I never said it wasn't metal. Generally, it is metal. It just happens that it's a kind of metal I hate.
And the fact it is more recent doesn't mean in any way that all old school forms of metal must disappear.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 20:34
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 19:57

Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 19:47

Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 18:38

Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 17:59

All of them. Iron Maiden is shit, and isn't metal. Anyone who thinks so should be shot.

I hope this is not serious.

We could debate over Maiden's new stuff (since AMOLAD) and if it's metal or not - Imo, it barely qualifies as metal at times.
But the 80s stuff (until SSoaSS) is obviously metal.

Psh. You "Old Schoolers" sticking to the past. Not realising real metal is in the here and now. There are quality deathcore and metalcore releases every day, and yet no one on this site acknowledges them. That is where real metal is going. Iron Maiden is pussy shit in comparison.

You don't know to whom you're talking to. If there is one person who denounced the attitude of the fans of old school 80s metal (Traditional Heavy Metal) stuck in the past and unable to evolve or accept changes many times on this forum (nearly to the point of being obnoxious, I'm afraid), it has to be me.
Just check the "the return of true metal" thread for a proof.

Agree or not, traditional Heavy Metal has always been and still is metal music.

As for Deathcore or Metalcore, I never said it wasn't metal. Generally, it is metal. It just happens that it's a kind of metal I hate.
And the fact it is more recent doesn't mean in any way that all old school forms of metal must disappear.

...Proof that I suck at trolling. Oh well. I'll be serious now. I just like bagging Iron Maiden out in particular because it seems to be the one band no one is allowed to dislike in the metal community.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
14.01.2012 - 20:41
Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 20:34

...Proof that I suck at trolling. Oh well. I'll be serious now. I just like bagging Iron Maiden out in particular because it seems to be the one band no one is allowed to dislike in the metal community.

So, I was right. You weren't serious.
It makes more sense this way.

I see what you mean. A band like Maiden has lots of annoying blind fanboys. It also has lots of haters.
I'm in the middle. I like the 80s stuff but dislike everything that came after.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.01.2012 - 20:47
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 20:41

Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 20:34

...Proof that I suck at trolling. Oh well. I'll be serious now. I just like bagging Iron Maiden out in particular because it seems to be the one band no one is allowed to dislike in the metal community.

So, I was right. You weren't serious.
It makes more sense this way.

I see what you mean. A band like Maiden has lots of annoying blind fanboys. It also has lots of haters.
I'm in the middle. I like the 80s stuff but dislike everything that came after.

Im not a massive fan, but I do enjoy a listen from time to time.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
14.01.2012 - 21:51
Cuca Beludo
Account deleted
To me it was a so-so album. I grew up in their classic era and I think that affects how I judge their music. Songs that I did like: Be Quick Or Be Dead, Wasting Love, Judas Be My Guide and, of course, I love the title track. I think From Here To Eternity me it's in the same category as Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter. I think the rest of the album is so-so. If I haven't heard it in awhile, I don't get bored with it...but some of the songs just don't hold up. I'm listening to it now just to test my original assertions. I suppose with Afraid To Shoot Strangers what really bores the shit out of me is the makes me want to sleep. And I don't mean that because it's slower. The music is almost like a lullabye. However they do seem to reinsert the true Maiden vibe somewhere around 2:43 or 2:44. I guess the other songs on there are okay. They certainly beat the shit out anything off Virtual XI!

Well, Fear Of The Dark is the album that got me into Iron Maiden, also the first songs I heard from iron maiden are from "FOTD". Maybe that's why I love this album so much. Not that the other albuns have low quality for me, I like them all, but this album has something "different" (Fear Is The Key). Oh, I don't even know what I am talking! I mean, The Number Of The Beast is too overrated!
14.01.2012 - 22:57
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 14.01.2012 at 17:13
Maybe Marcel will be able to confirm it. Though, as he lives in Europe, I don't know if it was the same there.

I believe you're a bit young to remember. I remember it clearly but I was very young myself back then and I'm older than you.

You're right about "Seventh Son".

Well, it really surprises me to hear that "Powerslave" recieved a backlash in the states, considering that it was the album that made Maiden huge over there... I do find that a bit puzzling, I have to say. lol

The late 80's was when I first started getting into metal, and I distinctly remember reading about the backlash towards "Seventh Son" and Bruce's reaction towards that on stage.
14.01.2012 - 23:45
I'll go with "No More Lies" since it has everything I consider boring from a "new" Iron Maiden song:

  • it's a filler copy of an already classic song ('d say Hallowed Be Thy Name)
  • it's awfully repetitive
  • thus, unnecessary lengthy
  • but you can't quite say that it sucks because being a copy, it still bears and maintains the band's touch

The same way I consider Fear Of The Dark to be a copy of HBTN, only it turned a good copy.
La belleza no reside en lo que puedas crear, sino en lo que eres capaz de transmitir
Beauty resides not in what you're able to create, but in what you're able to communicate

Txus, Mägo De Oz
15.01.2012 - 20:17
gloom cookie
Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 20:34

I just like bagging Iron Maiden out in particular because it seems to be the one band no one is allowed to dislike in the metal community.

Actually, I think it's quite the contrary, if you DON'T do bashing of at least a couple of Iron Maiden albums, you'll be considered a noob. I don't think their bad albums are worth stressing over, but each one to his own I guess

Furthermore, I'd advise you to abstain from "trolling" in that fashion. There are so many pretend personalities and "sarcasm" games and lets-anger-the-trve-kids-by-pretending-we-like-deathcore-over-"real"-metal-hahahah in these forums, and it was never funny, and not just that, but against the forum rules. The only funny "deathcore" joke was the language in which Thryce wrote his article about some albums in the genre he considered gems.

And if you people (not talking about you now, but the people in general, who constantly complain about deathcore/metalcore/Metallica/power metal and similar in unrelated threads) dislike something that much that you can't stop talking about it, you're probably a bit more obsessed than you should. /endrant
7.0 means the album is good
15.01.2012 - 20:35
Written by Milena on 15.01.2012 at 20:17

Actually, I think it's quite the contrary, if you DON'T do bashing of at least a couple of Iron Maiden albums, you'll be considered a noob.

It was always my pleasure to sandbag pretty much all Maiden albums. Even their so-called "masterpieces" I see as albums with a handful of good (sometimes even outstanding) tracks with more than half being boring filler.

Commence flaming, everyone.
15.01.2012 - 20:57
With extreme prejudice, you true metal denialist pinko Serb.

To be fair though, I wouldn't lump in Iron Maiden records in my all-time faves either. Us new generation, anti-modernist/mainstream and wannabe culture jammer kiddos aren't very in to stuff that doesn't offer much of the FDA-approved daily dosage of bone-shredding heaviness and sheer brutality.

Not to say that Maiden ain't dope.
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15.01.2012 - 20:59
gloom cookie
Written by Slayer666 on 15.01.2012 at 20:35

Commence flaming, everyone.

Nobody is going to flame you for it, except some fanboys. Naming yourself a Maiden fan, even if you say you dislike a couple of their releases, will score you more negative points than saying "Maiden sucks". Because caring for bands from the past obviously belongs in the past. Dunno, maybe I'm a bit bitter here, but I've had many bad personal experiences when people slandered me for liking "those old exhausted bands" out of a blue. Can't say I give a fuck about people criticizing my tastes, but in those particular moments I've felt uncomfortable, because claiming bands who released their best in the 80's shouldn't be given any credit or respect is like shitting in the plate you eat from, and those people don't even realize it. It's okay saying you don't find anything appealing in the genre/very important band, but in the tree of metal, (almost) every branch is equally important.

Now can we please stop reanimating old discussions about Iron Maiden and whether we like them or not and move on to the actual topic in question, everyone?
7.0 means the album is good
16.01.2012 - 02:09
Written by Milena on 15.01.2012 at 20:17

Furthermore, I'd advise you to abstain from "trolling" in that fashion. There are so many pretend personalities and "sarcasm" games and lets-anger-the-trve-kids-by-pretending-we-like-deathcore-over-"real"-metal-hahahah in these forums, and it was never funny, and not just that, but against the forum rules.

Thanks for the intervention, Mora.

It seems there is a new fashion on this forum to 'troll for fun' since a while.
And, to tell the truth, I find it anything but funny. I don't mind jokes but posting something you don't really think 'just for fun' is different, Imo. It's a loss of time, it's misleading and can cause useless fights on the board. Also, it makes you loose your time when you take the time to answer in a serious fashion, only to realise soon after that the other person was just posting silly things 'for fun'.

As you said, it's against the forum rules and, in my mind, it should not be tolerated.
I'm afraid if nothing is done for it, it could get out of control.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
16.01.2012 - 02:31
Troy Killjoy
Let's keep this about boring Iron Maiden songs lest it turn into a sob-fest about the "glory days" of the Metal Storm forum.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
16.01.2012 - 06:01
Account deleted
@ RavenKing: Dont worry, the staff have everything under control, trust me. Lord knows ive been warned by them before.

But to stay on topic, i dont think ive heard any songs by Maiden that are boring, although i dont really like their A Matter of Life and Death album so i guess you could say i find them boring and as for the song Invaders i actually like it.
16.01.2012 - 07:26
Written by Milena on 15.01.2012 at 20:17

Written by whatsacow on 14.01.2012 at 20:34

I just like bagging Iron Maiden out in particular because it seems to be the one band no one is allowed to dislike in the metal community.

Actually, I think it's quite the contrary, if you DON'T do bashing of at least a couple of Iron Maiden albums, you'll be considered a noob. I don't think their bad albums are worth stressing over, but each one to his own I guess

Furthermore, I'd advise you to abstain from "trolling" in that fashion. There are so many pretend personalities and "sarcasm" games and lets-anger-the-trve-kids-by-pretending-we-like-deathcore-over-"real"-metal-hahahah in these forums, and it was never funny, and not just that, but against the forum rules. The only funny "deathcore" joke was the language in which Thryce wrote his article about some albums in the genre he considered gems.

And if you people (not talking about you now, but the people in general, who constantly complain about deathcore/metalcore/Metallica/power metal and similar in unrelated threads) dislike something that much that you can't stop talking about it, you're probably a bit more obsessed than you should. /endrant

No, I'm not doing it for humour. I just like annoying extremist fanboys who think people aren't allowed to have opinions contrary to their own. I'm not the biggest fan of deathcore/metalcore, but I do enjoy them. I went and seen an amazing local metalcore band two days ago called storm picturesque that really impressed me.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?