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New Album Recommendations 2016

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Posted by Alex F, 21.11.2015 - 21:19
I already have quite a few albums to look forward to in 2016, so I figured we'd go ahead and get this thread started. The two so far are the upcoming Ctheilist and Lycus albums. Ctheilist embody all that is great with strange Lovecraftian death metal, while Lycus are an incredibly solid funeral doom outfit.

18.11.2016 - 20:00
China was a neat
Black EP from Poland. Sounds furiously good. Artwork kinda gives me a deja vu of some Daemon worship productions release.

Deus Mortem - Demons Of Matter And The Shells Of The Dead EP

19.11.2016 - 07:52
China was a neat
New doom death album from Xtreem Music. Sounds very very doom-y. Features Dave Rotten from Avulsed on vocals. This is their sophomore record.

Famishgod - Roots Of Darkness

19.11.2016 - 08:19
Pvt Funderground
Black Metal from Iceland, this band is highly influenced by Deathspell Omega. Yeah I know, I'm also getting tired of bands imitating them, but here, there's a different approach to their dissonance. More gently and melodic. I kinda really like it.

Show Me The Wolves - The World They Took Over

Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.
20.11.2016 - 17:40
China was a neat
The only half decent new 2016 release in ages. God, it feels like a decade since I recommended some stuff here. Finally, here's some decent atmospheric black from Portugal. Thankfully leans more towards the bm side and less towards the ambient side.

The Devouring Void - The Devouring Void

21.11.2016 - 06:00
China was a neat
Stoner from Melbourne, Australia. Groovy and very fun riffs.

The Ruiner - The Ruiner

21.11.2016 - 23:57
China was a neat
Legendary pictures officially take marketing to the next level. Greazely good stuff from UK.

Purple Kong - Purple Kong EP

22.11.2016 - 01:15
Can anybody recommend something melodic or/ and clean vocals?
22.11.2016 - 01:29
^Nope, sorry.

I can however recommend some furious cosmic noisy black metal. This is nasty.

Rest of the album not be found on the interwebs me thinks.
22.11.2016 - 18:47
China was a neat
Written by Orphydian on 22.11.2016 at 01:15

Can anybody recommend something melodic or/ and clean vocals?

I don't listen to much clean vocals but these are some melodic stuff I could find in a hurry. I would recommend them in the order below. Can't assure if they will be really melodic in the traditional sense but these are obscure but good albums that was indeed quite melodic to my ears.
22.11.2016 - 22:30
At best deranged
Written by Orphydian on 22.11.2016 at 01:15

Can anybody recommend something melodic or/ and clean vocals?

Iron Mask - Diabolica

One of my favourite records this year tbh. Diego Valdez is a fantastic clean vocalist imo.

Just to give you an idea of what the album is like

23.11.2016 - 12:13
At best deranged
Norwegian Black metal with heavy industrial influences. A bit of a progressive side to it as well. Like I said earlier in this thread I'm not the biggest expert on Black Metal. Usually I'm not a big fan of it. But this record was really nice imo and I thought you guys might want to check it out.

Khonsu - The Xun Protectorate

23.11.2016 - 19:16
Account deleted
Very peculiar avant-garde music laced with jazz, drone, neoclassical, ambient, industrial and a litany of other sounds and approaches. Maybe a bit too varied but I'm liking it a lot anyway as it's a textural journey and then some and is surprisingly well put together. Also that artwork is beyond sublime.

Space crust! Really fun. Shame it's so short.

Oof, another astonishingly gorgeous artwork. Acerbic, violent and angular hardcore driven metal. Again it's all too brief though.

Quasi avant-garde black metal. Really cold sounding and subtly divergent songwriting. First track is a little more out there than the following 2 which is kind of a shame really as it's probably the standout track. Very nice stuff.

One of those raw old school black metal albums I like and not too many others tend to be that interested in. Riffy and the audible bass is a nice change for this style.

23.11.2016 - 20:53
Written by tominator on 22.11.2016 at 22:30

Written by Orphydian on 22.11.2016 at 01:15

Can anybody recommend something melodic or/ and clean vocals?

Iron Mask - Diabolica

One of my favourite records this year tbh. Diego Valdez is a fantastic clean vocalist imo.

Just to give you an idea of what the album is like

indeed. Although I prefered that awesome vocalist from Hordes of the brave album this band doesnt seem to ever lacked good singers or backing vocals. Thx
23.11.2016 - 22:33
At best deranged
Written by Orphydian on 23.11.2016 at 20:53

indeed. Although I prefered that awesome vocalist from Hordes of the brave album this band doesnt seem to ever lacked good singers or backing vocals. Thx

Yeah Goetz Mohre is also a very good singer. I kinda like them both equally tbh.
24.11.2016 - 20:59
China was a neat
One of those fusions that rarely disappoints. Pyschedelic rock/doom from France. Especially love that really stellar title track.

Akasava - Nothing At Dawn

24.11.2016 - 22:03
China was a neat
Wow, this is such a good German progressive doom/death release. Sadly they are on one of the most outdated labels I have ever seen. Not only that they do not have any official store or site, you have to shop their stuff on a weird ebay mail order site or some obscure thing called Metal merchant. Shame as this is such a good release though. Anyway the full thing is here.

[url]Dark Millennium - Midnight In The Void[/url]

25.11.2016 - 01:09
New unearthly trance- Sludge/ drone doom metal for fans of khanate
Season Of Séance, Science Of Silence

Giving my ears a rest from music.
25.11.2016 - 01:28
Droning post punk or something else. Love the drum sound ( which is probably a drum machine). Too bad the vocals are in Italian I think.

Angela Martyr- The November Harvest

Giving my ears a rest from music.
25.11.2016 - 07:45
China was a neat
Written by mz on 25.11.2016 at 01:09

New unearthly trance- Sludge/ drone doom metal for fans of khanate
Season Of Séance, Science Of Silence

New what? That's their 13 yr old debut album.

released July 29, 2003.
25.11.2016 - 19:19
Account deleted
New music dump. Sorry if they were already posted here:

Sad and powerful French black metal debut

Reunion album of an obscure Swedish Death 'n Roll band from the 90s

Classic Manilla Road-style heavy metal.

Clamorous and evil old-school death metal

Super atmospheric Swiss black metal

25.11.2016 - 19:25
Written by 3rdWorld on 25.11.2016 at 07:45

Written by mz on 25.11.2016 at 01:09

New unearthly trance- Sludge/ drone doom metal for fans of khanate
Season Of Séance, Science Of Silence

New what? That's their 13 yr old debut album.

released July 29, 2003.

That was too stupid.
At least it is a nice album
Giving my ears a rest from music.
25.11.2016 - 19:35
China was a neat
Ya sorry for being a dick and quoting it but was just too funny to ignore. All good I hope.
25.11.2016 - 20:33
Written by 3rdWorld on 25.11.2016 at 19:35

Ya sorry for being a dick and quoting it but was just too funny to ignore. All good I hope.

Yeah sure
Giving my ears a rest from music.
26.11.2016 - 05:31
Entropia - Ufonaut

Albums always come along that have me completely enamored, where I think about it all the time, listen heavily, and anyway just make themselves a great presence in my life. I definitely love this album dearly. I think it deserves a grand amount of praise and admiration from the heavy metal community and general music community alike. It's hard to pin down just what you'd call it to someone else, it's surely a mix of psychedelic black, sludge, and shoegazey post metal. Oranssi Pazuzu came out with a stellar album earlier this year within that psychedelic BM world, and it was fantastic, their best work. They've grown with each album and dropped their most forward thinking and expansive yet, but all the while it was still the trademark kind of thing they've been doing. Entropia are a younger band with another studio album aside from this under their belt. But I dunno, I think this album is real special. It is relatively succinct, and it conveys it's psychedelic and alien atmosphere through the heavy, blasting metal throughout. There's not much in the way of extended ambient passages of whacky sound effects and surreal instrumentation you might find in other psych metal contemporaries. It's metal that rarely lets up, but in their compositions is presented it's own unique feel of abstractness. The music is incredibly technical/progressive, with so many original ideas jammed into each track. It never sounds disjointed or clumsy, or erratic like a lot of techdeath might be, with wanly riff after riff played for like a second before moving on. Each idea on this album is presented and continues for pretty much always the perfect amount of time, never dragging on too long or leaving too soon. Breathtaking riffs jam with ease throughout the whole record. The vocals aren't too low or too high in the mix, and are both original sounding in vocal style and modulated very well at the same time. Everything about this is executed perfectly in my opinion. Never a dull moment at all, and such a wonderfully fresh sound within extreme metal. I can't stress enough how much I admire the songcrafting and general musicality/ideas of this album. I would love to see it held in the same light as albums like Gorguts - Obscura, Demilich - Nespithe, Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris, Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God, Deathspell Omega - Paracletus, Disembowelment - Transcendence if the Peripheral, etc etc (all different styles but same sentiment). It's a welcome addition to the music world. 10/10
---- Progressive/experimental black metal Avant-garde drone metal, ambient, noise Experimental raw black metal/noise
26.11.2016 - 14:06
Account deleted
Rather nice proggish black / death thing. Emphasis is very much on atmosphere here with extensive moody clean sections but the whole affair maintains a quality raw edge throughout.

They refer to themselves as progressive melodeath on their FB interestingly. Might be a kernel of truth to that.
26.11.2016 - 20:11
China was a neat
Some death/black thing from Australia. Self labelled as some bedroom project but wasn't sound as shitty as I was expecting it to be. Skimmed a few tracks and it sounds decent really. Also really love that cover.

Convulsing - Errata

27.11.2016 - 07:17
China was a neat
The lame cover and title aside this is a really really solid doom album. Fucking emotional and melodic at times too.

Deathkinds - All That Is Beautiful

27.11.2016 - 14:56
China was a neat
The third and final release of the Subarctic Nocturnes compilation by Hypnotic Dirge records. Available for free in all hq audio formats. Go grab it.

Subarctic Nocturnes: Below The Wilted Grove [Volume III - MMXVI]

28.11.2016 - 12:49
Account deleted
Pretty fucking sweet experimental black metal from Japan. Usually when bands use the "experimental" tag they're usually just incomprehensible noise, but here they've manged to refine it into something interesting, with a variety of sounds and textures. Definitely some Mories' moments on this I'd say, or something comparable at least.

29.11.2016 - 07:11
China was a neat
From the guys that brought you Oaks of brothel. Ta-da! GROK! Nothing steaming yet so go away and come back here on December 16th.

Grok - A Spineless Descent
