Ideas and suggestions
Posts: 699
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Posted by BitterCOld, 24.08.2011 - 20:00
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
09.03.2012 - 16:41 Written by [user id=35732] on 09.03.2012 at 16:29 While submitting news.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
09.03.2012 - 17:25 Written by [user id=35732] on 09.03.2012 at 16:43 It's been a while since I've come across a case of laziness quite like this one. ![]()
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
09.03.2012 - 17:35 Written by Troy Killjoy on 09.03.2012 at 17:25 Quite honestly yes but more importantly to's very pissy when bands are not tagged and in further checking it out...turns out to be that...they're mentioned in CAPS LOCK. ANYWAYS, I'LL TRY TO KILL MY LAZINESS................ OH CRAP! I BROKE MY CAPS LOCK KEY NOW :/
vezzy Stallmanite |
09.03.2012 - 22:10 Written by Cynic Metalhead on 09.03.2012 at 17:35 You broke your Caps Lock key by pressing it once? Goddamn, it's fragile as fuck.
---- Licensed under the GPLv3. Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
10.03.2012 - 06:40 Written by vezzy on 09.03.2012 at 22:10 You know it was about to wreck and last evening It viciously pops out. RIP OLD CAPS LOCK KEY. I think this new one just looking good and works better.
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
12.03.2012 - 18:32 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted
Here's some suggestions that came in my mind after the past year in MS. I don't think if these are even possible now, but dreams never die ![]() 1- New categories for albums: We have the albums divided into: Studio, EP's, Live, DVD, Compilations, Singles, Demos, VA and Boxset. What about categories for "Splits" (common in grindcore bands), "Downloads" (Legal, of course! Some bands has the tradition of releasing single albums for downloads) and "Collaborations" (This should make things easy in the thread of Metallica & Lou Reed - Lulu). Also, it cames into my mind one category for "Unreleased". There's some albums featured that were never released, most times demos, but I think it won't fit the website. 2- Yeah, feature the "Alternative Versions"! Adding information under the "Alternative versions" box of the albums aren't enough. Many albums features totally different tracklist (Whitesnake/1987, for example) and most times even alternative covers. My idea was kinda of a "box". The album displayed when you first click the discography will be the default one. Then, you can click left/right and the site show the alternative/remaster version with the alternative cover, if it exist. This would be great in the Iron Maiden discography, because almost every album has remaster re-releases. 3- More info for the albums: The "most relevant" album always has information about "Producer/Place/Studio/Label.." and many other informations about the production in the alternative info box. This is quite wrong, eh? Why not a special box for these informations? We can even, for example, click "Metal Blade records" and the site redirect the user to another page with the label bands/albums. 4- Rate songs: We rate albums, why not songs? It would be good to have a "top 1000 songs of all time" or "top 400 songs of the decade", similar to the "top 200 albums of all time" and so on... This could even be displayed in the user profile: instead of "recent favorites", we could have both "recent favorite albums" and "recent favorite songs". 5- More information in the profile: This one would be the best ![]() Favorite bands: [Childhood] Iron Maiden Mercyful Fate Ozzy Osbourne Van Halen [Good Younger bands] Priestess System Of A Down Equilibrium The possibilities are vast. However, this could be done without repeating the same band in more than two categories, and initial band page still show in the same way, only "fans ([number of fans])". END! I hope that some of these ideas help the site in something on the future. ![]()
13.03.2012 - 15:43 Quote:Written by [user id=114505] on 12.03.2012 at 18:32 Just add it in the additional info. And the rest you're just stealling from MA ![]()
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
13.03.2012 - 18:50 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted Written by [user id=35732] on 12.03.2012 at 19:03 Well: 3- I made a little mistake. It's additional info, not additional releases. Just one field to type alternative releases, producer information and everything else is too confuse, sometimes. Just open a new field only for these production stuff, and not mix then in the additional info! Sometimes, we have too many additional info... About the label link, yeah. It's already in the band profile, but when the user click the label name, it leaves you to nowhere. It could leave the user to an page with all the band/albums by that label. Oh yeah! And one option for add the label for timeline would be great. One band always has many past labels. 4- Guess what? You are right. 5- Not so many space. Hm... And 'fill-in-slots' is more "pretty". Too messed up is bad.
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
13.03.2012 - 19:06 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted Written by Boxcar Willy on 13.03.2012 at 15:43 1- Thanks! 2- No, never! I am not talking about "the UK version has two additional songs" or anything "simple" like this. Many albums has a totally different tracklist from country to country, from remaster to remaster and from everything else from everything else. Also, few peoples check the additional info... And the only album I know that has alternative cover is the Rammstein debut, again, few peoples check the additional info box. C'mon, man! This is a revolutionary feature! Oh, I am not stealing anything from anyone ![]()
13.03.2012 - 19:27 Written by [user id=114505] on 13.03.2012 at 19:06 MA=Metal archives. and The additional info is like 3 inches away from the album?? it's almost impossible to not look at it.
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
13.03.2012 - 20:06 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted Written by Boxcar Willy on 13.03.2012 at 19:27 Oh! I thought it was a member... ![]() And hm... First, you need to click on the album. Not everyone do this.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
13.03.2012 - 20:49 Written by [user id=114505] on 13.03.2012 at 20:06 I'm sorry, but some of those suggestions are just awful. And the ones that aren't awful just aren't necessary.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
vezzy Stallmanite |
13.03.2012 - 23:13 Written by Troy Killjoy on 13.03.2012 at 20:49 I didn't understand what the fuck did he say.
---- Licensed under the GPLv3. Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
Branzig |
14.03.2012 - 00:45
Make a way so that you can just type in an album and click "add to my collection/wishlist" or something, instead of having to hand key in each album you own. There may be a way to do this already and I am just to dumb to figure it out, but it'd be a great feature.
---- In Grind We Crust
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
14.03.2012 - 01:02 Written by Branzig on 14.03.2012 at 00:45 Using the search bar at the top-right of the page, click "Album", search the album, then click the little green check mark beneath the album. This will add it to your collection, but you have to edit the date purchased if you so desire.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Branzig |
14.03.2012 - 01:18 Written by Troy Killjoy on 14.03.2012 at 01:02 Oh....I am just an idiot ![]() Disregard and Thanks!
---- In Grind We Crust
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
14.03.2012 - 18:30 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted Written by Troy Killjoy on 13.03.2012 at 20:49 You don't need to be sorry, after all, it's just my opinions ![]()
Edmund Fogg |
15.03.2012 - 16:34
Mayby Acategory in the Forum for Guest Reviewers to post their reviews and have feedbacks by Staff/Elite before it gets "officially" published on the site. This woulsd assure a certain level of quality to the reviews and could also help others understand better what one need to write a succesfull review. (Or mayby proof-reading does just that)
---- You cannot sedate all the things you hate - MM The Observer is the source of reality - Bloom God damn it!! What did Diddy didn't do? - Satan
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
15.03.2012 - 16:46 Written by Edmund Fogg on 15.03.2012 at 16:34 That it does. "Poor" reviews will always be published because we don't critique them as if they're front-page quality. Not that we assert ourselves as some journalistic entity capable of judging others' ability to write, but guest reviews are given a lot more leeway in terms of style and quality.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
theFIST |
18.03.2012 - 16:40
Can you please add settings for what should be displayed in the updates? i don"t want bio updates to be displayed, they are simply annoying but i do want to get all the other updates for the bands i added to my favourites
---- Written by Warman on 07.11.2007 at 22:39
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
18.03.2012 - 16:47 Written by theFIST on 18.03.2012 at 16:40 PM Ivan, as he likely won't see this. That way you get a direct response.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
theFIST |
18.03.2012 - 16:58 Written by Troy Killjoy on 18.03.2012 at 16:47 thank you for that suggestion, will do
---- Written by Warman on 07.11.2007 at 22:39
28.03.2012 - 14:43
Can there be a way to add attatchments to a PM?
Ivor Staff |
28.03.2012 - 14:52 Written by Boxcar Willy on 28.03.2012 at 14:43 No, use e-mails for that. I.
28.03.2012 - 14:54 ![]()
Tiago Rocha Dark Lighthouse |
08.04.2012 - 19:16
Well i dont know if this has already been suggested or not, i'll take the chance either way. it would be nice to be possible one chose/search albuns from a single list of the ones that won the MS awards staff picks. That way, it'd be much easier to have access to all those staff picks without serching them all over the bands discography's pages or in the articles lists. And it could also be done for the staff picks each staff member usually do, giving access to all staff picks at once.
14.04.2012 - 03:07 Written by [user id=35732] on 13.04.2012 at 23:14 Wow, these would be great! +1
tyrfing Posts: 3 |
14.04.2012 - 23:28
psykometal A staff guy... Elite |
15.04.2012 - 00:50 Written by tyrfing on 14.04.2012 at 23:28 This is already possible. When you go to the album's page there are 5 colored hyperlinks directly under the album art; the 3 on the right allow you to specify I have it!, Just got it recently or Add to my wishlist.
---- ~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~
tyrfing Posts: 3 |
15.04.2012 - 03:47 Written by psykometal on 15.04.2012 at 00:50 Oh, thanks for pointing that out. May I suggest then to have real text hyperlinks in addition to the icons (just like Edit album, Add review, etc.)