The Metal Storm Awards 2008 - Discuss
Posts: 133
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Posted by Lucas, 01.02.2009 - 17:39
- We cannot nominate every single band, it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid overlooking/not knowing a few bands/albums (Write in votes are there for a reason!)
- We try to make these Awards as broad as possible. Don't like Metalcore? Don't vote but simply ignore the category.
Well, that's about it, I guess. Just think before you post, please.
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
05.02.2009 - 21:34
Oh it's not the job - so much work went into getting everything selected, descripted, proofed, posted, etc that i think it would not be a significant task for the staff to find a way to list all nominees and final tallies. the depressing kicks in when you see some of the albums that are really really good - and you see how little votes they receive in comparison to some more popular but mediocre albums.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
BitterCOld The Ancient One Admin |
05.02.2009 - 21:41 Written by Lucas on 04.02.2009 at 19:49 The amusing thing is some of the staff nominations get bypassed by more popular albums that didn't make the cut. in the '07 Black Metal section, Glorior Belli was one of our nominees (i remember as i wrote the description for it) - but got bypassed by a write-in. Now it's as if it were never even nominated or given the recognition it deserved.
---- get the fuck off my lawn. Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
06.02.2009 - 03:21 Written by BitterCOld on 05.02.2009 at 21:41 Speaking of the description write-ups, I'd really like to know who did a lot of them this year, they were far more humorous than most years I remember, they cracked me up more than once, especially the ones in "The Best Drama" category. Good work on whoever was doing those.
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
Dangerboner Lactation Cnslt |
06.02.2009 - 03:34
I don't really think that Gaahl coming out of the closet constitutes drama. Usually with drama, there's some sort of dysfunction between members or maybe certain members fighting with some other band/label, but the fact that he just announced that he's gay didn't seem to set Gorgoroth back much. I'm glad the staff didn't include it, but I do have to admit it's still funny to me.
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
06.02.2009 - 03:55 Written by Dangerboner on 06.02.2009 at 03:34 Well put. Besides, gay-Gaahl jokes are almost becoming as over-done as Chuck Norris jokes.
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
06.02.2009 - 07:11 Written by Doc G. on 06.02.2009 at 03:21 All "The Best Drama" one were written by the person you quoted ![]()
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
06.02.2009 - 07:13 Written by Dangerboner on 06.02.2009 at 03:34 And that, sir, is exactly the reason we didn't include. There's nothing dramatic about Gaahl's coming out in our opinion. ![]()
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Dane Train Beers & Kilts Elite |
06.02.2009 - 23:24 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 06.02.2009 at 07:13 Now if Gaahl had eaten his gay lover after sex...or got in a sissy fight with Mr. Lordi...or lead worship at The Flame Within, he might have been nominated.
---- (space for rent)
Visioneerie Urban Monster |
07.02.2009 - 20:22
Call me retarded or whatever, but I'm considering voting for Psycroptic's latest over Decrepit Birth in the death metal category. I just seem to really like their new album, i find they still have that special touch to their sound, i like the vocals, the industrial/post-metal interludes are really cool and the songwriting is still great. That said, my decision's still not made as I have Origin's Antithesis in the back of my head as well.
---- Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
Syk myspace/bonerama |
08.02.2009 - 05:58 Written by Visioneerie on 07.02.2009 at 20:22 You're retarded! ![]()
---- death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon! he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
VPeter |
08.02.2009 - 19:32 Written by Jason W. on 03.02.2009 at 21:19 I myself get very tired of metalheads labeling Gothic Metal all wrong, many metalheads don't even know what Goth music is. Cradle of Filth have nothing Gothic in them, even though they covered "No time to cry" of the Sisters of Mercy. They are Blackened/extreme heavy metal. You seriously don't know ASP? maybe of the difference between the USA and Europe. ASP have been promoted several times a lot by Nuclear Blast and Orkus.
Damnated Churchburner |
08.02.2009 - 22:32
does the staff really think the mars volta is prog metal? : ![]() oh, and another thing. how come you didn't add anything from DSO? they released two fantastic compilations, one decent and one lousy EP? that's 4 releases in total. plus, i thought you guys were in high heavens from Chaining the katelol, well, at least Marcel was.
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
08.02.2009 - 23:01 Written by Damnated on 08.02.2009 at 22:32 I am a post Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice DSO fanboy (more or less) ![]() As for the other ep, that's just a re-release of a song already released a couple of years ago. As for compilations, Manifestations 2000-2001 was a re-release as well. Only Manifestations 2002 could have been considered. Well, I did considered that one and was left totally indifferent about it. But then again, as you know, I don't find any of their work before Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice special at all. Enjoyable, yes, but worthy of a nomination, nope.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Damnated Churchburner |
09.02.2009 - 11:48 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 08.02.2009 at 23:01 that's strange because in 2005 Kenose got nominated, so did other EPs this year, like Jesu's Why Are We Not Perfect etc
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
09.02.2009 - 11:54 Written by Damnated on 09.02.2009 at 11:48 I know Kenose did get nominated as was another one this year. But I think I was the only staff member who is against nominating ep's. But then again Kenose was 36 minutes long whereas Chaining is only a mere 22 minutes long, plus it of course didn't help that Chaining was released in December. Personally I am happy with all the nominations in the black metal category except maybe for Darkthrone, but then again I have never really enjoyed Darkthrone at all.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Visioneerie Urban Monster |
11.02.2009 - 00:42 Written by Syk on 08.02.2009 at 05:58 Hah yes, i needed someone to speak some sense into me ![]()
---- Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
Konrad Mormon Storm |
12.02.2009 - 02:21
I am having a difficult choice between Testament and Toxic Holocaust...two totally different bands...Testament obviously with a completely "blow away" album...but I'm liking the underdogs... EDIT: Ok...I think everything I know about music is telling me Testament is a much better just doesn't make me want to smash car windows with my old-school skateboard...well it does, just not as much as T.H. - they're getting my vote, because it's THRASH. ![]()
---- Brujerizmo!
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
12.02.2009 - 09:59 Written by Konrad on 12.02.2009 at 02:21 I had the exact same problem! Those were the two stand-out thrash metal albums for me this year (er...last year, sorry). Ended up going with Toxic Holocaust, sure its not as technical as Testament, but its such a fun album, kind of that skater thrash, like Municipal Waste in a way. You voted for Toxic Holocaust or Testament? (I could exactly tell by your post).
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
K✞ulu Seeker of Truth |
12.02.2009 - 18:23
I'm surprised no one wrote in The Reckoning - Counterblast and Outcast - Self-Injected Reality, which, although is not pure Death Metal, fit sinto that category. Two great albums.
---- Savor what you feel and what you see Things that may not seem important now But may be tomorrow R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner Satan was a Backstreet Boy
Konrad Mormon Storm |
13.02.2009 - 19:49 Written by Doc G. on 12.02.2009 at 09:59 I voted for Toxic Holocaust dude...if it was overall best metal album, I would have gone with Testament...but it's a distinct "Thrash" catagory and T.H. makes me want to break more shit when I listen to it. It's the dude from Municipal Waste.
---- Brujerizmo!
Doc G. Full Grown Hoser Staff |
14.02.2009 - 05:09 Written by Konrad on 13.02.2009 at 19:49 Agreed. What dude from Municipal Waste?
---- "I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck." - George Carlin
frontpage Posts: 26 |
19.02.2009 - 11:58
Nice list but either Soulfly or Cavalera conspiracy should have been nominated
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
19.02.2009 - 12:40 Written by frontpage on 19.02.2009 at 11:58 Well counting the staff votes for that category neither one got in the staff top 10, therefore no nomination. But of course you can always use the write-in vote option.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Daggon Underpaid M.D. |
20.02.2009 - 06:50
I'm very curious about the drama section of this awards jaja there were a lot of funny dramas last year (just read the write-in votes jaja) who writes the description for each one? Those are great, jaja like the one about Glen Benton. I voted for the one about Rhapsody (they are my boys hehe I had to vote for them). Many of my votes are done but there are categories where maybe I won't vote because of my ignorance in the genre (like the stoner or the avantgarde category), I hope the next year I'll give a try to some other categories. I'm also curious about the cover section, I did not have idea of how many covers were made this year and some of them are great, sadly I discovered this band "Combo de la Muerte" this year thanks to Jeff's review, they have awesome cover songs (in latin jazz!!!). But there were other great covers like the ones of Van Canto or that funny cover song of the TMNT theme song made by Bonded By Blood.
---- "Les vers savent qu'ils n'ont pas d'ailes, c'est pour cela qu'ils se cachent sous terre"
Hamird Lieutenant |
20.02.2009 - 16:16
Yes, the Drama section is interesting. I voted for Metalstorm vs Wikipedia basically because the text is funny way of describing.. But some of write-in-votes are very similar to Celebrity Gossips rather than Drama.. And also I can't find the dramatic point of leaving the stage by Annette Olzon..
Konrad Mormon Storm |
20.02.2009 - 19:16 Written by Doc G. on 14.02.2009 at 05:09 I thought he was in MW but apparently he's not. Maybe the bands have just toured together or something because they are definitely associated.
---- Brujerizmo!
Syk myspace/bonerama |
22.02.2009 - 06:04 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.02.2009 at 12:40Written by frontpage on 19.02.2009 at 11:58 Which category's that? ![]()
---- death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon! he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
22.02.2009 - 13:45 Written by Syk on 22.02.2009 at 06:04 Soulfly - Conquer is from 2008 as is Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted. What is this Negligence release you're talking about?
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Syk myspace/bonerama |
23.02.2009 - 02:51 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 22.02.2009 at 13:45Written by Syk on 22.02.2009 at 06:04Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.02.2009 at 12:40Written by frontpage on 19.02.2009 at 11:58 I know the releases. Your earlier post referred to "that category" but neither you nor he actually stated a category. In the thrash write-ins someone wrote Negligence but it doesn't belong.
---- death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon! he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
Bararey Winter is Coming Elite |
23.02.2009 - 03:55
---- "Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died." Ser Jorah Mormont