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Sexism in Metal?

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Posted by Zombie94, 14.10.2016 - 13:14
Recently Sam Dunn (the guy that made Headbanger's Journey) put out a 'debate' video with some female metal musicians about sexism in metal. I'd be interested to hear what metal storm users think about this. I've posted the video but it's quite long, so the tl;dr version of some of the points they make is the following:

1) It's hard to walk into a room and not look like anyone else (referring to things like gigs)

2) Women are given a 'pop quiz' of sorts by men about their knowledge of metal. They essentially have to go above and beyond to prove themselves.

3) Metal lyrical themes and imagery are often based around the sexual objectification of women and glorification of masculinity.

4) The gender/appearance of female band members tends to be the focus of fans, rather than their musical ability.

5) It is annoying being the only female band on a lineup.

6) It is condescending when promoters run gigs with only female bands on the lineup.

My thoughts on the above points would be the following:

Points 1-2 are not unique to women. Metalheads in general will walk into a room and not look like anyone else in any setting other than a metal gig. And anyone wearing an A7X t-shirt at a Suffocation gig would be likely to also get a pop quiz, regardless of gender (I think this point says more about general elitism in metal). In addition, is it really men's fault that so few women choose to attend gigs/listen to metal?

3 - I agree that metal caters to male sexual preferences, but that is because the bulk of it's audience and artists are male. These women could just as easily flip the script and write about their sexual ideals if they so please.

4 - I agree with. However some female artists completely play into this.

5/6 - This doesn't really make sense to me. If a promoter doesn't have more than one or 2 female bands it's sexist, but putting on an all-female lineup is also sexist?

In summary I think that this video misses the mark big time. There is very real sexism that occurs in metal (women being groped at concerts, told they don't belong in metal, etc.) that these women ironically did not mention. Also I find it laughable that this was presented as a 'debate', when all of the contributors had the exact same opinion, and most of the Qs were also cherry picked from people that supported their viewpoint, while ones who disagreed were scoffed at. And the comments have been disabled. Sounds like they're not interested in allowing people to challenge their views.

Your thoughts?

29.10.2016 - 01:15
Written by Ganondox on 28.10.2016 at 17:54

Just because it is comedic doesn't mean it isn't sexist. Now, there are a far worse forms of sexism, it's far cry from misogynist gangster rap, but it's still technically very sexist.

Anyway, this song is the best:

I'm saying that when that particular Manowar song is sung by a woman and the lyrics are changed to be about men, I don't find it sexist.

Sexism refers to prejudice or discrimination against someone because of their sex. To me, Pleasure Slave comes across as more of a weird BDSM fetish
29.10.2016 - 03:06
Written by Zombie94 on 29.10.2016 at 01:15

Written by Ganondox on 28.10.2016 at 17:54

Just because it is comedic doesn't mean it isn't sexist. Now, there are a far worse forms of sexism, it's far cry from misogynist gangster rap, but it's still technically very sexist.

Anyway, this song is the best:

I'm saying that when that particular Manowar song is sung by a woman and the lyrics are changed to be about men, I don't find it sexist.

Sexism refers to prejudice or discrimination against someone because of their sex. To me, Pleasure Slave comes across as more of a weird BDSM fetish

Well there is two ways of treating it. Either it's not sexist because it's just the inversion of existing sexist material, or it's just an extremely benign form of sexism.
30.10.2016 - 19:58
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
3 - maybe glam, but have you listen doom, black metal ....
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
01.11.2016 - 23:40
At best deranged
Saw this video today. Just posting it here for those who are interested. The guy in the video talks about an article that came out earlier this year. It's an article about (mostly) the more extreme subgenres in metal and how they are often sexist according to the writer of the article.

I disagree completely with the article btw but that's just my opinion.
02.11.2016 - 09:29
Written by tominator on 01.11.2016 at 23:40

Saw this video today. Just posting it here for those who are interested. The guy in the video talks about an article that came out earlier this year. It's an article about (mostly) the more extreme subgenres in metal and how they are often sexist according to the writer of the article.

I disagree completely with the article btw but that's just my opinion.

If you're not a woman your opinion on the article is garbage. You can have an opinion, but it's an uninformed opinion as it's not about something you have to deal with. Women DO get harassed a lot in extreme metal (though I heard it's still pretty tame compared to even indie rock fans). That being said, the sure absurdity of the misogyny in goregrind makes the fantasy harmless.
02.11.2016 - 12:31
At best deranged
Written by Ganondox on 02.11.2016 at 09:29

If you're not a woman your opinion on the article is garbage. You can have an opinion, but it's an uninformed opinion as it's not about something you have to deal with. Women DO get harassed a lot in extreme metal (though I heard it's still pretty tame compared to even indie rock fans). That being said, the sure absurdity of the misogyny in goregrind makes the fantasy harmless.

And I disagree with that.

I was mostly saying that about the lyrics part of the video btw (should have made that clear). Of course, I can't talk with the same perspective as a woman. I never said they didn't get harassed and that it's just fine that such a thing happens. Because it simply isn't. What baffles me though is that the person who wrote the article says she likes extreme metal but then makes a huge argument as to why it's sexist. If you think it's sexist then I can't understand why you would like those forms of metal? She says it's a big issue in her opinion (which I can understand) but what I can't understand is that at the same time she says she likes extreme metal. The lyrics are a huge part of the reason why it's called extreme metal. But yeah apparently since I'm a guy... my reasoning doesn't count... sure... I can't have thoughts about a certain metal genre or an article that talks about a certain form of metal... since I'm a man it's garbage...

The funny thing is, I'm not a fan of these more extreme forms of metal myself. Why? The lyrics. But I think that bands can write about anything they want. If I don't like it, I ignore it.

This was posted by a female metalfan:
"Well since I'm a woman I guess I should be agreeing with her? But I just can't.
I'm also an artist and I believe that art and artistic vision should not have any boundaries, be censored or justified. I draw quite dark demonic stuff and I get a lot of pissed off comments about it. I wish more people just gave it a rest because their whining will not change anything. If a band wants their lyrics to be about raping either men or women then why not? It's artistic freedom, don't like it? Ignore it."

And honestly I agree with her. But that doesn't matter since I'm a man... Gender doesn't have any influence on having an opinion about a topic. Even the article mentions male feminists. So I guess their opinion doesn't count either.

She doesn't know why those men write the lyrics the way they are. So her opinion on the lyrics part would also be uninformed since she doesn't know the whole story behind them. Oh wait but that's my opinion... so it's garbage.

Face it, to have a debate about whether or not the extreme metal genres are sexist. You need both sides to have a discussion. If men are the problem then how are you going to make things better, if no man may join the discussion since their opinion is automatically garbage according to you?
02.11.2016 - 14:43
Meat and Potatos
Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 12:31

What baffles me though is that the person who wrote the article says she likes extreme metal but then makes a huge argument as to why it's sexist. If you think it's sexist then I can't understand why you would like those forms of metal?

I guess because she likes the music? =p
There are lots of things I don't agree with in extreme metal lyrics as well. Hell, if you listen to grindcore or death metal because you actually relate to the lyrics you are a goddamn psycho... But will that make me stop listening to it? Nah... I don't even understand what's being said. They could all just hurl random syllabes instead of making any sense and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It suits the music though... So it's ok.

Anyway yeah, Ganondox saying your opinion doesn't count because you are a man is at least... Interesting. I wonder what a man like him is doing commenting on a thread about sexism then? =D
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
02.11.2016 - 14:52
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Karlabos on 02.11.2016 at 14:43

They could all just hurl random syllabes instead of making any sense...

A bit like most of the vocals on Slowly We Rot by Obituary, although those weren't even syllables, That was just grunting making noises.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.11.2016 - 14:58
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 12:31

The lyrics are a huge part of the reason why it's called extreme metal.

Actually, no.
It is called extreme metal due to the music being extreme, not due to lyrics being extreme.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.11.2016 - 15:14
At best deranged
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.11.2016 at 14:58

Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 12:31

The lyrics are a huge part of the reason why it's called extreme metal.

Actually, no.
It is called extreme metal due to the music being extreme, not due to lyrics being extreme.

I honestly think it is. Because it's the only reason I don't like most of the extreme metal bands. So I would say the lyrics are a part of what makes the extreme metal what it is. And yes of course the music itself is extreme. But the lyrics are usually as well...
02.11.2016 - 15:19
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 15:14


I honestly think it is. Because it's the only reason I don't like most of the extreme metal bands. So I would say the lyrics are a part of what makes the extreme metal what it is. And yes of course the music itself is extreme. But the lyrics are usually as well...

According to your reasoning instrumental extreme metal bands won't be extreme metal bands. And most of Slowly We Rot won't be extreme metal.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.11.2016 - 15:24
At best deranged
Written by Karlabos on 02.11.2016 at 14:43

I guess because she likes the music? =p
There are lots of things I don't agree with in extreme metal lyrics as well. Hell, if you listen to grindcore or death metal because you actually relate to the lyrics you are a goddamn psycho... But will that make me stop listening to it? Nah... I don't even understand what's being said. They could all just hurl random syllabes instead of making any sense and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It suits the music though... So it's ok.

I still find it kinda weird that people listen to certain music when they hate the lyrics. There are those who don't mind the lyrics and like the music but I think if someone really hated the lyrics or is really offended by it, they wouldn't be listening to it in the first place.

Though I have to be honest and say that I'm quite nitpicky when it comes down to lyrics in a song, so that might just be me.
02.11.2016 - 15:39
At best deranged
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.11.2016 at 15:19

Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 15:14


I honestly think it is. Because it's the only reason I don't like most of the extreme metal bands. So I would say the lyrics are a part of what makes the extreme metal what it is. And yes of course the music itself is extreme. But the lyrics are usually as well...

According to your reasoning instrumental extreme metal bands won't be extreme metal bands. And most of Slowly We Rot won't be extreme metal.

Okay tell me... where did I say the music that extreme metal bands play isn't extreme? Because I don't remember saying that tbh. Now you are just assuming things... I never said the vocals and lyrics are the only extreme thing about extreme metal. I said "they are a PART of it".

Your analogy with instrumental bands is weird tbh. Instrumental bands are just leaving out one part of the mix out of it and focus more on the other parts. What you are saying is like saying an Iron Maiden song like for instance Losfer Words isn't an Iron Maiden song because it doesn't have the high pitched vocals of Bruce Dickinson on it.

But if you ask someone to describe Maiden there's a 99.99% chance they will at some point say "high soaring vocals". It has become a part of their sound. Just like extreme metal bands that use lyrics in their songs usually have extreme lyrics. And those lyrics have become a part of the genre.
02.11.2016 - 15:53
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 15:39

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.11.2016 at 15:19

Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 15:14


I honestly think it is. Because it's the only reason I don't like most of the extreme metal bands. So I would say the lyrics are a part of what makes the extreme metal what it is. And yes of course the music itself is extreme. But the lyrics are usually as well...

According to your reasoning instrumental extreme metal bands won't be extreme metal bands. And most of Slowly We Rot won't be extreme metal.

Okay tell me... where did I say the music that extreme metal bands play isn't extreme? Because I don't remember saying that tbh. Now you are just assuming things... I never said the vocals and lyrics are the only extreme thing about extreme metal. I said "they are a PART of it".

Your analogy with instrumental bands is weird tbh. Instrumental bands are just leaving out one part of the mix out of it and focus more on the other parts. What you are saying is like saying an Iron Maiden song like for instance Losfer Words isn't an Iron Maiden song because it doesn't have the high pitched vocals of Bruce Dickinson on it.

But if you ask someone to describe Maiden there's a 99.99% chance they will at some point say "high soaring vocals". It has become a part of their sound. Just like extreme metal bands that use lyrics in their songs usually have extreme lyrics. And those lyrics have become a part of the genre.

Sorry, I misunderstood you in the case of lyrics then.

As for your Iron Maiden to my instrumental extreme music comparison... I was saying that acoording to me insturmental extreme metal bands are still extreme metal bands. Because it is about the music making something extreme and not the lyrics.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.11.2016 - 16:02
At best deranged
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.11.2016 at 15:53

Sorry, I misunderstood you in the case of lyrics then.

As for your Iron Maiden to my instrumental extreme music comparison... I was saying that acoording to me insturmental extreme metal bands are still extreme metal bands. Because it is about the music making something extreme and not the lyrics.

Yes, and I do agree with that the music itself is definitely extreme. It has to be. What I was trying to say is that usually when you listen to an extreme metal band that uses lyrics in their songs, you expect them to be extreme lyrics. That's all.

Of course you can make extreme music without lyrics. I actually like instrumental extreme music a lot more than the extreme music with lyrics in them.
02.11.2016 - 21:00
Written by Karlabos on 02.11.2016 at 14:43

Written by tominator on 02.11.2016 at 12:31

What baffles me though is that the person who wrote the article says she likes extreme metal but then makes a huge argument as to why it's sexist. If you think it's sexist then I can't understand why you would like those forms of metal?

I guess because she likes the music? =p
There are lots of things I don't agree with in extreme metal lyrics as well. Hell, if you listen to grindcore or death metal because you actually relate to the lyrics you are a goddamn psycho... But will that make me stop listening to it? Nah... I don't even understand what's being said. They could all just hurl random syllabes instead of making any sense and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It suits the music though... So it's ok.

Anyway yeah, Ganondox saying your opinion doesn't count because you are a man is at least... Interesting. I wonder what a man like him is doing commenting on a thread about sexism then? =D

Yes, my opinion on most of this means jackcrap. It's not specifically being a man which makes ones opinion garbage, it's discussing an issue that has never been an issue for you personally. It's like if you don't have an allergy, your opinion on the value of allergy warnings is garbage compared to that of those who actually have allergies. So if you have no problem with lyrics, you're in no place to talk about those who DO have a problem with the lyrics, for whatever reason. In this case being a woman matters is because the women experience harassment in a way men typically don't, and that in turn effects their relationship with the genre.
02.11.2016 - 23:58
Written by Ganondox on 02.11.2016 at 21:00

Yes, my opinion on most of this means jackcrap. It's not specifically being a man which makes ones opinion garbage, it's discussing an issue that has never been an issue for you personally. It's like if you don't have an allergy, your opinion on the value of allergy warnings is garbage compared to that of those who actually have allergies. So if you have no problem with lyrics, you're in no place to talk about those who DO have a problem with the lyrics, for whatever reason. In this case being a woman matters is because the women experience harassment in a way men typically don't, and that in turn effects their relationship with the genre.

So if you are not an immigrant, you're opinion on the subject is useless? Or can't voice against police brutality if you didn't get beaten up by cops? Or about racism if you never got discriminated because of race?

That's a close minded point of view. You can perfectly understand an issue without being affected by it (empathy?) or be knowledgeable through acquaintances. Otherwise you end up with people who build their rhetoric solely on personal experience, appropiating themselves of the issue, which leads to retarded bias and no possible discussion.
03.11.2016 - 00:07
Account deleted
Yeah that sounds like "check your privilege" SJW talk to me, Ganandox. Your opinion now means less because you just made a terribly egregious point, not to do with your genitals or what you have and haven't experienced. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you'll make a valid point on sexism, similarly to how a man can make a well informed and reasoned comment about it too.
03.11.2016 - 07:14
Maybe I'm just saying stupid crap because I'm annoyed because I found the reaction to the article to the be the stupidest thing ever, just a guy rambling about the article despite the fact it didn't concern him at all and she actually covered pretty much all the points he brought up and whatnot, but I'll maintain that at least most men's opinion on an article like that is worthless because it's so uninformed.

Written by Vombatus on 02.11.2016 at 23:58

Written by Ganondox on 02.11.2016 at 21:00

Yes, my opinion on most of this means jackcrap. It's not specifically being a man which makes ones opinion garbage, it's discussing an issue that has never been an issue for you personally. It's like if you don't have an allergy, your opinion on the value of allergy warnings is garbage compared to that of those who actually have allergies. So if you have no problem with lyrics, you're in no place to talk about those who DO have a problem with the lyrics, for whatever reason. In this case being a woman matters is because the women experience harassment in a way men typically don't, and that in turn effects their relationship with the genre.

So if you are not an immigrant, you're opinion on the subject is useless? Or can't voice against police brutality if you didn't get beaten up by cops? Or about racism if you never got discriminated because of race?

That's a close minded point of view. You can perfectly understand an issue without being affected by it (empathy?) or be knowledgeable through acquaintances. Otherwise you end up with people who build their rhetoric solely on personal experience, appropiating themselves of the issue, which leads to retarded bias and no possible discussion.

Again you misunderstood what I said. It's if you opinion is uninformed it's useless, and when you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. In this particular context, if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed. Regarding immigration and police brutality, if you're an expert on either of those subjects because you're say a researcher, a police chief, or an immigration official, then your opinion is value, but the average joe's opinion is useless (unless they are a potential victim of police brutality). And back to this situation, if you don't care about metal lyrics, your opinion is going to be of no use to those that do. Obviously things are more complicated than the blanket assumptions I made, but the bottom point is that people have opinions about things that really don't concern them at all, and such opinions aren't really valuable at all.

PS. Based on the comments here, obviously the people I was referring to don't have empathy with regards to the particular issue, and apparently don't have second-hand knowledge either.

Written by [user id=4365] on 03.11.2016 at 00:07

Yeah that sounds like "check your privilege" SJW talk to me, Ganandox. Your opinion now means less because you just made a terribly egregious point, not to do with your genitals or what you have and haven't experienced. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you'll make a valid point on sexism, similarly to how a man can make a well informed and reasoned comment about it too.

Whether you like it or not, privilege is a thing, as people ARE sexist and racist and whatnot. You also completely missed the point of what I was saying (again, it's not that men can't have informed opinions on sexism, it's that there are particular issues which don't really concern men because they just aren't things which are important to men in general (except apparently when women start complaining about them, then it's super important )), so in my opinion your opinion on my opinion can be discarded.
03.11.2016 - 11:14
Account deleted
No, no one here missed your point. Opinions aren't only about concern, they're about understanding, insight and research, as well as empathy. All things which can apply to a person who isn't affected by something directly. A person can also understand something and not care about it.

Also I don't think you know what informed means. You don't have to be woman to understand that sexism is occurring. Your argument is also shaky because a lot of women don't care or don't realise they are the victims of sexism either. i.e. you can experience sexism and not even know it. Your comments boil down to "You're a man so you can't understand" (despite your insistence that it's not). That's the definition of "uninformed." Talking about generalities doesn't save you when your basic points aren't very good.
03.11.2016 - 13:04
Written by Ganondox on 03.11.2016 at 07:14

Again you misunderstood what I said. It's if you opinion is uninformed it's useless, and when you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. In this particular context, if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed. Regarding immigration and police brutality, if you're an expert on either of those subjects because you're say a researcher, a police chief, or an immigration official, then your opinion is value, but the average joe's opinion is useless (unless they are a potential victim of police brutality). And back to this situation, if you don't care about metal lyrics, your opinion is going to be of no use to those that do. Obviously things are more complicated than the blanket assumptions I made, but the bottom point is that people have opinions about things that really don't concern them at all, and such opinions aren't really valuable at all.

I didn't misunderstand, I'm simply pointing out how inconsistent your opinion is. Your theory falls apart from the start, as you pretend that the only way of understanding an issue is suffering from it and thus, anyone who doesn't fall into a certain cathegory can't be informed (---> you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. / if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed). Which is just dumb.

But then you say that Regarding immigration and police brutality, if you're an expert on either of those subjects because you're say a researcher, a police chief, or an immigration official, then your opinion is value? That's illogical as the same can apply to sexism. A man can perfectly be a gender expert (researcher, psychologist, doctor, etc...), thus knowledgeable on the issue. Hell, even I had gender courses during my studies, and have friends who suffered discrimination. I suppose I know something about it. Or I am still uninformed because I have a no vagina?
03.11.2016 - 13:05
He is somewhat right, however, that people are wont to dismiss or underestimate issues that don't concern them personally. I hate "check your privilege" ad hominems, but it would be pretty absurd to deny that, on average, women feel issues of sexism and gender inequality more acutely than men.

It boils down to two things: on the one hand, "opinions" are more or less worthless anyhow, since it's reasoned arguments and empiricism we should be taking into account. The alleged sexism of metal is not a matter of public vote. On the other hand, it's useful to be self-aware and realize that your evaluation of the matter's significance arises from your life experiences, and be less quick to dismiss everything that might not personally concern you.

I think it is plain as day that the metal scene is quite sexist. Personally, I don't care very much, but at least I acknowledge that I probably should care more, and would care if it concerned me. Nobody is responsible for fixing all the world's problems, but everyone is responsible for the conventions they perpetuate themselves. My own approach is not to deny this bullshit, but I'm not much of a do-gooder/SJW either. It is best to point it out, laugh at it a bit, shrug, and do better myself.
03.11.2016 - 13:10
Written by Vombatus on 03.11.2016 at 13:04

I didn't misunderstand, I'm simply pointing out how inconsistent your opinion is. Your theory falls apart from the start, as you pretend that the only way of understanding an issue is suffering from it and thus, anyone who doesn't fall into a certain cathegory can't be informed (---> you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. / if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed). Which is just dumb.

But then you say that Regarding immigration and police brutality, if you're an expert on either of those subjects because you're say a researcher, a police chief, or an immigration official, then your opinion is value? That's illogical as the same can apply to sexism. A man can perfectly be a gender expert (researcher, psychologist, doctor, etc...), thus knowledgeable on the issue. Hell, even I had gender courses during my studies, and have friends who suffered discrimination. I suppose I know something about it. Or I am still uninformed because I have a no vagina?

But... that's exactly what he said. "By default" means "unless there are other qualifications" and "probably" means "on average." I think it is extremely fair to point out that the dumbasses of Metal Storm mostly have very little to contribute to the topic. Not that some of us could not make good points if we set our minds to it, but that a general ballot on whether we think it's sexist or not is pretty worthles, especially given the demographic.

He does generalise too much, I think, but in the other direction: women's personal experiences don't automatically qualify them to comment either. They can report their experiences, and that is crucially important: that's the empirical data we have to go on. But evaluating that data is really a matter of reasoned argument where a person's gender and personal experience affects private judgement but should not factor into the public argumentation.
03.11.2016 - 13:18
^From his posts, it's clear he doesn't mean "on average" as he says any non-female opinion is uninformed (so from an empirical point of view). That establishes a hierarchy on "how valuable is your argument" only based on gender, that I find exceedingly dumb. That's all.
03.11.2016 - 13:19
Account deleted
Written by IronAngel on 03.11.2016 at 13:05

He is somewhat right, however, that people are wont to dismiss or underestimate issues that don't concern them personally. I hate "check your privilege" ad hominems, but it would be pretty absurd to deny that, on average, women feel issues of sexism and gender inequality more acutely than men.

Yeah it's true but it's such generalised point that I didn't really see the point in really making it in the first place as that kind of thinking can really apply to almost anything and can even lead to some iffy thinking. I just think it's important not to fall into dismissive thinking as a result of said generalisation. I think a male perspective is important too as it's often men being sexist in the first place so there's perhaps a tenet of understanding that can only come from men and why we / they do or say such things and how it relates more broadly. I guess you addressed that with your next point though.

It boils down to two things: one the one hand, "opinions" are more or less worthless anyhow, since it's reasoned arguments and empiricism we should be taking into account. The alleged sexism of metal is not a matter of public vote. On the other hand, it's useful to be self-aware and realize that your evaluation of the matter's significance arises from your life experiences, and be less quick to dismiss everything that might not personally concern you.

I think it is plain as day that the metal scene is quite sexist. Personally, I don't care very much, but at least I acknowledge that I probably should care more, and would care if it concerned me. Nobody is responsible for fixing all the world's problems, but everyone is responsible for the conventions they perpetuate themselves. My own approach is not to deny this bullshit, but I'm not much of a do-goodier/SJW either. It is best to point it out, laugh at it a bit, shrug, and do better myself.

Yeah, I didn't really want to admit that here but when it comes to certain matters I don't care either, even though I do understand it can be damaging to women. I would rather preserve artistic expression (even if mutilating women etc. can be regarded as "artistic") over some comparatively trifling issues when there are bigger problems at hand. I'm sure younger generations won't agree though.
03.11.2016 - 13:23
Meat and Potatos
This whole your opinion is worthless because you are not informed on the subject discussion reminds me of those kind of guys who think non musicians can't complain that a band sound bad because they are not musicians and hence can't write anything better
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
03.11.2016 - 13:38
I don't think it's limiting artistic expression to say out loud, "That's pretty stupid man, you probably should think about it and find something better to say." I don't think many people are seriously suggesting legal restrictions or anything of the like. Maybe people will start writing better stuff of their own initiative. Maybe they'll persist in their old ways and gradually lose favor, or maybe the general public fails to pick up the feminist cues and things go on as usual. That's just how cultural taste evolves. Hell, it's even OK to start a metal festival that won't book bands that cross some ideological lines (of misogyny, racism etc.); that's the free market for you.

Most feminist journalism and blogging annoys me, because of the style and because they easily jump from valid points to less obvious conclusions (that arise from their internalised jargon and school of thought more than the topic at hand), but I can't really fault people for speaking out when they think something is fishy. It's the musicians' right to write sexist trash, sure (within legal boundaries; I'm honestly not quite sure about the worst of pronogrind etc.), but it's equally OK to write articles that call it out. I don't understand why people get so hostile about criticism and pull the free speech card, but forget to apply it both ways (not necessarily in this topic, which is surprisingly OK, but in general). It feels like people lash out against critics because as fans, they feel that critique hitting them personally. But that's just nonsense: I have no problem enjoying "problematic" (ugh that word) entertainment and simultaneously admitting it has "problematic" aspects.

Re: Pleasure Slave. I don't think anybody finds it a particularly insidious case of harmful sexism, but I think the very fact ZOMBIES finds it "funny" when it's sung by a woman highlights the inherent (sexist) assumptions about gender. (In whose favor, I don't know - it cuts both ways.) That's usually a good rule of thumb, I think: if you take any scenario and invert the genders, does it seem improbable or ludicrous? If yes, there's probably some deep-set stereotype about the sexes at play.
03.11.2016 - 14:03
Account deleted
I've no issue with critique, as long as it's proportional and reasoned. I think puerile fantasies in pornogrind bands is a very minor issue compared to, say, how women are marketed by record companies etc. which I would say has more real-world tangible effects on women.
03.11.2016 - 14:45
Pvt Funderground
Metal is by far the sexiest music genre. =V
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
04.11.2016 - 05:34
I'm really proud of the conversation my really inane comment inspired.

Written by Vombatus on 03.11.2016 at 13:04

Written by Ganondox on 03.11.2016 at 07:14

Again you misunderstood what I said. It's if you opinion is uninformed it's useless, and when you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. In this particular context, if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed. Regarding immigration and police brutality, if you're an expert on either of those subjects because you're say a researcher, a police chief, or an immigration official, then your opinion is value, but the average joe's opinion is useless (unless they are a potential victim of police brutality). And back to this situation, if you don't care about metal lyrics, your opinion is going to be of no use to those that do. Obviously things are more complicated than the blanket assumptions I made, but the bottom point is that people have opinions about things that really don't concern them at all, and such opinions aren't really valuable at all.

I didn't misunderstand, I'm simply pointing out how inconsistent your opinion is. Your theory falls apart from the start, as you pretend that the only way of understanding an issue is suffering from it and thus, anyone who doesn't fall into a certain cathegory can't be informed (---> you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. / if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed). Which is just dumb.

But then you say that Regarding immigration and police brutality, if you're an expert on either of those subjects because you're say a researcher, a police chief, or an immigration official, then your opinion is value? That's illogical as the same can apply to sexism. A man can perfectly be a gender expert (researcher, psychologist, doctor, etc...), thus knowledgeable on the issue. Hell, even I had gender courses during my studies, and have friends who suffered discrimination. I suppose I know something about it. Or I am still uninformed because I have a no vagina?

I said something stupid that I didn't entirely mean because I was annoyed. I elaborated on things I actually mean. Still, how is " you're talking about subjects you have no experience with it's by default uninformed. / if you're not a woman in the metal scene, you're opinion is probably uninformed" just dumb? By default doesn't mean that's the only option, if means it's the state of things unless something else overrules it. People are by default ignorant on topics, as you need to learn about them. If you have learned about them, you are no longer in the default state. And would you not agree that someone who consistently lives something is probably more knowledgeable about it than an outsider looking in for a moment??

Yes, there are men who are experts are gender issues who know much more about the subject than the average woman. I don't think we have any of those here though.