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Posted by Elodie Artour, 09.06.2008 - 16:12
Hey, guys! Don't you think it's high-time someone started a new topic about one of my favourite (and not only mine, actually) bands - Nightwish?

I adore them - both with Tarja and with Anette!

Well, I think there is not much for me to say, as I've already written most of the things I've wanted to.

So, feel free to discuss things, related to the topic 'Nightwish'.

P.S.: No arguing and offensing, please! Long ago, there have been rules added, which are meant to show what's not to do on this forum.
17.11.2008 - 16:30
Account deleted
Hope it's will be AO
But more coolest will be fight with Tuomas and Tarja
17.11.2008 - 18:16
Elodie Artour
The whole thing which has happened in Belo Horizonte is weird... I watched a fan made video on YouTube with Anette singing, starting to cry and leaving the stage. I even don't know what exactly to say. It's totally unprofessional but sometimes, such things happen to everyone and they cannot just avoid them. However, most of the apologies and the explanations were useless or simply hilarious. It was neither because of the smoke, nor because of the audience shouting swears at Anette and showing her some gestures. (Some people, who were on that gig, explained on YouTube that the fans were only shouting: "Anettchu" or something like that which is the Portuguese form of her name. LOL )

Anyway, I don't think we shouldn't discuss this situation but we just shouldn't go too far. Guys, it's not like Nettan has been fired or something like that. So, let's focus on NW's future work. I really hope such things won't happen to the band soon...
Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
18.11.2008 - 14:42
Account deleted
Future nightwish will propably sound even more ABBA. they should fire anette and get an opera vocalist instead.
18.11.2008 - 14:54
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Elodie Artour on 17.11.2008 at 18:16

The whole thing which has happened in Belo Horizonte is weird... I watched a fan made video on YouTube with Anette singing, starting to cry and leaving the stage. I even don't know what exactly to say. It's totally unprofessional but sometimes, such things happen to everyone and they cannot just avoid them. However, most of the apologies and the explanations were useless or simply hilarious. It was neither because of the smoke, nor because of the audience shouting swears at Anette and showing her some gestures. (Some people, who were on that gig, explained on YouTube that the fans were only shouting: "Anettchu" or something like that which is the Portuguese form of her name. LOL )

Anyway, I don't think we shouldn't discuss this situation but we just shouldn't go too far. Guys, it's not like Nettan has been fired or something like that. So, let's focus on NW's future work. I really hope such things won't happen to the band soon...

Sorry but a lot of people in school say, you shood cut hair, you look like wimp or jerk, whatever, girls say you never have gf, sex tch if you wont cut hair, and I dididnt, and never cried because people say such thinks, so Anette shood do same , its her problem , she was to week
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
18.11.2008 - 16:16
Written by Bad English on 18.11.2008 at 14:54

Sorry but a lot of people in school say, you shood cut hair, you look like wimp or jerk, whatever, girls say you never have gf, sex tch if you wont cut hair, and I dididnt, and never cried because people say such thinks, so Anette shood do same , its her problem , she was to week

What the eff is this post doing here? Anette shoooood cut hair because she looks like jerk? Sex tch? Fuckthewhat?!

Written by [user id=35853] on 18.11.2008 at 14:42

Future nightwish will propably sound even more ABBA. they should fire anette and get an opera vocalist instead.

Abba is one of the best bands of the music of 70ies. Their songs are well-mastered and can be considered classic without a question, the bandmembers were professionals and they did coin an era. Their music is professionally composed and it takes a learned singer to perform it. We ain't speaking of some pop music here. Abba belongs to a lot higher level. It's a matter of pride that Nightwish has a vocalist who has performed Abba's works and who is able to do so. This shows some quality.

Now that I have heard Anette performing the songs of the band (both new and old), I say that this path is fine, Tuomas's decision is right and I would see no opera vocalists performing in Nightwish any more (except in choir)...
18.11.2008 - 16:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ernis on 18.11.2008 at 16:16

Written by Bad English on 18.11.2008 at 14:54

Sorry but a lot of people in school say, you shood cut hair, you look like wimp or jerk, whatever, girls say you never have gf, sex tch if you wont cut hair, and I dididnt, and never cried because people say such thinks, so Anette shood do same , its her problem , she was to week

What the eff is this post doing here? Anette shoooood cut hair because she looks like jerk? Sex tch? Fuckthewhat?!

Written by [user id=35853] on 18.11.2008 at 14:42

Future nightwish will propably sound even more ABBA. they should fire anette and get an opera vocalist instead.

Itys nothing to do whit her hair, I just sad she shood be ready and strong that people schout/scream Tarja, Tarja misunderstood me

I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
18.11.2008 - 23:56
Is it possible to have a discussion about nightwish where Anette and Tarja are not mentioned or referenced for 5 minutes?!?! There are other aspects of the band besides the vocalist...
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
19.11.2008 - 23:09
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Hrothdane on 18.11.2008 at 23:56

Is it possible to have a discussion about nightwish where Anette and Tarja are not mentioned or referenced for 5 minutes?!?! There are other aspects of the band besides the vocalist...

There many aspects but vocals are important and keyboard sto, I liked more band when it was more whit out keyboards how now, like song The Carpenter and Over The Hills And far Away such not where you hear keyboards so offen
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.11.2008 - 02:22
Written by Hrothdane on 18.11.2008 at 23:56

Is it possible to have a discussion about nightwish where Anette and Tarja are not mentioned or referenced for 5 minutes?!?! There are other aspects of the band besides the vocalist...

You are right man but you know, the vocalist is what makes this band...Tarja was to important! She defined the songs with her vocals.

For me there are 2 Nightwishs (era's). One with Tarja (Nightwish) and One with Britney Spears, sorry i mean Anette, ofcourse (a band who sounds very very very much like Nightwish).

Although they are all great musicians and still a good live act......Nightwish is not Nightwish anymore. The epic, dramatic yet powerfull opera vocals are GONE completely. I dont listen to it anymore......
"So you children of the world, listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in spread the words today
Show the world that love is still alive you must be brave
Or you children of today are Children of the Grave."
20.11.2008 - 02:48
Erotic Stains
The Anette vs Tarja topic will last forever. Just see how long people were bitching about Blaze Bayley in Iron Maiden.
20.11.2008 - 03:09
Written by BrightNight on 20.11.2008 at 02:22

Written by Hrothdane on 18.11.2008 at 23:56

Is it possible to have a discussion about nightwish where Anette and Tarja are not mentioned or referenced for 5 minutes?!?! There are other aspects of the band besides the vocalist...

You are right man but you know, the vocalist is what makes this band...Tarja was to important! She defined the songs with her vocals.

For me there are 2 Nightwishs (era's). One with Tarja (Nightwish) and One with Britney Spears, sorry i mean Anette, ofcourse (a band who sounds very very very much like Nightwish).

Although they are all great musicians and still a good live act......Nightwish is not Nightwish anymore. The epic, dramatic yet powerfull opera vocals are GONE completely. I dont listen to it anymore......

I understand where you're coming from, and I would be the last person to dismiss the importance of the vocalist. Its just that for the last 4 years all people have done is talk about Anette vs. Tarja and other aspects of the band are never discussed. Am I so out of line to ask for a discussion that doesn't break down into meaningless partisanship?

I for one am glad they picked a vocalist that sounds nothing like Tarja. This Nightwish is not the same, nor did they have any intention of keeping it the same. Old Nightwish was all about Tarja; everything else was a secondary consideration. In new Nightwish, its no longer just "look at how amazing our lead singer is," which can only lead to better music overall in the long run.

Frankly, it took me years to get around to buying Dark Passion Play b/c I wasn't impressed with Anette's vocals after hearing a couple songs. When I finally got the album, I was pleasantly surprised. Dark Passion Play is one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) Nightwish albums because while the female vocals aren't as good, everything else seems better to me. It also helps that I'm a huge fan of Marco...

I'm just trying to get people to take a look beyond the Anette vs. Tarja argument. If you can look at the music a little more objectively and still don't care for it, more power to you. Tarja has her own concerts in which she plays Nightwish songs. You can go to her concerts, and I'll go to Nightwish's.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
22.11.2008 - 13:29
狼獾 Here's an interview by Anette to MTV Brazil, supposedly taken on November 12th or 13th in which she also mentions "Middle fingers from first shows"....
Gladly enough, seems Anette has taken herself together now....
24.11.2008 - 01:11
Account deleted
I really love the old stuff to, it will always be the band that showed me the way to the metal world...
But I really don't like Anette, it has nothing to do with that I can't "get over" Tarja, but she is sooo mainstream...oh my...but the songs I've heard I'd love if her voice was removed..

The islander is awesome, that is SO folk that ypu can't not love it...and his voice!! oh my, that's amasing...

But well, that's just my opinion...
24.11.2008 - 01:58
Account deleted
I'm also an "old Nightwish" fan. For me that was the real one and not because of Tarja. It had a magic. And if we're talking about Anette... so... I can rather imagine her in another band not in Nightwish. I understand that they had problems with Tarja but now their magic has broken and they are no more "the Nightwish". In my opinion, they should have given another name to the band... However, I really like their Seven Days To The Wolves song.:)
24.11.2008 - 02:00
Written by [user id=36061] on 24.11.2008 at 01:11

I really love the old stuff to, it will always be the band that showed me the way to the metal world...
But I really don't like Anette, it has nothing to do with that I can't "get over" Tarja, but she is sooo mainstream...oh my...but the songs I've heard I'd love if her voice was removed..

The islander is awesome, that is SO folk that ypu can't not love it...and his voice!! oh my, that's amasing...

But well, that's just my opinion...

If you really like Marco's voice, you should DEFINITELY check out his band Tarot. You might also like Delain. They are a gothic metal band with a female singer, and on their debut they have Marco providing back up vocals on a lot of the songs.
Despair is death, and I'm not interested in dying.

Member of the True Crusade against True Crusades
24.11.2008 - 02:38
Account deleted

Thanks a lot
Always good to get some new music to consider, I didn't even know he had his own band, but that'll just give me some more ear-candy...
24.11.2008 - 20:04
Oh well....first of all....Delain is more of a symphonic act than a goth ensemble....

Tarot is decent power metal...Marco is a fine vocalist indeed....

And the "magic" of Nightwish broken? The's sad actually...because of Nightwish the use of operatic vocals is so effing boosted up that people label every band that uses/has used it "goth" not to speak of the thing that people call a band "not metal/not goth" if it quits using operatic vocals....
Anette has all the possible qualities of sounding like a rock/heavy/goth vocalist.....gothic style is not determined by the vocals and, well...Nightwish ain't even gothic but just symphonic power....may Anette take the orientation towards such strong female vocalist such as Doro which will suit symphonic power metal'll also be something decent regarding the sad fact that there's plenty of symphonic groups mushrooming out there with operatic female leads in fancy dresses.....if to think now....if Nightwish wouldn't have fount Tarja 10 years ago but would've instead found a female rock singer or even a male lead in the first place.....guess people would be whining bout other kind of "magic" now.....

I saw another video now bout Come Cover Me.....I have to agree with what I read out from some comments....take this particular song....with Tarja, Come Cover Me was just another song from Wishmaster....with's a nice powerful catchy song....and if you take it this way, then you start to look back to Tarja's version and find more interesting places in that song that you didn't notice in the first place.....

To be honest....Nightwish could even make projects with Angela Gossow....I'd be glad to experience some extreme symphonic power metal.....
24.11.2008 - 21:20
Fat & Sassy!
Written by [user id=36054] on 24.11.2008 at 01:58

I'm also an "old Nightwish" fan. For me that was the real one and not because of Tarja. It had a magic. And if we're talking about Anette... so... I can rather imagine her in another band not in Nightwish. I understand that they had problems with Tarja but now their magic has broken and they are no more "the Nightwish". In my opinion, they should have given another name to the band... However, I really like their Seven Days To The Wolves song.:)

A Kind of Magic?
24.11.2008 - 21:39
Account deleted
Just love thier old music i think that is one of the best.
Come Cover Me is a amazing song and Deep Silent
12.12.2008 - 23:42
I recently got their latest album, Dark Passion Play.. Too late, huh? That's because I'm not interested in this music, and the reason I got this album was to hear Annette vocals on Nightwish.. I see some people rant about her, but I really see nothing annoying in her vocals. I think both Tarja and Annette are good vocalists and each of them have their own style in singing.
But generally I see their previous album, Once was much better than the new album in composing the musics. And even Tarja was on the vocals in the same tracks this album wouldn't improved..
19.12.2008 - 18:18
I'm listening to 'Dark Passion Play' right now and I must say (Tarja worshippers, brace yourselves!) I feel that Annette is such a better singer.

Now there is something that always annoyed me with Tarja. Her voice can get very monotone and to be honest, I don't think her voice is that exciting. 'But Sunioj, surely she has one of the best operatic vocals in metal!!' - Nope, disagree. I think Annette has a clearer tone and better range.
19.12.2008 - 18:42
Written by Sunioj on 19.12.2008 at 18:18

I'm listening to 'Dark Passion Play' right now and I must say (Tarja worshippers, brace yourselves!) I feel that Annette is such a better singer.

Now there is something that always annoyed me with Tarja. Her voice can get very monotone and to be honest, I don't think her voice is that exciting. 'But Sunioj, surely she has one of the best operatic vocals in metal!!' - Nope, disagree. I think Annette has a clearer tone and better range.

You are not the only one dude, I agree with you as well and I can't wait for the next album - really want to see how Anette has developed.
19.12.2008 - 19:31
Written by Sunioj on 19.12.2008 at 18:18

'But Sunioj, surely she has one of the best operatic vocals in metal!!' - Nope, disagree. I think Annette has a clearer tone and better range.

At the same time Anette isn't an operatic singer which means she can't be compared with Tarja.....but that's true....Tarja sang in a dry manner often.....Anette tends to add more adornments to her singing and makes live performances interesting by playing with her vocals....that's always a plus if you know to perform in such a manner instead of just coming on stage, singing the given tracks and that'd be all.....

About's and Anette's ranges are also different.....they use different methods when've got falsetto and the chest voice (full vocal chords)....Anette rarely uses falsetto and usually relies exclusively on the chest voice which does make hitting high notes a challenge which is the reason she prefers bringing the melody one octave lower instead of switching to the head voice (Tarja used to sing with her operatic sound...but in case you didn't notice, started using it less often later...)....

Also....Tarja indeed is one of the best operatic vocalists who has contributed to metal but I personally believe she's shadowed by the bright shiny sopranos Lori Lewis and Melissa Ferlaak.....
20.12.2008 - 00:35
Written by Ernis on 19.12.2008 at 19:31

Written by Sunioj on 19.12.2008 at 18:18

'But Sunioj, surely she has one of the best operatic vocals in metal!!' - Nope, disagree. I think Annette has a clearer tone and better range.

At the same time Anette isn't an operatic singer which means she can't be compared with Tarja.....but that's true....Tarja sang in a dry manner often.....Anette tends to add more adornments to her singing and makes live performances interesting by playing with her vocals....that's always a plus if you know to perform in such a manner instead of just coming on stage, singing the given tracks and that'd be all.....

About's and Anette's ranges are also different.....they use different methods when've got falsetto and the chest voice (full vocal chords)....Anette rarely uses falsetto and usually relies exclusively on the chest voice which does make hitting high notes a challenge which is the reason she prefers bringing the melody one octave lower instead of switching to the head voice (Tarja used to sing with her operatic sound...but in case you didn't notice, started using it less often later...)....

Also....Tarja indeed is one of the best operatic vocalists who has contributed to metal but I personally believe she's shadowed by the bright shiny sopranos Lori Lewis and Melissa Ferlaak.....

Well to me it always seems like Tarja is singing at a comfortable level and doesn't really inspire me much, even when she doesn't... still, sounds flat to me. I know that Annette is known as the poppier sounding of the two but I still prefer her voice and I have heard her sing a few operatic parts so its not limited to 'poppy vocals'. I've heard all Nightwish albums so I'm not basing my thoughts on one or two albums
20.12.2008 - 02:41
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Written by Sunioj on 20.12.2008 at 00:35

Written by Ernis on 19.12.2008 at 19:31

Written by Sunioj on 19.12.2008 at 18:18

'But Sunioj, surely she has one of the best operatic vocals in metal!!' - Nope, disagree. I think Annette has a clearer tone and better range.

At the same time Anette isn't an operatic singer which means she can't be compared with Tarja.....but that's true....Tarja sang in a dry manner often.....Anette tends to add more adornments to her singing and makes live performances interesting by playing with her vocals....that's always a plus if you know to perform in such a manner instead of just coming on stage, singing the given tracks and that'd be all.....

About's and Anette's ranges are also different.....they use different methods when've got falsetto and the chest voice (full vocal chords)....Anette rarely uses falsetto and usually relies exclusively on the chest voice which does make hitting high notes a challenge which is the reason she prefers bringing the melody one octave lower instead of switching to the head voice (Tarja used to sing with her operatic sound...but in case you didn't notice, started using it less often later...)....

Also....Tarja indeed is one of the best operatic vocalists who has contributed to metal but I personally believe she's shadowed by the bright shiny sopranos Lori Lewis and Melissa Ferlaak.....

Well to me it always seems like Tarja is singing at a comfortable level and doesn't really inspire me much, even when she doesn't... still, sounds flat to me. I know that Annette is known as the poppier sounding of the two but I still prefer her voice and I have heard her sing a few operatic parts so its not limited to 'poppy vocals'. I've heard all Nightwish albums so I'm not basing my thoughts on one or two albums

I definitly prefer Tarja, but it is true that as an operatic vocalist, sge isn't nearly as good as she could be, and a big [art of her faults is that she sings in a more dry, mono-tone manner. But I just think her voice made Nightwish sound so much more unique, and even though it was dry, I still think that she made some beautiful songs. Sleeping son is a masterpiece, and from a technical aspect Dead Boys Poem is very good actually....but this is all just me. I actually prefer Anette live, she's much better with crowds. I've seen them twice, both times with anette, and she's alot of fun. I think I'll go see them again in march....
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
20.12.2008 - 09:02
Written by Arian Totalis on 20.12.2008 at 02:41

Written by Sunioj on 20.12.2008 at 00:35

Written by Ernis on 19.12.2008 at 19:31

Written by Sunioj on 19.12.2008 at 18:18

'But Sunioj, surely she has one of the best operatic vocals in metal!!' - Nope, disagree. I think Annette has a clearer tone and better range.

At the same time Anette isn't an operatic singer which means she can't be compared with Tarja.....but that's true....Tarja sang in a dry manner often.....Anette tends to add more adornments to her singing and makes live performances interesting by playing with her vocals....that's always a plus if you know to perform in such a manner instead of just coming on stage, singing the given tracks and that'd be all.....

About's and Anette's ranges are also different.....they use different methods when've got falsetto and the chest voice (full vocal chords)....Anette rarely uses falsetto and usually relies exclusively on the chest voice which does make hitting high notes a challenge which is the reason she prefers bringing the melody one octave lower instead of switching to the head voice (Tarja used to sing with her operatic sound...but in case you didn't notice, started using it less often later...)....

Also....Tarja indeed is one of the best operatic vocalists who has contributed to metal but I personally believe she's shadowed by the bright shiny sopranos Lori Lewis and Melissa Ferlaak.....

Well to me it always seems like Tarja is singing at a comfortable level and doesn't really inspire me much, even when she doesn't... still, sounds flat to me. I know that Annette is known as the poppier sounding of the two but I still prefer her voice and I have heard her sing a few operatic parts so its not limited to 'poppy vocals'. I've heard all Nightwish albums so I'm not basing my thoughts on one or two albums

I definitly prefer Tarja, but it is true that as an operatic vocalist, sge isn't nearly as good as she could be, and a big [art of her faults is that she sings in a more dry, mono-tone manner. But I just think her voice made Nightwish sound so much more unique, and even though it was dry, I still think that she made some beautiful songs. Sleeping son is a masterpiece, and from a technical aspect Dead Boys Poem is very good actually....but this is all just me. I actually prefer Anette live, she's much better with crowds. I've seen them twice, both times with anette, and she's alot of fun. I think I'll go see them again in march....

Yeah, its understandable that you'd prefer Tarja. I mean, she was always the icon of Nightwish and I do admit for what its worth, her voice did something special for some of the older classic songs. My favorite Tarja era album will always be Oceanborn. The later had a select few songs that I really enjoyed but I can listen to Oceanborn through and through without being bored.
20.12.2008 - 09:21
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Sunioj on 20.12.2008 at 09:02

Yeah, its understandable that you'd prefer Tarja. I mean, she was always the icon of Nightwish and I do admit for what its worth, her voice did something special for some of the older classic songs....

Like Dead Boy's Poem... frickin' beautiful.
20.12.2008 - 10:38
Written by Arian Totalis on 20.12.2008 at 02:41

I still think that she made some beautiful songs. Sleeping son is a masterpiece, and from a technical aspect Dead Boys Poem is very good actually....

"Sleeping Sun" is indeed a very beautiful song...among the works performed by Tarja "Dead Boy's Poem" and "Swanheart" and also "Ghost Love Score" are the most touching and emotional ones...Whether Anette will or will not perform these in the future, these songs were always and remain perfect in their original versions....
20.12.2008 - 14:12
Dark Cornatus
Written by Warman on 20.11.2008 at 02:48

The Anette vs Tarja topic will last forever. Just see how long people were bitching about Blaze Bayley in Iron Maiden.

Hes not really that hated though is he? He didnt exactly feature on any 'great' Maiden album. The X Factor was alright, but Futureal was full of poor songwriting. Stick him on Brave New World and there would have been a difference. But yes, he didnt fit into Maiden as well as Bruce or Paul.

For those who say, there are two Nightwish's - thats pretty rediculous, the band hasnt even changed dramatically. Tarja already dropped the operatics on Once, and it was half ballads too. It did have most of their heavier work too though. They still were more poppy than before with the singles. Annette just helps with the poppy sound because thats how she sings.
20.12.2008 - 14:23
Written by Dark Cornatus on 20.12.2008 at 14:12

For those who say, there are two Nightwish's - thats pretty rediculous, the band hasnt even changed dramatically. Tarja already dropped the operatics on Once, and it was half ballads too. It did have most of their heavier work too though. They still were more poppy than before with the singles. Annette just helps with the poppy sound because thats how she sings.

You're right here....
To be honest, Tarja has a very "poppy" sound in songs such as "Where Were You Last Night" and they did songs with Tarja which were poppier than "Amaranth".....